
Started by D33tly, 13-04-2013

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Not sure if this goes here...

I am starting a Chat-RP set in my own made up world. Horray.

QuoteSalthara is an island in the south of the North Sea. The island has mountains and tundras to the north, and plains, forests, and beaches to the south. There are three imperial races on the island, all of which are at ends with each other. There are also many rebel and warbands scattered across the empires and in the lands between them.

The first, and largest empire, is that of the humans. They set their empire up on the eastern shores, creating large trading ports and well guarded roads. The human empire, named "The Cauldrae Empire" after their founder and first Emperor, Frulan Cauldrae the First. Their empire spans the small outcrop island and much of the eastern lands. They continued to march into the other empire's territory, causing them to retaliate with war when they did not heed. The humans continue expanding, fighting their way into Dwarven and Goblin lands.

Their Emperor of the time, James Cauldrae the Second, began many military campaigns against both empires, testing their steel. He lead armies out of their lands into that of the Goblins and Dwarves, fighting alongside the men of The Clarence Empire against their enemies. He was injured and killed in battle, leaving no heir to the throne. The citizens and soldiers were close to panicking, but with the help of his advisors, they created a council of advisors and their heirs to take his job.

The second empire, was that of the dwarves. They used to live in a democratic society, with a council of dwarves. The council was made up of elected representatives, who always seemed to do right for their people. They set up underground tunnels connecting their Mountain Cities to reach each other. Though, after years of peace and prosperity doing this, a single dwarf changed everything.

A dwarf named Olin took power over all the Mountain Cities. challenging each and every council member in battle for power. He used trickery, strength, and luck to take down each council member. In the end, he was the only council member, who had legally claimed all the council member's power. His first decree was to make himself ruler for life, removing voting and many rights of the dwarves.

Olin began militarising the dwarves, creating fighting many fighting automations alongside their newly designed siege cannons. Just as this was happening, the humans began moving into their lands. Using this as an excuse for him militarism and removal of rights, he easily began warring with the humans without even trying to talk things over with their king.

The final empire, if it could be called that, was that of the Orcs. They did not have a standard empire, as it never had any true leader for long. The Orc's empire was crude and cruel, always looking for a fight. Their warlord was the orc who could hold the throne. You could attack the ruling warlord of the time, and if you killed him you were named the new warlord.

-It's open for anyone to join, it will be a persistent world though, so be warned.
-By persistent I mean this: Someone else's character blows up half the island: For you that part of the island is gone, you are all in the same world, going and doing whatever you wish.

-It's solo RP, unless you and another person agree to RP only together, and meet up ICly / create intertwining characters. It's incomplete, will update when finished.

-Post your steam name and ill invite you to a steam group

-Combat is run on a series of rolls (done by me, the GM. Sorry, but mostly since I can't trust people. I have trust issues with people.)

Good luck adventurers, bandits, traders, and wizards. May the dice be forever in your favor.

((Still a WIP))


It doesn't.


First of all. No one can turn the FUCKING MUSIC OFF.

7:42 PM - |HGN-HLSA| Ace: Your clothing is a nice start. You wouldn't have combat boots, those would be confiscated instantly. Same goes for a pair of sunglasses. And on another matter, we have the tattoo. Must you make out the character to be a stereotypical black gang-banger?