Jacob AlbucarI (Journal)

Started by TurkeyKittin, 07-04-2010

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Age: 37
Gender: Male
Homeplanet: Lunar EE72 (Two years)
Faction: None
Position: Hermit

Biography: I was born on Lunar EE72. I barely remember what it looked like. I was there for only two years.
I had been constantly moving from planet to planet. Solar system to solarsystem, my entire life. Just a few years ago, most
of my family was making a voyage to earth when their star went supernova.Their shuttle was caught in the blast and desinigrated.
Ever since, I had been a hermit. I had recently heard that my brother, Skyler had come around here somewhere, so I went on a hunt.
It took years of looking to actually find him. Well. What's left of him.I have dedicated my life to helping others in need,
and will do all I can to help creatures. (Keep in mind that my biography is constantly changing)

Categorization: Known Initiative (In relation to objective)
Favored Enemy: Anything against objective.
Favored Weapon: Hands, The most powerful tool of all.
Rivaling: Anyone/thing that attempts to destroy/prevent the objective.
Current Task: Watching the Sand Pumas.

Objective: Research all that is possible on the Sand Pumas. Become friend. Protect against hostilities. Help to understand.



JavelinIV BetaII

On the way here, I heard stories about the Pumas. Sand Pumas I heard. Stories of annoyance. Stories of hatred.
That's when it became my plan to help them. I learned they often stole from the town. Many boxes went missing.
|||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| ||| (58)

I was practically deaf by the end of those stories. All fifty eight. Christ.
This planet is so barren. So dry. I hear distant noises so often. I hope I dont have nightmares.

I saw my first Sand Puma! I couldn't believe it! They have three legs. They make the most unbelieveable noises!
And jesus christ their fast! I watched one galloping away holding a box, with an angry man chasing after ..it?..
I hate calling animals its. But I dont know if it's male or female. Or if they even have different genders...
Anyways I need some sleep. I have a plan... I dont know if it will work but I-(Writing stops)

JavelinIV BetaIII

I found a small in to stay at for a little while. I just found a bunch of letters at the edge of the town, rotting away...
My brother, Skyler lives here! Or did... These are months old... Like- The ink is evaporating from the paper even... I'm
still reading them, though they aren't easy to read. But of what I understand from five of them, he was doing something with
the sand Pumas. I need to find him. His last letter, as I know of, was from BraizionII. I'm very worried.

JavelinIV Beta IX

Oh my god. So much has happened. I can't believe I lost my journal. And I lost the small rag that I wrote with charcol on.
I gave two Pumas a box, which they gladly took. I attempted to give them some sugar, showing them that it was valued. Or used to be.
<Line Erased>
-ed but I dont think they understood. Ive been studying them for a while now.

-Tip- Move slowly
Neutral and somewhat friendly far away from <Erased>
Loud noises/roar of course means anger.
They open and close their mouths repeatedly if they want you to go away.
Talk in an intresting language that I have yet to discover.

They heavily rely on eachother. The Alpha Male( I believe, Who is much darker than the regular camoflauged Sand Puma) is
greatly needed and essential for survival. Protect at all costs, even if meaning death. I really believe that the darker sand Pumas
are the Females, as they are heavily protected.

JavelinIV BetaX

I snuck into their lair... and found a body...... and a notebook. I-<Tearsmudge> -as my brother. I dont understand why they would do this.
I think someone did it to him. Many of the pages were ripped out, and his wallet was empty. I checked our family hiding trait on the
bottom of our <Tearsmudge> I found a few of some crumpled pages. Most of them were smudged from what I believe was water damage.

(Tape) ------------------------------------------------------ (Tape)
|                                                                                (Tear)
|   They love Florians. Those filthy creatures! It's grea-   (Tear)
|   never thought that I could find such things in feces a-   (Tear)
|   eventhough! Man, I better show these to Henry!         (Tear)
|   I wonder how long it will take to send this to earth. P-(Tear)
|                                                                      (Tear)
|      All I need is just a little bit of fib-       (Tear)
|         and also some Hyp(Smudge)          (Tear)
(Rip)___   And then it w-(The pencil slides off the edge)   (Tear)
   \___        _                                   (Tear)
       \_____/ \_______________________(Tear)

(There is a blood drop at the bottom)

Oh my god. The blood tainted his entire notebook. Even if the pages were still there, the blood would have dried and I wouldnt be able to read them.
Who ever fucking did this is going to pay. Someone planted thi-(Smudge) -n the remains of his neck. I need weapons.

(Guys, this will be constantly changing. The entire post, so keep watching it evolve!)


Nice, I look forward to role playing with your char.
EDIT: I actually like how you are trying to study us and not lol look a puma shoot et.


Florians? what are we, vegetarians? :S
Anyways, nice journal thing you're making, also, I recommend POSTING the changes, instead of just editing the post, then people will know when something is new.
Keep it up :D


Picture or you fail at life. :P JK.


Oh thanks a lot Genesis.

Actually, I will have one, once I finally have my TT accepted.