Chinese Liberation Force AKA Chinese Remnants

Started by Ravanger, 04-12-2009

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I was just curious to find out what will you do with these guys. I mean I honestly think it would be awesome to be one of these old Chinese ghouls. But in a way they seem they could maybe be a minor faction possibly but they are important considering they were they main enemies to the USA at the time before the shit hit the fan. But there are references in game to them like the old radio signal and the actual Chinese ghouls you fight in game (Fallout3). Also for those of you who have played Point lookout there is a mission you do there involving a Chinese sub and an old Chinese spy there with some other things. Many radio things with them to. Also the dead spies you may find.Also dont forget guys all of these guys are ghouls from long time ago incause you forgot.Most likely each and other one of these guys only speaks chinese

I updated this and added the national anthem.
China's National Anthem

Ranks of the People's Liberation Army

Rank Ideas
These are the ranks of the remaing ghoul soldiers and others. I was thinking it could still be like low ranks but there going to change possible and become a new army. These are mainly positions but could change. I was thinking you could take these into mind Sk and others. This is considering people who are left also some may still be wandering around looking for others. These are just some who have grouped up. There ranks are kind of all scattered and differ but it is saying who is left and managed to group. There are others out there but these guys managed to group. Like there ranks may change considering they may reform with other groups or reform themselves to reform the main Liberation force so Yan will be like the new general or something.
Major: Yan Ao Wei
Captain: Kong Ping Tian
First Lieutenant: Tong Kang Yang
Officer Cadet: Yao Xue Jing
Er Kai Yi

Chyong Me lee Pong(Former Spy)

Niu Shang Tiao
Private First Classes:
Huang Bai Rong
Du Guang Hao

Yang Haren Hao

These could be the 10 original guys to start with and could change depending.

(Also I did not mean to offend or anything like that with the names I got them from things and made them.)


There can't be to many because only a handful of Chinese Ghouls remain.

Silver Knight

The best way to think of them, is that they are going to be like Monolith.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


Well I mean these could be the whole guys in the faction and once someone is pked there is like no replacments. Also there could be others out in the waste that have not grouped. You know what I mean plunger. Also sk what do you mean they will be like monolith?


Quote from: Ravanger on 05-12-2009
Well I mean these could be the whole guys in the faction and once someone is pked there is like no replacments. Also there could be others out in the waste that have not grouped. You know what I mean plunger. Also sk what do you mean they will be like monolith?
I'm going to assume your making a Mama Ducel's.

Silver Knight

Quote from: Ravanger on 05-12-2009
Well I mean these could be the whole guys in the faction and once someone is pked there is like no replacments. Also there could be others out in the waste that have not grouped. You know what I mean plunger. Also sk what do you mean they will be like monolith?

Hating on all the others in the zone, worshipping some false crap, generally having no brain in their head, tainted by radiation and their long life.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


Your kind of right on that part sk. Yeah plunger lol. Actually you could make a place like that in the fallout3 server but it may or may not be Mama Ducels. Depends on how we are areaing the thing. Yeah these faction seems pretty interesting and would be cool to see if actual rp. Since in fallout3 I killed everysingle one of thoose bastards in that place.

killdead 660

+support i like the idea but its kinda Beta/W.I.P

Visit Killdead 660's Signature shop today! :D!/killdead-660's-sig-shop!/


Well that is kind of the point is just to give a idea and see if someone picks up on it. Also I figured I update this. I added a theme song and some more info.

Silver Knight

The Chinese faction will hate everyone in general, although they may be somewhat neutral to some extent. They will be disfigured, and due to their long life, they won't remember much of their past. They will be the monolith of the zone, wondering around, protecting each other and generally trying to survive.

We can probably put in some kind of radioactive plant, which focused on making some material which has granted them long life due to the material going airbourne when the bombs fell.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


Well they are ghouls Sk ghouls can survive for a long time. But I know what you mean about the material stuff. Also I think what if we had some chinese that had been liveing around and family been thriveing threw the wastelands. Do you think they would or might be considered friendly.