Sigurd Insinius Gregorius [Remade]

Started by Zstan, 07-04-2010

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Two Steps From Hell-Fateful Night(Choir)

Name: Sigurd Insinius Gregorius
Alias: Reaver|Scarecrow. Currently using Reaver.
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Homeplanet: Desertia
Faction: Mercenaries
Position: Group Leader <<< In regards to this, it's a small group, don't whine about it.

Biography: I grew up in a small village outside of Gerian, I can't recall it's name at this moment, but all I know is that it was constantly under attack by raiders and bandits due to it's smallness and having no permanent guard.

Well one day the raiders took everything, and I mean everything! They took our food, our weapons, our water.. It was horrible.

So our Mayor (A worthless fat-ass.) told everyone to gather anyone who could fight and bring them to the town square, he told us "We have nothing left, we need someone who can go to the town Gerian and bring back supplies." he choose me and a another man I like to call "Leo" (he's pretty cool if I say so myself)..we said goodbye to our friends and families, and started walking towards Gerian with little supplies and weapons..

Categorization: Rogue
Favored Enemy: "Meh.."
Favored Weapon: Anything that shoots bullets
Rivaling: Other Merc groups
Current Task: Recruit members.

2 Tavors (Acquired IC)
Mining pick
Pencil & Paper

-Minus the guns