SVN - How to use it.

Started by Recreas, 10-07-2011

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SVN - How do you use it?

To download the Crussaria content you'll need to use SVN, this is a different way of downloading things than with we had before in HGN. It's not the constant downloading of ZIP files that keep growing everytime there is an update. No this is way easier, you only have to download it once and it'll update itself almost automaticly.
But since this method can be new to you guys, especially for the ones that are new to GMOD. I'll show you how it works.

1. Download an SVN program, I suggest you download Tortoise svn at:           , I'd say it's the most used and best one around, and it'll be used in this tutorial.

2. Install tortoise svn (or your other SVN programs), this shouldn't be too difficult just follow the instructions and restart your computer/laptop to finish the installation at the end.

3. So after you restarted your computer, what do I do now?
  Well just like with the ZIP files you go to garrysmod/garrysmod/addons.

4. You make a new file/map or what ever and you name it CrussariaContent (Doesn't really matter even if you call it Dipshit it should still work.)

5. You right mouse click it, scroll down the list and find SVN Checkout. Just click that and it will open a new screen.     

6. After that you put the link:
in to the URL of repository and you should check if the checkout directory is garrysmod/garrysmod/addons/Crussariacontent(or your other name) at the end.

7. Just press okay and let it do what it has to do.

8. After that all the files should be in there and you should be ready to roll.

I advise you to check for updates on the content each week I suppose, to do this you just right mouse button click the Crussaria content and select SVN Update.

I hope this guide was to any use for you guys, and I guess I'll see you fellas in Crussaria.

Made by:
Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves


Thank you for making this.

El Presidente

Thanks for the thread Recreas, this has been of great help.


Thanks recreas.
I know how it works now.


:| I am shocked people didn't know how to do this. Thanks for teaching them man.


thanks for the tutorial man, i would have been lost without this  ;D


lol, I feel SOOOO confused right now....


This is a pain in the ass >.< I downloaded both the 32 bit and 64 and the 64 says it doesnt support me, so then i did 32 and it says i need xp sp3 or higher. So now im getting sp3 just to get this damn thing downloaded >> Zip files are better!


Quote from: Chippy on 22-11-2011
This is a pain in the ass >.< I downloaded both the 32 bit and 64 and the 64 says it doesnt support me, so then i did 32 and it says i need xp sp3 or higher. So now im getting sp3 just to get this damn thing downloaded >> Zip files are better!

x.... p....?

What is this, 2004?



Quote from: Chippy on 22-11-2011
Actually ya LOL

Such a nub...
Thanks for the instructions Recreas.


Quote from: Overwatch on 22-11-2011
Quote from: Chippy on 22-11-2011
This is a pain in the ass >.< I downloaded both the 32 bit and 64 and the 64 says it doesnt support me, so then i did 32 and it says i need xp sp3 or higher. So now im getting sp3 just to get this damn thing downloaded >> Zip files are better!

x.... p....?

What is this, 2004?

I sort of understand being on Windows XP still but how the fuck are you not on Service Pack 3?

And yeah XP is 32 bit.


Quote from: Chippy on 22-11-2011
This is a pain in the ass >.< I downloaded both the 32 bit and 64 and the 64 says it doesnt support me, so then i did 32 and it says i need xp sp3 or higher. So now im getting sp3 just to get this damn thing downloaded >> Zip files are better!

Your OS is a bit outdated.. I'd advice you to update it... , and SVN isn't that bad. It's mostly faster than ZIP. And you don't have to download new zip's over and over.

Furthermore if any of you have trouble with SVN, feel free to post below. I might be able to help.
Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves

Silver Knight

Quote from: Paintcheck on 11-12-2011
Quote from: Overwatch on 22-11-2011
Quote from: Chippy on 22-11-2011
This is a pain in the ass >.< I downloaded both the 32 bit and 64 and the 64 says it doesnt support me, so then i did 32 and it says i need xp sp3 or higher. So now im getting sp3 just to get this damn thing downloaded >> Zip files are better!

x.... p....?

What is this, 2004?

I sort of understand being on Windows XP still but how the fuck are you not on Service Pack 3?

And yeah XP is 32 bit.

Probably installed from disc (Sp2 most like) and never got around to updating\did not know SP3 existed. Oh well, HGN just saved a potential meltdown :D

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period