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Other Forums => Crussaria => Old Servers => Scrapyard => Lore, History & Status => Topic started by: Dragon on 21-04-2012

Title: Simplified Crussaria Lore [Old]
Post by: Dragon on 21-04-2012
Crussaria Lore
[Simplified Edition]
Section 1A - An Introduction to Crussaria
Crussaria is the name of a large, western continent that borders The Floricia Ocean. The continent itself is split up into nine different nations of which abide by their own native culture. The Continent itself is named after one such kingdom within it, that nation being Crussaria, the primary setting for the roleplay. You will be able to find the majority of the information of the lore of Crussaria in a simplified form within this thread.

Section 1 (http://www.forums.hypergamer.net/crussaria-lore-history/simplified-crussaria-lore-%28official%29/msg159858/#msg159858)
---Section 1A - Intro.
---Section 1B - Table of Contents.
Section 2 - Map (http://www.forums.hypergamer.net/crussaria-lore-history/simplified-crussaria-lore-%28official%29/msg159859/#msg159859)
--- Map Contents.
Section 3 - Religion (http://www.forums.hypergamer.net/crussaria-lore-history/simplified-crussaria-lore-%28official%29/msg159860/#msg159860)
--- The Old Gods.
Section 4 - Races (http://www.forums.hypergamer.net/crussaria-lore-history/simplified-crussaria-lore-%28official%29/msg159861/#msg159861)
Section 5 - Factions of Crussaria (http://www.forums.hypergamer.net/crussaria-lore-history/simplified-crussaria-lore-%28official%29/msg159862/#msg159862)
Section 6 - Timeline (http://www.forums.hypergamer.net/crussaria-lore-history/simplified-crussaria-lore-%28official%29/msg159907/#msg159907)
--- The current events and history.
Title: Re: Simplified Crussaria Lore [Official]
Post by: Dragon on 21-04-2012
Section 2 - Map
(Click for enlarged version)

Shown Continents
Crussaria is the main Kingdom in the centre of the Crussarian continent. It's natives are referred to as 'Crussarians' and it's the major hub of most operations within the server. Crussaria is ruled by nobles, and inhabited by a plethora of different races. Crussaria is

Ambertoli is a large desert plain, which is inhabited by the Ambertolians. The lands are hostile, with massive sandstorms and scorching heat. The land is divided up between multiple sultanates.
     Prior to the formation of Ambertoli, it was rumoured that the lands were ruled by the Ma'Rahn, an old, magic orientated nation. Ambertol has since taken over, and most of the Ma'Rahnians are slaves to those of Ambertol.

Noverseer and Gaesgro is a land that is unofficially claimed by anyone. It is dotted with multiple mountainous ranges, and ruled by large tribes that are in conflict with eachother very commonly.

-The Outlands
The Outlands is a region that is shrouded in vast veils of mystery. It is the land from which the Natoli hail from, and it is also the land that the savage Orcs reside in. In the tongue of its inhabitants, it is called "Ki'shator". The lands are nigh impossible to explore due to the mysterious fog that always hangs over the lands.

-The Iron States
The Iron States are the lands of which the Dwarves hail from. It is made up of six individual states that are neutral with each other, though suspicious, The lands are somewhat baron, but hold vast amounts of precious materials underneath the ground, which is why there are so many mining operations within the states.

Alura is the land of which the Elves hail from. It is a forest nation, lush with flora and fauna, both of which are greatly respected by its inhabitants. All over the nation are multiple tribes, composed of elves. Each tribe has a different culture revolving around it.

Khopai, or the Dragorfell Isles, is the home of the Khopaians. It is a large set of Islands, and a larger island itself, that is dotted with multiple harbor cities and covered with a hostile desert.
Title: Re: Simplified Crussaria Lore [Official]
Post by: Dragon on 21-04-2012
Section 3 - Religion
The Old Gods
(Crussaria's prime Gods)

God of War
Dathius is the God of war, he is usually worshiped by warriors and knights.  Dathius usual when need be grants his gift upon those he finds worthy.  It is said that the God carried his Axe into battle and once fought Tioen and prevailed in sealing him into the Demonic Realms.[/spoiler]

Godess of life, prosperity and love
[spoiler]Cybil, the god of life, prosperity and love.  Many have prayed to this one, and many have been blessed.  It is said that only the kindest of hearts are rewarded by Cybil.  Cybil loves all, and watches over all. [/spoiler]

God of Temptation
[spoiler]Melelisana, the Goddess that brings only temptation. It is said that Melelisana would reward one with any wish. All desires may come true IF one is to fulfill Melelisana's pricy desires.[/spoiler]
God of Hate & Evil
[spoiler]War, hate, evil.  These are the influences cursed upon Crussaria by the Demon god, Tioen.  Many Orc's worship the Demon god, and many Cults worship the Demon god, you may be empowered but at the price of your freewill.[/spoiler]

The Shadow
God of Death
[spoiler]Death, is it a curse?  Maybe at truth it is rest.  They say the Shadow calls down to many warriors upon being slain and lends a hand to the afterlife.  This is the Shadows will, and is only the start of eternal rest.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: Simplified Crussaria Lore [Official]
Post by: Dragon on 21-04-2012
Section 4 - Races
-The Humans
Within the continent of Crussaria, the Humans have always held a state of perpetual dominance over the other races, seeing them as inferior since they do not hold as many prestigious achievements as the Humans have. Your average Human is a versatile man or woman, able to commit themselves to many various applications through rigorous training.

[spoiler]Humans are split into four different ethnicities, each one according to the Nation of which they hail.
     Crussarians are Humans that hail from the Kingdom of Crussaria, they make up your typical Western Human. The Crussarians are the most versatile of the Races, simply working in accordance to their specialization. Most Noblemen are Crussarian, making this Ethnicity an important one.

     Ambertolians are Humans that hail from the Kingdom of Ambertoli, a great desert nation. The Ambertolians are fine warriors that are prized for their skill with light weapons, such as scimitars.

     Khopalians are Humans that hail from the Kingdom of Khopal, they are your typical Eastern Human, and they make for great merchants due to their naturally diplomatic attitude.

     Gaesgroes are Humans that hail from the Kingdom of the Gaesgro, they have had a grisly history intertwined with Dwarfs, and this has taught them many useful skills. Most Gaesgroes are Smiths, in accordance to their natural talents.[/spoiler]

-The Natoli
The Natoli are a Lizard race that hails from The Outlands. The Natoli are a very agile race, having retained their adaptions to their homeland. The scales that marr their body provide as a basic form of protection from small cuts and nicks. The Natoli have been hailed to be good merchants, fine scouts and lightly armed warriors.

-The Dwarves
The Dwarves are a race of exceptionally fine craftsmen, having retained their natural talents of mining and operation of a forge. Dwarves are small and hardy people, usually away from combat, and moreso usually in the mines or outside of a Forge. They hail from the Iron States in general, and are a rare sight in Crussaria to date.

-The Orcs
The Orcs are a race of large and strongly built folk, whom usually tend to keep to themselves, rather than intermingle with the other races. They hail from various tribes that are dotted all over the landmass. Most Orcs are known to be intelligent creatures with a generally peaceful nature, but due to their physical traits, it's common for an Orc to be made a prized Heavy Trooper in most armies. Orcs are rarely seen inside Crussaria.

-The Elves
The Elves are a race that hail from Aluria. The race itself is largely orientated around nature, as per the derivative of the tribes that dot the landmass.
Elves are naturally light on their feet, but as a byproduct of this, they are usually rather fragile, not sharing the hardiness of any other race, or the protection of the Natoli. The Elves that break from the traditions of their tribes usually make for good messengers, scouts or lightly armored warriors. They are rarely seen in Crussaria.
Title: Re: Simplified Crussaria Lore [Official]
Post by: Dragon on 21-04-2012
Section 5
Factions of Crussaria

(Simply the antagonist and the good)

Stormhelm Militia

"To Protect and fight against all evils, for the people"
[spoiler]The Stormhelm Militia, simply a Militia of Crussarians ready to fight for the people of Crussaria, currently the threat that walks against them is the blasted undead known as the Damned.[/spoiler]

The House of (TBA)
(TBA - In progress)
[spoiler]In Progress, TBA[/spoiler]

The Damned
"To enslave and cause decay"
[spoiler]The Damned, Legions of undead created by the one known as Tormentor.  Fancy's himself a god, but any true Crussarian would know this is just a curse, and illnesses can be cured.[/spoiler]

Title: Re: Simplified Crussaria Lore [Official]
Post by: Madcombat on 22-04-2012
Section 6
The Timeline Of Crussaria
(The Story so far)

1 BTD (Before the Damned)

(The past)
[spoiler]Ravendale, a town to the North of Stormhelm was subject to many supernatural appearances, no one knew what was appearing but the blood that stained the soil, there was murders and sacrifices.  The demons looked into the realm of Crussaria[/spoiler].

1 ROTD (Rise of the Damned)
(The past)
[spoiler]Crussaria witnessed the start of a hidious world, a world of undeath.  It began with a Dragunsurn supposidly trying to save his fellow Guardmen from a demonic encounter, to which he managed to singlehandedly slay the Demonic encounter, soon he found himself wielding a legendary demonic blade, a day later he tried to save his guardsmen but was forever changed, he was a thrall and seeked only vengence, he took it upon himself to find the Undead and gain control.  Tormentor was born.[/spoiler]

2 DC (Damned Conguest)
(The past)
[spoiler]The Undead were gaining a stronger pressence each day, it was not long till the house of Aurora looked to fight against the damned, whether for control or the peace, this is unknown.  While Tormentors eyes were fixed on dominating Northern Crussaria, the house attacked swiftly.  The defiled soil the undead claimed had been taken back, peace fell into Crussaria, however Tormentor was forced to flee south towards Stormhelm.

2 DC (Damned Conguest)
(The current time)
[spoiler]The Undead have a presence, they are discovering new horrors to fight Crussaria with.  Stormhelm have forced together a Militia to fight and protect against the Undead.  Rumor has it there are cults inside the City walls waiting for the time to come.  This is your time, and your time to act against the damned so peace may reign again.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: Simplified Crussaria Lore [Official]
Post by: Madcombat on 22-04-2012
Let me note it here for those waiting for the thread to be sticky'd and unlocked.  We want you to state if you have any confusion and on what part of this thread so we may fix it.  After the issue with a piece of simplified lore is resolved, expect your post to be moved so we can keep this thread as clean as possible and professional.
Title: Re: Simplified Crussaria Lore [Official]
Post by: Spades_Neil on 22-04-2012
Now this is what I meant when saying people should settle on the lore and write it out. Have it all in one place, comprehensible, to the point, and not confusing and contradicting.

Just be sure to proofread it before you're done. Plot holes suck. :|

Also feel free to delete my post if you're trying to keep the thread tidy. I suggest making a lore discussion thread for any comments or critique people have.

Thanks, we'll do that then.
Title: Re: Simplified Crussaria Lore [Official]
Post by: crusader :D on 22-04-2012
I can barely see the text in the spoilers, Mad.

-Fixed, for your convenience.
-<3 Headcrabs
Title: Re: Simplified Crussaria Lore [Official]
Post by: Spades_Neil on 22-04-2012
Quote from: crusader :D on 22-04-2012
I can barely see the text in the spoilers, Mad.

Highlighting is your friend. :S
Title: Re: Simplified Crussaria Lore [Official]
Post by: Tom on 22-04-2012
Tormentor. Is that Dragunsurn? Cause if it is, that is super ironic.

Diffrent Dragunsurn, its not my main character.  Tormentor was around since the start of Crussaria. Hell, I wouldnt even say hes Dragunsurn anymore.  His soul isnt what it once was.

I could say a million things that could lead to a lot of critism about this. But I won't derail the thread -Tom

Its been this way since the start, the old SV's were fine with it.  Thanks anyway. (I'll give you the run down of the story some other time if you want, for now check this out.) (http://www.forums.hypergamer.net/character-databank/dragunsurn/)
Title: Re: Simplified Crussaria Lore [Official]
Post by: Paintcheck on 24-04-2012
I was "fine with it" when it was you and Alex in a cave with like 4 other people. I was not fine when the demon/undead/lich population was 10:1 demons to humans and neither were most other people.

Basing an entire server around one person's char isn't going to work. I got bitched at when Crussaria came up because a lot of the events were people hunting Aria/involved Aria in some way.
Title: Re: Simplified Crussaria Lore [Official]
Post by: Tom on 24-04-2012
Quote from: Paintcheck on 24-04-2012
I was "fine with it" when it was you and Alex in a cave with like 4 other people. I was not fine when the demon/undead/lich population was 10:1 demons to humans and neither were most other people.

Basing an entire server around one person's char isn't going to work. I got bitched at when Crussaria came up because a lot of the events were people hunting Aria/involved Aria in some way.

This is one of the critiques that I thought would come up. Hence why when I tried to do a relaunch of simpler canon I had bandits/rebels vs guards/militia/house
Title: Re: Simplified Crussaria Lore [Official]
Post by: Spades_Neil on 24-04-2012
Quote from: Paintcheck on 24-04-2012
I was "fine with it" when it was you and Alex in a cave with like 4 other people. I was not fine when the demon/undead/lich population was 10:1 demons to humans and neither were most other people.

Basing an entire server around one person's char isn't going to work. I got bitched at when Crussaria came up because a lot of the events were people hunting Aria/involved Aria in some way.

I must agree with this notion. Try not to base it on a single character as the protagonist. Not so sure about maybe one evil antagonist character but that's another story I won't bother trying to figure out.
Title: Re: Simplified Crussaria Lore [Official]
Post by: Midgetonic on 24-04-2012
I may hop on...This is very comprehensive.
Title: Re: Simplified Crussaria Lore [Official]
Post by: Madcombat on 25-04-2012
Quote from: Paintcheck on 24-04-2012
I was "fine with it" when it was you and Alex in a cave with like 4 other people. I was not fine when the demon/undead/lich population was 10:1 demons to humans and neither were most other people.

Basing an entire server around one person's char isn't going to work. I got bitched at when Crussaria came up because a lot of the events were people hunting Aria/involved Aria in some way.

I value your point, and you are VERY right. however the diffrence is this.

Everyones a protagonist, theres only one antagonist and hes going to end up dead as he IS evil.  The demons were a issue because the recruitment was too big, this isnt a problem because its very limited and even when one does become dead its tempry for a duration of a event on their choice.  I have not forced a single person into somthing they dont want to, that would draw away players and not gain them. (Its counter-productive.) 

The Undead population was very small and limited like I said, I agree about the demon population but we've sized that down dramatically (We're pointing this out to the demonic thralls who join), it pissed me off at the time as well and was out of our control back then.  The idea of this event and its being post poned I might add because Xin wishes to do afew bandit/barbarian events which should be good, however suffice to say during that time it'll give us alot more time to prepare for the events to come, it'll enable us to build up the Militia more AND prehaps recruit diffrent groups for duties in Crussaria adding more purpose, I already plan to try hire Recreas's Rangers for Patrol work, this'll allow them and other groups who might also be recruited by the Militia to have the chance to get a nice valued income.  For those Loners we've got things planned for them if they want to join in.  They are my biggest worry after all and rightfully should be our biggest worry.

However, once the Militia is stable and frequently patroling.  Once we've got new laws up and it can suvive without major intervention, I'll personally be able to focus on the players, however I believe Headcrabs is working towards that currently.  As you know we're doing a clean up in the Traders because we cant have just NPC traders as theres no provided roleplay around that.  Traders are inactive as many things currently are, but we have been having a slow progression towards success. Theres a big mess as you know and we're working towards cleaning the mess up. Patience is the essance.
Title: Re: Simplified Crussaria Lore [Official]
Post by: Spades_Neil on 25-04-2012
Now that I could get into. Assuming of course everyone doesn't go, DOVAKIIN! DOVAKIIN! NAAL OK ZIN LOS VAHRIIN! and all that fun shit. <3 The Crussaria equivalent of Strelok / Lone Wanderer because being the "protagonist" goes to their head.

I think a better way to word it in the end is they're all on the same side so to speak. Even bandits and marauders, pirates, whatever the heck you throw into the mix, warring factions, they all hold a common enemy. Or maybe that isn't a good way to word it. I don't want to make it sound like town guards and cut-throats would work together.
Title: Re: Simplified Crussaria Lore [Official]
Post by: Tom on 25-04-2012
Quote from: Spades_Neil on 25-04-2012
Now that I could get into. Assuming of course everyone doesn't go, DOVAKIIN! DOVAKIIN! NAAL OK ZIN LOS VAHRIIN! and all that fun shit. <3 The Crussaria equivalent of Strelok / Lone Wanderer because being the "protagonist" goes to their head.

That's the only problem with having a "evil" antagonist or having a prime antagonist, "hero characters" will likely appear with this.

Edit: also, this isn't skyrim/elder scrolls RP :P
Title: Re: Simplified Crussaria Lore [Official]
Post by: Spades_Neil on 25-04-2012
Quote from: Tom on 25-04-2012
Edit: also, this isn't skyrim/elder scrolls RP :P

The stupidity of posting a Skyrim reference was 100% intentional. It's meant to make such players look indeed stupid. :P
Title: Re: Simplified Crussaria Lore [Official]
Post by: Plunger on 25-04-2012
I dislike the idea of a main antagonist that the server revolves around, because if tht person doesn't common the events come to a stand still. I'll continue to make my mostly passive, and RP only events.