David Miller

Started by Delta, 07-04-2010

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Age: 27

Gender: Male

Homeplanet: Born On a Space Colony; Space Colony 23 Bound For The Hawking Eta System When He was Born, Parents Earth-Born


Position: Ex-War Veteran. Served The Caleston Rift War Of 2046. Successfully taking the Planets Aysur and Balor. Losing his entire squad on the planet Talava.

Biography: David Miller was a Space-Born. He was born on the Di-Class 5 Starship. His Parent Amy Vail and John Miller were Earth Born. David Miller never met his Mother. She died while giving birth to him. When his Mother passed away His Father took care of him and sprung him into a Life of War and Service to the Human Race. David was schooled on Earth when he graduated High School and moved to College in Westpoint he learned the basics of Military Tactics and Strategies .

When he graduated he was appointed a rank on the reserve force. Till the Starship his father was on was attacked by raiders near the Caleston Rift system. He was sent into space and forced to take 3 planets held by the raiders. Eventually his entire squad died on the planet Talava. Then he searched different planets for his father then he found his father's escape pod on the planet Yakawa. When he searched the pod his father was not there so he explored the near by raider camp seeing his father dead. He massacred the raiders on the planet earning him ranks as a "Unmerciful Soldier". Branded by the men on the Mon Kai Starship he was sent to the planet Desertia to serve his sentence for leaving his post and killing off half the entire planet Yakawa.

He arrived to Desertia on a Slaver Ship. He was disguised as a Slaver to infiltrate the planet and its inhabitants. But he was sent without any Equipment and had to procure them on site. Left with no Galactic Credits on him and no firearms he had to resort to criminal acts to obtain weaponry and Credits . But when he found a Close Endeavors Recruit's Kriss Super V he wanted to join the Close Endeavors to serve the new Military regime there.  

Categorization: Lawful Neutral – Being that he is a ex-Convict sent to Desertia to serve his sentence. He follows Desertia rules and regulations in hope that he will be able to serve in Close Endeavors

Favored Enemy: Raiders, Bandits, Criminals and alike

Favored Weapon: Proficient with all weapon types. Mostly Automatics. Preferred Assault Rifles, Sub Machine Guns and Sniper Rifles

Rivaling: Unknown. Not Able to List Down

Current Task:

Join the Close Endeavors -Accepted-
Find Weaponry -Obtained-