Stormhelm - Small Estate 1

Started by Recreas, 12-01-2012

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A Small Estate
This estate is currently owned
Owned by: - The Creed's Family
Price: N\A

Location: First building when you look slightly door you left when you enter the city.
Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves


Can I buy it for somewhere to trade?...I have no where to trade on my trader.


I've had my eyes on this one.

How much does it cost?


From what I understand it's:

5k crowns for small
7k for small v2
15k for medium
30k for large


I would like to buy this place for my trader, I am putting up 5k for it.


Can someone please update this? I bought it yesterday from Rovanager. You can ask him, if you must. IC name is Isaac Creed.


Just fucking great...I ask to buy it they tell me to use the forums! I use the forums and they don't answer!