Administration applications

Started by streex, 17-12-2008

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In-character name:

Steam friends name:

Steam ID:

Your Country (UK, America, New Zealand etc):

Your Timezone:

Do you have any previous administration/leadership experience and if so, explain where/what/etc:

Why do you want to become an admin?:

Why do you feel we should pick you over somebody else?:


In-character name: Frank Lazar

Steam friends name:Cobra

Steam ID:Steam_0:1:15251953

Your Country (UK, America, New Zealand etc): US

Your Timezone:Pacific standard time

Do you have any previous administration/leadership experience and if so, explain where/what/etc: None.

Why do you want to become an admin?: I would like to keep the server clean and I enjoy to work with people in situations. Such as teaching the new guy.

Why do you feel we should pick you over somebody else?:Well I may be new to being a admin but I feel I would make a good admin I would not let people do random tangent crap. And keep it serious. I have a sense of humor so I wont go booting everyone who issues a joke at me. And I would implement my own three strikes your out system! I obey orders better then the next guy and I will address people properly. I will treat everyone with equal respect and give them my attention when they request it.

(Early application I know...)


In-character name: Zashell Cyar (If accepted into the Brotherhood of Steel)

Steam friends name: Royz

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:9302536

Your Country (UK, America, New Zealand etc): US (San Antonio) Texas

Your Timezone: Central

Do you have any previous administration/leadership experience and if so, explain where/what/etc: Yes, I was an admin of a build server called "Boats that float" owned by my friend. The purpose of the server was to build boats and have ship wars, well eventually someone would join, spawn a huge ass prop, and use his amazing gun of physics to smash in wooden ships and say "LOL 0w|\|E|) n00b" and then thats when a ban was in order. (So many people got banned from the server) But then eventually my friend shut it down for a Darkrp server, thats when I stopped being an admin there.

Why do you want to become an admin?: Simple, so Average Joe would would be able to get his flags without bugging another admin who is currently at work something more important. Also be able to kick/ban those who disobey the rules or cannot roleplay worth shit, but I will give him lessons at first before I even think about banning or kicking someone unjustly. (Also I wish to make more of a contribution to the community.

Why do you feel we should pick you over somebody else?: Well depends who the other person is, I have past experience and something some others may lack (especially in scary movies) common sense. I dont ban someone for killing me, but it would be warning, to kick, and if he still doesn't get it, a ban. I may not be better than the other person if he has more trust or more experience but please consider me (over the million other applications you received.

(Hope it doesnt mean much that I copied and pasted my original application, I can do another if required)

Riley Haven

In-character name: Riley Haven (Might change to Riley "Razor" Haven)

Steam friends name: thofrank or Thorfrank (Streex got me on SF alredy)

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:13376935

Your Country (UK, America, New Zealand etc): Norway

Your Timezone: Um... 1+ PST i think. (Yus it is)

Do you have any previous administration/leadership experience and if so, explain where/what/etc: Yes, used to be admin on a build server to a friend of mine but he changed it to a CSS server whitch I am still admin on.

Why do you want to become an admin?: I want to become admin to keep mingeing at the lowest and to help people have a great time RPing on the server. For example if somebody would need help makeing something I could help, in need of a flag (That has been accepted) and so on.

Why do you feel we should pick you over somebody else?: I got a good sense of humor, I'm not the type of guy that would ban for no reason and that bans whenever I can. I cam be strict when it is needed and if before I WOULD ban somebody I would atleast give them some warning(s) (Depending on what the person has done) before doing it.


In-character name: Eric 'Shade' Entreri

Steam friends name: Judas Iscariot

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:7043537

Your Country (UK, America, New Zealand etc):  AMERRRICCA
Your Timezone: Hmm? I forget.

Do you have any previous administration/leadership experience and if so, explain where/what/etc: Admin on two HL2 based RP servers, Admined a Dark RP, Adminned a CS:S  An I lead Military Faction on the STALKER Server here.

Why do you want to become an admin?: Everyone else stated the reasons a zillion times, improve the server ban minges blah blah blah

Why do you feel we should pick you over somebody else?: Because I am active, and I am Judas.

And my App was short so you didnt hav e to read abunch of useless sef-bragging Shit. You know who i am, you know how i am, decide based off that, not my app writing skillz.

Connor 2.0

In-character name: Connor Xentos

Steam friends name: Connor

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:19028755

Your Country (UK, America, New Zealand etc): US

Your Timezone: EST Standard

Do you have any previous administration/leadership experience and if so, explain where/what/etc: Yes, CnDRP and Freckles Server And some small Communitys

Why do you want to become an admin?: Well, To help the community! i can Improve it by Teaching (Not kicking) Minges how to RP and start to turn them into Good Rpers! I will also Keep it clean of DMers and Bad RPers that are Malcompliant.

Why do you feel we should pick you over somebody else?: Ive rped awhile, I know how to be a admin And roleplay, But its your decision.
"United We Stand, Divided We Fall"

--------FALLOUT ROLEPLAY--------
Connor Xentos - Enclave Applied - Alive

--------MIDEVIL ROLEPLAY--------
Crescent - Elve Bowman - Alive
Connor Xentos - Human Swordsman - Alive

--------REAL LIFE ROLEPLAY--------
Connor Murphy - Police Applied - Alive


In-character name: Gembock hansen

Steam friends name: [HGN]Gembock4"cowboybebop"

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:112585133 14:08 407 0 active

Your Country (UK, America, New Zealand etc): Us

Your Timezone: Pacific

Do you have any previous administration/leadership experience and if so, explain where/what/etc: I have Been Admin in about 6 servers , one was an old server on Gmod 9 , I have been admin on 4 server's for being admin in a certain group. And ive been admin once from my friends server.

Why do you want to become an admin?: So i can help people with there flags ( So they don't whine to other admins ). Ban/kick anyone who is not following the rules. Warn those minges not to use mics , Ban/kick Phys minges.

Why do you feel we should pick you over somebody else?: I will constantly check the forums for new faction App. I don't abuse my admin power's. If anyone try's to blame someone they broke the rule(s) I will check from both side's and see if anyone agree's with the accuser. And i can easily remember any console commands.
Moss--it has the charm of a creeping tune~Even in darkness it still grows.

Why do I love Moss?

I have been asked this question many times. Unfortunately, their is not one easy answer that I can give you.


In-character name: Hazikan Bola

Steam friends name: [жŦ-Яж] Major Fluffy: 5th Fleet

Steam ID: 14915331

Your Country (UK, America, New Zealand etc): America

Your Timezone: GMT Mountain Time

Do you have any previous administration/leadership experience and if so, explain where/what/etc: I do not have administrator experience, but i do have leadership experience. I have lead in many RP's as Head of police and Administrator. I am currently organizing a Group called Tunnel Rats.

Why do you want to become an admin?: So that i can settle Disputes, ban/kick any minges or people who DM, Use my admin powers to help people, and to give out flags to people who need them.

Why do you feel we should pick you over somebody else?: Because even though i dont have admin experience, This would be my first time being an admin. But i promise that i would not be a lousy admin or someone who abuses their powers given to them. i would strive to be the best i could be.


In-character name: King Decay

Steam friends name: Molested Rubber Ducky

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:17511953

Your Country (UK, America, New Zealand etc): America

Your Timezone: Central Time

Do you have any previous administration/leadership experience and if so, explain where/what/etc: I have been a admin on several Dark RP servers, a Super admin on the original RRPX server. I was TA on "The Zone" servers and I am currently Super Admin on both the Fallout Mod gamemode server and Radiation Script Alpha.

Why do you want to become an admin?: I wish to keep the server organized and under control. Roleplay servers tend to be unstable when there is no admin on.
Being admin would also aid me in making special events for the players.

Why do you feel we should pick you over somebody else?: The other person probably doesn't have near the amount of roleplay or administration experience and are joining for the wrong reasons.


In-character name:

Steam friends name: Lt.Friberg

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:14304741

Your Country (UK, America, New Zealand etc): Sweden

Your Timezone: GMT +1

Do you have any previous administration/leadership experience and if so, explain where/what/etc: I was a super admin on "the Hole" Server, a server owed by Andy Vincent. And know I'm co owner and super admin on a server called "2builders2tools".

Why do you want to become an admin?: I want to help minge's and such away from our servers, and i think it would be fun to be a Admin on a RP server, I also have some experience of playing on RP servers and I think I have earned some peoples trust.

Why do you feel we should pick you over somebody else?: I think I could make a good admin, I can take jokes and I don't judge people so fast, I also have some experience of being an admin befor,e how to handle diffrent people.
I will think of they who where left behind "Tharen"

Silver Knight

Sorry folks, apps closed, new ones will be made soon, ive a few policy's to add...

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period