<:: Breaching & Clamping ::>

Started by Madcombat, 07-04-2012

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<:: Breaching ::>
There are three basic roles when it comes down to breaching, we know these roles as pointman, wing-man, rear guard and finally breacher.
The duties of these roles vary, to giving support, defense and offense.
Pointman and Wing-man is a offensive role, it consists of the roles being first in to fire the shots or contain a situation, the first roles to enter dangerous grounds.
Breacher is a support role, the third unit to enter the situation to provide the support required to add extensive cover over the pointman and wing-man.
Rear Guard is a defensive role, it consists of the unit not entering the situation fully but handling the first door and locking it down so no other third party may interfere with the situation, the Rear guard never involves himself/herself unless required.

RED - Breacher
WHITE - Pointman and Wing-man
BLUE - Rear Guard

The procedure begins with all units stacking up on the entry point, be this a window or a door.  The pointman will issue a command, this being usually to prepare to breach, in short "Prep-breach"  Other squads will make use of other tactics to represent orders, this may include nodding or hands on tactics to represent the orders.  After which, the squad will permit the Pointman a quick acknowledgement that they are ready or unprepared.  The Pointman will then issue the command for the breacher to remove the door in front of there position, provided there is a door in front of them.  The breacher will then take a step back quickly after the door is removed from interference.  This is when the Pointman enters hugging the wall moving right.  He will take notice of his sector, this being the right side of the room, NOT THE LEFT.  He will stop at the first corner he meets.  The second unit to enter the situation is the wing-man, he will enter quickly right behind the pointman and will hug the wall on the left side, he will take notice of his sector, this being the left side of the room, NOT THE RIGHT.  He also will stop at the first corner he meets.   The third unit to enter the situation is the Breacher, he will enter quickly and will hug the wall on the right side of the room, he will take notice of the sector he covers, if the wing-man is to fail, he will take notice of the left side of the room and NOT THE RIGHT side of the room, however he will cover the right side of the room if all units are operational.  Finally the rear guard will take place at the door, he will secure the entrance and allow no entry.  After the room is finally confirmed clear, the rear guard will enter the room and lock down each and every door in sight, NOT IN THE ENTIRE BUILDING.  This is to make less available choke points.  The units will move as a squad and repeat these steps.

RED - Pointman
WHITE - Wing-man and Breacher
BLUE - Rear Guard

The situation should look roughly like this after which, notice how the entire room is available for free and easy access.  Notice how there can be no friendly fire.  Notice how the room is controlled.

WHITE - Pointman and Wing-man
FIRE - Domination of the corner

There will be issues when you may come to a open hallway, to over come this issue and gain advantage on the enemy, the pointman and wing man must hug the wall shoulder by shoulder and move alongside the wall together as one unit.  This is to dominate the entire hallway should one unit fall the other will be able to finish the enemy.  In the case of a unit becoming incapacitated, the rear guard must extract the downed unit from the situation.  Repeat the hugging of the wall till the entire issue is resolved.

WHITE - Pointman and Wing-man
FIRE - Domination of the corner

Should the entry team encounter this situation, it will use the above step to dominate the additional room.  If the Pointman and Wing-man is to fail, the Breacher will step out from his position and engage the combatants, should the breacher fail the rearguard will lock down the final room and extract signalling for additional support.


<:: Clamping ::>

The objective of clamping is to cordon and contain a designated location from becoming obstructed by civilians.  The clamping proceedure will consist of upto three or six barriers (Clamps) positioned around a single door -OR- a double door as seen below.

Single door clamp, three barriers (Clamps) positioned around a single door to stop any outside force from entering the room/building.  The unit upon approch from a potential outside threat will take place infront of the door to ward off the threat, the Unit will stand ready at all times being approched or not with a firearm drawn.

Double door clamp, six barriers (Clamps) positioned around a double door to stop any outside force from entering the room/building.  The unit upon approch from a potential outside threat will take place infront of the door to ward off the threat, the Unit will stand ready at all times being approched or not with a firearm drawn.

If the outside potential force is resisting to move away upon ordered, the unit must call for additional support


Note: I made these afew months back in my community.  Thought I'd throw these here for you guys to make use of them if you'd like.


I'm about half-way through and I'm already having nostalgic reminders of when I used to be part of the MPF on RRP.


Quote from: Corocan on 07-04-2012
I'm about half-way through and I'm already having nostalgic reminders of when I used to be part of the MPF on RRP.

Same with me only back in the days of Shhroleplay when it was golden.  Its a shame that some great old servers died years back.


Quote from: Madcombat on 07-04-2012
Quote from: Corocan on 07-04-2012
I'm about half-way through and I'm already having nostalgic reminders of when I used to be part of the MPF on RRP.

Same with me only back in the days of Shhroleplay when it was golden.  Its a shame that some great old servers died years back.



Once again a great guide that has gone through many iterations, I really have nothing to add as it is an excellent guide. Stickied and not locked as I wish to see comments on this, so we can continue to improve it.