The Frozen Future-(Large Event.)

Started by Ravanger, 14-02-2012

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(This post is a WIP so we will add more and keep you with updates on it.)
(I do suggest talking to me or KingArthur if you have more questions about it.)
(This is mainly our idea compacted together and so forth, we have many details in our brains so if you want to know certain details ask me or post.)
Considering some issues with Crussaria even though we have a very well done script and content package, we felt we needed a kind of role-play boost and or change. Considering we have a smaller player base and a very massive and well done map and activity is usually low even with that. Kingarthur and I felt we should do a bit of change or an idea if players wanted it involving frequent updates and changing and differing role-play events.

This was just an idea King and I began making and King the idea mostly from a NW2 server(Norhaven) and we just wanted to stick it out there in case we do wish to perform it on the server(HGN Crussaria Roleplay).

Our idea would take place in the current area with the current characters and so forth. A certain and mysterious force would cause the world or area to freeze up from cause of dragons or other things. Forcing many of the people to flee to deep castles or caverns with what supplies and things they could gather and begin their life below. Surviving and thriving amongst the underground while the surface remains very desolate. Along with this new and frozen tundra above with unknown beast from afar and new creatures slowly emerging amongst the land as other creatures have fled or died.
It would make the role-play a bit more closer in terms to those who are in the current camp we will have which will begin to expand as King works on the map adding new systems in the cave we may find like old Dwarven ruins and such (Also we will have role-play in which will make sense to us discovering things). Other various events may happen like food shortages and things of that nature. We are still working with the idea but we feel it would work in server from what me and King discussed.
It will also add a bit more into the cannon of Crussaria which we never really got to have posted considering Zombiehunta never really got around to posting the current information for some of the cannon the server. To King and myself and some others feel it would add a new vibe and original sense along with which will provide a bit more interaction between people on the map which King-Arthur will make.
I have seen KingArthur's previous workings and he made the maps fast and they were of fair quality and we won't need that much on the map. For we can just add props and other spawned things ourselves in the map.

I understand the idea may not sound that well to the majority of you but I feel it will be a good change in pace for the server adding this. It is still a big WIP so don't judge me a 100% but this is the general idea of the whole thing.
Talk to KingArthur or me about the idea and so forth if you want a know a bit more or deeper details of this. Since my post may not deliver the full idea of event.

Also I'd prefer if mainly active players of Crussaria posted their feelings as that they are the ones playing on the server. I think this may help with increasing some appealing role-play and interaction amongst players instead of being separated on massive map really meant for a large population of players around 30 when we only get around 5 or 10 on.

Also remember you will use your current characters you have and keep the majority of your things that you have. Really is just a large role-play changing event that will take place on the server. Also if you own houses and property you will be compensated for thus saying you might have brought a good number of things from it and so forth and might even re-gain a house type structure in the underground dwellings.


Aha! An Event! At what a time as well, I was thinking of suggesting one to the Administrators. myself.

This sounds like a fair event to stir some activity up on the server. It's going to bring about a certain, unique RP style that will provide a good deal of entertainment to all those who participate, and it will hopefully cater to all characters and their style of play. Another plus is the idea that it will bring about unique RP.

As a bonus, we will have a good retrospective to look back on in the name of the lore, and a few of us can use it for character development.
I'll continue reading this over in the meantime, see if I can scrape up any would-be suggestions and stuff.
"Is it just me, or have peoples' hands been growing out of their asses lately?"


I know i'm not a main crussaria player but this is kind of importantish, and i know you've said this isn't 100%, but if the map is going to be quite empty, people without TT won't have anything to do, and won't be able to build etc.

SRP: Nicolai 'Thunder' Lagunov - Loner - Alive

General Cole

Quote from: INA7HAN on 15-02-2012
I know i'm not a main crussaria player but this is kind of importantish, and i know you've said this isn't 100%, but if the map is going to be quite empty, people without TT won't have anything to do, and won't be able to build etc.

That's why people, like me, who have TT will be able to build stuff and we could get the admins to perma some things.


Yeah but the thing is people like to build things themselves. If you say you will build things for them how will they explain to you what they want building and how?

SRP: Nicolai 'Thunder' Lagunov - Loner - Alive


Quote from: INA7HAN on 15-02-2012
Yeah but the thing is people like to build things themselves. If you say you will build things for them how will they explain to you what they want building and how?

I've already had to act the Interior Decor. for multiple people thus far, and they said that I've done a good job about doing it. You're making it sound more difficult than it actually is.
If they would like to build things themselves, then they would aspire to get TT by being active on the forums and on the server in order to meet the criteria to apply for it.

Further reading this, I've also gotten a Metro 2033 vibe from this, with a deathly winter with strange creatures above the ground, whilst everyone is struggling to survive underground.
Of course, it lacks the various aspects of guns and the whole modernization things, but it just keeps that atmosphere of a struggle, which I think is actually quite an epic scenario.

Visualizing this, I can imagine that there will be roles that link in together to form parts of this RP, enticing people to RP together in order to ensure their survival.
-Miners, having to mine things and forge them from the rich excesses of the underground caverns in order to arm the soldiers that fend off the creatures of the underground.
-Farmers, having to work on poorly irrigated soil in order to grow their crops to feed the budding population (ALA the miners and soldiers), acting as the backbone of society.
-Soldiers, having to defend the people (ALA farmers and miners) from the various dangers in the underground, things such as creatures and whatnot.

O'course, these are just small snippets of thoughts emerging from my mind and being jotted down, take them as you will.
"Is it just me, or have peoples' hands been growing out of their asses lately?"


Well, the world above wouldn't be covered in monsters, they would flee underground too.

This is an EXAMPLE of a camp below. What i had in mind for a camp, again this is an EXAMPLE.


Greendale market ! Interesting, this might turn out good


Quote from: Chrono on 15-02-2012
Greendale market !
Shush :P


Also another thing about the top side area you might encounter some things but it wouldn't be a flood of monsters, the majority of creatures basiclly got the same idea as you and fled underground so you will encounter things like that such.


So, we need more feed back on the idea, if you played crussaria your feedback would be appreciated.


Don't see the need of this, just force people onto the server and at around 5 players, others will join. It's all of a matter of people (the majority) seeing the population at a low number and thinking it's not worth it to join.


I've already told you over SF what I think.

I would be interested to know why everyone stopped playing out of nowhere. We had 30+ people on like 2 weeks ago and then it dropped to 0 for no discernible reason.


Quote from: Scipio on 15-02-2012
Don't see the need of this, just force people onto the server and at around 5 players, others will join. It's all of a matter of people (the majority) seeing the population at a low number and thinking it's not worth it to join.

Thats the thing we have done that but even then not many join or we can't find too much to do well for them that is.


Quote from: Ravanger on 15-02-2012
Quote from: Scipio on 15-02-2012
Don't see the need of this, just force people onto the server and at around 5 players, others will join. It's all of a matter of people (the majority) seeing the population at a low number and thinking it's not worth it to join.

Thats the thing we have done that but even then not many join or we can't find too much to do well for them that is.
Yea, people can only do one thing for so long. This is why I suggested a change of atmosphere. This would not -need- to permanent, we could always change it back, wether it be through RP events or just through it -not- working.


The surface should be open so you can go there, but you should rp the freezing cold and you cannot stay up for long. The reason for going the surface is to scavange most likely. Yes food won't be able to scavenged really as it would be frozen, but swords and weapons could be found and armour? Only an idea

SRP: Nicolai 'Thunder' Lagunov - Loner - Alive


Yea, it wouldn't be inacessable, just so creaking cold you should go prepared, think of it being like antartica, cold.


Lets not forget, its not NPCs your worrying about topside, but the undead will likely be actively settling in the area above ground making it alot more hostile.  When you guys send out salvaging groups, you'll be having to be smart in where to relocate to, to get supplies.


Mhh, so there will be a new map? With snowly landscape and a lot of terrible undead creatures. And the survivors will hang in caves, trying to survive?
I assume this event will last a while, but people will be able to cleanse the land again and bring most of it back to normal?
Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves


Quote from: INA7HAN on 16-02-2012
The surface should be open so you can go there, but you should rp the freezing cold and you cannot stay up for long. The reason for going the surface is to scavange most likely. Yes food won't be able to scavenged really as it would be frozen, but swords and weapons could be found and armour? Only an idea

Well you could always end up hunting certain unknown creatures that might have moved in from areas like where the Gaesgro come from or that mysteriously poped up. Sword and other supplies could still be found of course on the surface. As well certain magically areas might still pretain some life to them so more interesting things could be found it is just the trouble of surviveing on the surface, you'd need some good furs and other things on ye.
Quote from: Recreas on 16-02-2012
Mhh, so there will be a new map? With snowly landscape and a lot of terrible undead creatures. And the survivors will hang in caves, trying to survive?
I assume this event will last a while, but people will be able to cleanse the land again and bring most of it back to normal?

Well we would have the event going for awhile it is unsure when or if we will switch back once we do it. Yes though KingArthur is makeing a nice map fitting to this topic and so forth. Also dealing with the creatures of above they won't be in hordes but maybe a few stranglers here and there left over from necromancers or other evil doers. Its not directly caused say but undead perhaps but really I would rather it be the people unsure undead and other creatures just roaming about trying to survive.


Maybe one small area on the map could have some kind of magical device keeping a small area around it liveable? Probaly made by a mage or something?

SRP: Nicolai 'Thunder' Lagunov - Loner - Alive


Quote from: INA7HAN on 17-02-2012
Maybe one small area on the map could have some kind of magical device keeping a small area around it liveable? Probaly made by a mage or something?

Thats what was one of the ideas I had for, basiclly an oasis of sorts...We would use props for it of course and some other things if it we did decide to make a little place on the map once we do it etc.


Not another post-apoc. Please.
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Quote from: lolKieck on 18-02-2012
Not another post-apoc. Please.

Yes, we totally have nukes in the Medeval era of life!

Kieck, this is a intresting change that should be tried I dont see the issue.

Quote from: INA7HAN on 16-02-2012
The surface should be open so you can go there, but you should rp the freezing cold and you cannot stay up for long. The reason for going the surface is to scavange most likely. Yes food won't be able to scavenged really as it would be frozen, but swords and weapons could be found and armour? Only an idea

Odds are that people WONT roleplay the fact that its fucking cold up top.  Its so cursed and hostile as well as cold that I'd give the average human five minutes max with not clothes on.  An hour with a fur coat on.  Less then five minutes if your solo using chain/plate armour.  People need to understand you cant be a ninja in the snow.  You cant dodge as good due to the snow dragging your feet.  Yes, its not just five inches snow, we're talking snow to roughly below your hips.  And this is the only issue I see, people not being able to roleplay correctly.  Infact I bet people will pull artic flat shoes out there butts to ignore the snow height.   Either way, this large setting will need alot of moderation.


Quote from: Madcombat on 24-02-2012
Quote from: lolKieck on 18-02-2012
Not another post-apoc. Please.

Yes, we totally have nukes in the Medeval era of life!

Kieck, this is a intresting change that should be tried I dont see the issue.
Implying that apocalypse = nukes, not a global catastrophe.
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