Crussaria FP thread + Advertising

Started by Silver Knight, 17-02-2012

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Silver Knight

I think its about time we did Crussaria some justice and advertised it. If anyone has skills in writing\picture editing\YouTube (Video development) Then please help get Crussaria name out there! It's worthy of a wider audience than it currently receives.

YouTube video's have brought a fair amount of people to HGN over the years so please, make a trailer\ingame footage to advertise it via that.

I also need a collaboration of people to work on a /thread/ for FP. This thread needs to contain:

Basic information about the server, important links (content, lore etc) Video's (YouTube!),  Pictures and general information about features of the script\map.

Discuss bellow\contribute bellow.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


Pretty nice idea, Crussaria is empty, empty sooo often. Going to record my game, then take a few, nice moments, and make a movie. That's a nice idea for other members, we need strong advertises. I watched these about SRP, before I started to play there. Anyway, if you need graphics - tell me. I'll edit this post, when the movie will be ready.


Quote from: mleczko35 on 17-02-2012
Pretty nice idea, Crussaria is empty, empty sooo often. Going to record my game, then take a few, nice moments, and make a movie. That's a nice idea for other members, we need strong advertises. I watched these about SRP, before I started to play there. Anyway, if you need graphics - tell me. I'll edit this post, when the movie will be ready.

A machinima should be made.
I don't mean a compilation of gameplay moments, I meant a full story-driven "movie" that would be used for advertising Crussaria.

Ravanger's "Frozen Future" would work well imo.


Quote from: Zstan on 17-02-2012
A machinima should be made.
I don't mean a compilation of gameplay moments, I meant a full story-driven "movie" that would be used for advertising Crussaria.

Ravanger's "Frozen Future" would work well imo.

I meant, the best moments, yeah, something like machinima, but longer a bit. Some fights or something.


Only problem with fights is one, /me's cant be used so it would be all STK sorto f stuff. People might watch it and go 'oh cool a gmod server like skyrim' join and start killing people without rp. Just saying it could happen

SRP: Nicolai 'Thunder' Lagunov - Loner - Alive


Eh, we need to show our lands, we can miss fights then. Server is too empty to record anything, if there are more guys, we can try to do that, nobody will play at empty server.


Server's dead, advertising won't help until there is some reason to play on it.

There needs to be a cause of conflict. The warring Noble Houses failed in epic proportions because they  never did anything at all (I never saw them fight ONCE) so right now there is NOTHING to do on the server. Advertising now might get a few people who try it and go "wow there's nothing to do this is boring" and never play again. That needs to be fixed first before attempting to bring in more people otherwise they won't stay.


Look at books; Books literally HAVE to have a conflict in the story. That's what makes a book. Roleplay is like a book, told from many authors from different perspectives. We need a conflict to have fun in Crussaria.
"Mommy, when is Daddy coming home?"
"Here, Alex.. Daddy sent us a package.. The soldier told us that it.. might be a while until Daddy's done with his service. Don't worry, you'll see him soon, Alex.."
"He's always gone! I never get to see him!"


Quote from: Lent23 on 18-02-2012
Look at books; Books literally HAVE to have a conflict in the story. That's what makes a book. Roleplay is like a book, told from many authors from different perspectives. We need a conflict to have fun in Crussaria.

Congrats on finally realizeing books have conflicts in them.

Well thats the reason King and I are trying to get this event going since no one else is doing shit for the server and are just complaning about instead of doing something about it. I mean you could after all put some towards the table Paintcheck I mean its all there for you to put forth.


Quote from: Paintcheck on 18-02-2012
The warring Noble Houses
We need another house, in my opinion. This isn't enough, especialy when the roster, background, or anything canon wise is incomplete for Bromithil.

Quote from: Lent23 on 18-02-2012
Look at books; Books literally HAVE to have a conflict in the story. That's what makes a book.
What, no. Not at all


Quote from: ThY on 19-02-2012
Quote from: Lent23 on 18-02-2012
Look at books; Books literally HAVE to have a conflict in the story. That's what makes a book.
What, no. Not at all
"Mommy, when is Daddy coming home?"
"Here, Alex.. Daddy sent us a package.. The soldier told us that it.. might be a while until Daddy's done with his service. Don't worry, you'll see him soon, Alex.."
"He's always gone! I never get to see him!"


Quote from: Lent23 on 21-02-2012
Quote from: ThY on 19-02-2012
Quote from: Lent23 on 18-02-2012
Look at books; Books literally HAVE to have a conflict in the story. That's what makes a book.
What, no. Not at all
Oh man, who would have guessed books had conflicts, I for one stick to plotless dictionaries.


Quote from: Plunger on 21-02-2012
Quote from: Lent23 on 21-02-2012
Quote from: ThY on 19-02-2012
Quote from: Lent23 on 18-02-2012
Look at books; Books literally HAVE to have a conflict in the story. That's what makes a book.
What, no. Not at all
Oh man, who would have guessed books had conflicts, I for one stick to plotless dictionaries.

I don't know what sort of dictionaries you read, but the ones I read have all sorts of themes and plots. Not only that, they describe all sorts of conflicts and have a host of characters that even have complete opposites attempting to garner more for themselves.

Silver Knight

Don't say it's "dead" because you don't do your jobs and make the server worthwhile. People want to play - fact. Admins are so damn few\lazy (plunger your no longer a admin) that shit never gets done for it to be fun for people.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


Quote from: Last.Exile on 21-02-2012
Don't say it's "dead" because you don't do your jobs and make the server worthwhile. People want to play - fact. Admins are so damn few\lazy (plunger your no longer a admin) that shit never gets done for it to be fun for people.
cool, I guess I'll tell the three people who I walked through on downloading the content pack last night, that I must be doing it wrong, and that they can ask you now.

And one was even going to donate after I described the donator perks.

With Zein and Steven gone, that leaves Paint and Rave, good luck buddies.


I was on Saturday and Sunday this week and last week in server for several hours each day during peak times. No one joined, think the most we ended up with was 5 people for like 15 minutes on Sunday. (STALKER by comparison was at 30/45 during those times).

Hopefully Rav and KingArthur's event meets with more success but I stand by what I said: advertising a dead server will do nothing.


If someone motivates me, I'll fix up the population issue we have.  But right now I am not motivated to even sit on my PC.


Official Website:
Content SVN:

Current Status: Open Alpha

Crussaria is a fantasy role playing game mode based on gmod. Currently using a modded World Script, we have attempted to provide a good medieval feel, and atmosphere using content from many sources. We, as a community, try to encourage a fun atmosphere while role playing, and over all just have a carefree fun time while developing our characters.

Currently the lore is up in the air, but we are settling on certain lords (Bastard son vs Lord) fighting over dominion of the land (Some what like feudalism)



Crussaria Medieval Roleplay

What is Crussaria?
Crussaria is the term set for a world created by the imagination of the community, the aim was the bring forth a world set in a fantasy setting during the Medieval ages.  Lets take note before anyone gets confused, Crussaria has nothing to do with 'The Elder Scrolls' series, I point this out because many get confused since we took many ideas all around from various games out there, such as Dragon Age, though never the less -Most- here is custom.  Though above I've said that Crussaria is a world, in our lore Crussaria is a large kingdom between many other lands such as Noverseer and Ambertoll.

What would you expect from Crussaria?
When you join the server or browse the forums to take note at our lore, you'll notice we have put creativity into what we do indeed create.  Expect to enter a world that is very much diffrent from our own in many ways.  Expect a world different from that of the games you have played.  Expect the quality of roleplay shaped around you to be that much more creative and intriguing in many variations.

The Lore
Any Medieval Fantasy roleplay server is nothing without its own lore, we have secured time and patience into creating our lore.  Let me take some time to introduce you to the basic gods that we have in Crussaria.

We have many gods, what I am about to tell you is only a percentage of the gods we have in Crussaria.
"Old" gods - Sul IluĆ³v Seldarine (Elvish)

Commonly called the Old Gods or translated from Elvish, Wind Universe Gods (Gods beyond the great winds)

The old gods are the main religion of Crussaria. There are many and different ones are prayed to for different purposes. Tioen is included however is shared by various other races such as the orcs.

The Shadow - The stranger, Death, The Loner, the one people pray to for death to come on them or others, or for guidance in suicide missions and such. He has no face, For it is either hidden or dark. He has no actual name. He is not 'Evil' but he is respected and feared. Any statue of him does not have a face.

Cybil - Godess of life, prosperity and love. This is the god people pray to for their loved ones, children, for prosperity of life animals and such) and that of love

Dathius - God of war - Warriors pray to him in their time of need, before battles to give them strength

Melelisana - The temptress Goddess - Considered evil, not many pray to this deity other than people who seek revenge or those who pray for a one night stand. Shrines for her are rare and few.

Tioen - God of Hate & Evil, all that is bad seeps to him and his realms. He is the father of orcs, orges and general "evil" creatures. He has many sons to who he has reserved them realms to which they may torture and control at their whim. They are called the Princes of Hate, his children. Each of their realms is shaped to their own personality. (Demon, but treated like a god due to power)

Each god is uniqe, and worshipping which you desire will have its own perks and concequences.



To join the server you'll require our content, we use Svn to control and update our content.  If you have not used a Svn before I advise downloading -

After downloading the svn I advise following our step by step guide on our forums.  You can obtain the guide and information to download the files on this thread -


I'll likely add to that but right now, I need to have a brain storm and think.

Silver Knight

Steam Community Group:


What is Crussaria?
Crussaria is a custom, medieval fantasy world focusing on the realm of Crussaria and the territorys, kingdoms and lands inside it. It's hard to sum it all up in one go because of the depth surrounding the lore and storyline. We have large dedicated threads on our forums to hold such information. Crussaria is the term set for a world created by the imagination of the community, the aim was to bring forth a world set in a medieval fantasy world. Lets take note before anyone gets confused, Crussaria has lots of influences from a wide range of books, games and films such as 'The Elder Scrolls' series however it is very much unique, I point this out because some people get confused since some idea's are shared or are similar.  Though above I've said that Crussaria is a world, in our lore Crussaria is a large kingdom between many other lands such as Noverseer and Ambertoll.

What would you expect from Crussaria?
When you join the server or browse the forums to take note at our lore, you'll notice we have put creativity into what we do indeed create.  Expect to enter a world that is very much diffrent from our own in many ways.  Expect a world full of different cultures and a unique fantasy theme.  Expect the quality of roleplay shaped around you to be that much more creative and intriguing in many variations.


To play on our server you need to download the content through, this can easily be setup and allows easy access to updates on the fly without redownloading the content.
Link to svn repository:
There are plenty of tutorials on how to use svn. I recommend using TortoiseSVN as client.
You'll have to do the checkout on your main garrysmod directory ("../Steam/SteamApps/yoursteamname/garrysmod/garrysmod/")
[HIGHLIGHT]TortoiseSVN, as well as some other clients, will try to create a subdirectory inside the folder you created in addons for the svn. Make sure this does not happen:[/HIGHLIGHT]

(Remove that part from the path)

Once you've made sure of that, there shouldn't be any problems. You're good to go when it has finished downloading the files.
The size of the svn is about 1.5GB, so make sure you have enough space for that.

There are many features in Crussaria, either as content, the gamemode or the map.

The Gamemode:
I have worked very hard over the span of nearly a year on my own variation of Nexus, called WorldScript. The gamemode schema is called Crussaria World. It has many features such as:

HeadGear System: Wear helmets\Hats Seperate to your playermodel.
Shield System: Wear Shields, block damage etc.
Melee System: You can block incoming attacks, each weapon is unique as to how well they block or break your opponents block. Such as a two handed Battleaxe will easily break a dagger's block.
Resource System: The world is alive and thriving, Trees can be cut down, you can gather items such as herbs from plants, go mining for ore or go and craft items such as swords, armor bows etc.
Professions: Everyone in the world can choose a profession to specialise in such as mining\smithing, woodworking, Alchemy. Each uniquely rely on other professions to create a real living economy.
Npcs: There are over 40 unique npcs in Crussaria, ranging from deer to demons or wolves to the undead.

The Map:
It has taken me a fairly long time to accomplish what stands today, that is Crussaria_World. The map is one of the biggest in gmod, most definently the biggest medieval map out there. The map has a large wilderness, a huge town with 30 instances (Houses, Church, guardhouse etc) It has a tomb with traps, a seperate village, a large cave, a port and much more. I have tried to cram as much as i could into the space of one map while trying to keep the map optimised and enjoyable.

The Content:
I have scoured every source mod\game, ported many models and gathered huge amounts of medieval content. Unfortuently gmod lacks any real medieval content so i had to take it upon myself to rip vast amounts of content to bring a true medieval 'immersive' experience.

Various things are upcoming to Crussaria such as rideable/ownable horses which you can ride around our large map to quickly travel to places.

Q: What maps will be used?
We use a custom map called Crussaria_World that is developed by me (SilverKnight).

Q: Will you release entities\weapons\content that you have developed?
At the moment most likely not, but in the forward future i may release some stuff. Gmod thrives on other peoples work so it's always good to give back eventually.

Q: Is it a third-person or first-person gamemode?
Both, you can switch between first-person and third-person just like in Fallout 3/Oblivion. (By using the scroll wheel)

Q: What games is this gamemode influenced by?
I have many inspirations for Crussaria, it started off as a RPG idea, then outgrew that into a roleplay and even a novel that i have been writing. Various influences would be books such as Game of Thrones, The Wheel Of Time and of course various games such as Oblivion or mount and blade.

SilverKnight - Scripting/Mapping/Modelling/Porting/Sound/Music
Dutch - Modelling
Engerius - Mapping
Various Games that i have ported models\Materials from (Perhaps too many to note, skyrim, oblivion, m&b etc)
Silverlan - Some Skyrim\Oblivion Models\Thread Design

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period

Silver Knight

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


Oh what a surprise a whole bunch of troll comments from the RP haters at FP.

There is no reason to post FP advertisements. Nothing happens except for E-drama and raging children.


oh my god NOoooooooooooooooo


take their shit and accept their opinions but this one now has no hope because we have once again degraded the view of ourselves infront of FP.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Quote from: Paintcheck on 02-04-2012
Oh what a surprise a whole bunch of troll comments from the RP haters at FP.

There is no reason to post FP advertisements. Nothing happens except for E-drama and raging children.

Thats what Plunger, me and several others have said previously. Same thing happened when we posted the stalker thread I do believe.