Journals of Tomas Kyrylo

Started by Tom, 19-12-2011

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Monday December 19

Tarrens Point

We managed to besiege the gates of Tarrens Point and take the small town with little expense to ourselves or our allies. Those damned demons put up one hell of a fight, one almost nearly killed the Captain. Petrinko however is more of a military man that I had originally given him credit for, he employed the help of many of the locals and the captain of the guard of the town as well as a few paladins. . . The Paladins, if it whern't for their help we would have surely perished, or at least we would have made it out with far less men in the end. The head Paladin stated that it would take weeks to uncorrupt the lands in and around Tarrens Point. Synn one of our seargeants (and a foriegner I might add) grabbed one of the fleshed weapons of the demons, apparently it began to corrupt him. . . Petrinko says we'll be staying the night in Tarrens Point, but I doubt that is a sound decision considering the events surrounding Tarrens Point.

I didn't catch a glimpse of the demon that was defending the point but for some reason he seemed familiar to me. I don't know why, he looked like any other Demon or ghoul we have fought, terrifyingly hideous. The Commander stated that the Demon used some sort of spell to phase out from in front of us before we got a chance to dispatch him. The Coward. Petrinko is unsure what the demon has planned or when he will strike back. I suppose thats why we are remaining at the point.

For now I sit and wait for whatever is in store.

Myth 2: Soulblighter (Down a Broken Path)

(Listen to this as you read)
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Thursday December 22

War camp

Today there where a few odd occurrances. There has been rumors floating around the areas in and around Ravendale that we are trying to take over the poor little town. I hardly doubt thats true. The only thing we could possibly gain from such a take over would be the abundance of natural ores in the mines, and the many blacksmiths of Ravendale. Although I can't say the quantity of smiths is a very good thing, especially if the smiths are not skilled, and if we did make such a takeover we would be risking a war with the Atrecians ((For anyone who is unaware thats the house of Banewood)).

Today an Atrecian Captain posing as a commander of the Atrecian legion spoke foul words against the house and made an attempt at the commanders life in a trial of arms. I guess children will be children, Petrinko ran him through with little to no problems (Ha, leave it to an Atrecian commander or lord to make a foolish judgement call). As for the captain of the guard of the town of Ravendale he lived up to his name, he stated that him and his men where ready for an open rebellion against the commoner Paciscor. Petrinko, as he is, more interested in political maneuvers rather than strategic ones these days, told him he would see what he could do. Later on though a different captain from the Atrecian legion came and apologized for his idiotic comrades mistakes. Petrinko stated that he would assist the Atrecians in regaining thier town (Mainly to advert an un-needed and costly war).

I suppose thats all for now, life in Ravendale is rather dull now that we've taken out the damned demons.

Myth: The Fallen Lords (Forest Heart)
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22