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General Discussion => Entertainment Forums => Topic started by: meetdadoom on 01-09-2011

Title: Dies the Fire
Post by: meetdadoom on 01-09-2011
      Dies the Fire is about two stories that intertwine. One is about a former Marine Corps man who is now a private airline flyer. He had the task to fly a rich family to their summer home. Simple and good pay. The flight was going good until The Change. They safelly landed and now realize that all electronics got fried and gun powder does not work.
       The second story is about a Wiccan musician with a deaf 14 year old daughter. She was playing at one of her friends restuarant when all of the sudden the lights turned off. Minutes later a large explosion is heard outside the city. A large plane crashed and firefighters were desperatly trying to drown the fire however, the pumps weren't working.
        The story takes place in 1998 around the Portland, Oregon region. A mysterious flash that fried all electronics and made gun powder stop working has plunged everyone to live like in the Dark Ages. These two survivors have to gather up a group and survive in the apocalypse. With out vehicles, a 30 minute drive seems like ages on foot. The groups encounter raiders, other survivours, and a mysterious figure named The Protector who rules Portland.
      *SPOILER* This is a pretty big book however I liked it. It was a good apocalypse story with alot of detail. My main problem is in the begining, everything seems too convenient. They somehow came across a rodeo family with horses who also know blacksmithing, a fencer, and a bower. All in one week. The Author could have done this way better.
I give the book a 8/10. It was a fun read.