5 things you wanted edited/changed/removed/added to srp

Started by Silver Knight, 13-10-2010

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Silver Knight

This topic is simple, yet effective.

List here, 5 things you wanted edited/changed/removed/added to srp.


1. I think... that penguins should be added to srp
2. Bloodsuckers should have top hats
3. Add monsta trucks
4. Add monsta trucks 2
5. Add monsta trucks 3

That was a dumb example, however it gets over the point that things should be layed out with numbers, keep this on topic and serious please, i won't hesitate to give you a forum ban.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


1. There should be stashes, that randomly generate RU; and small items.
2. The paycheck for Stalkers should be increased dramatically.
3. Please decrease the prices of items. Even though this will cause a "Rich" economy, We will have many more players.
4. Random Trader NPC's that can give jobs, and Sell small items. (Ammo, and Small rifles.) They should not be allowed to sell suits, and High tier weapons.
5. I'm undecided on the last one, I'll edit it later.

Quote from: Paintcheck on 13-10-2010
1. Make
2. It
3. Fun
4. Again
5. Please



1. Back to redemption.
2. Gimme my veteran trader back.
3. Fix the ecologist faction
4.Mutant npc's
5. Make the sunrise suit cheaper. Since that suit should be more common, then the merc.


1. A well made hunger mod.
2. No paycheck. It causes inflation.
3. Anomalies that are randomly scattered around with server restart.
4. Artifacts with some properties.
5. More variant of suits with different stats.

All of this has to do with my idea about the economy. So don't say it's bad yet until you fully read my thread. And I am still trying to iron out issues that people should present me with.


1. No more trader "tiers"
2. stashes with randomly generated items ie. 5-10 RU, or a box of ammo.
3. Artifacts. Now.
4. More suits/wepons
5. As you said, monster trucks.
To loot, lulz and SCIENCE!


1. Less ninjas
2. less 'im a 4year old who dosn't understand shit' RP
3. Fear RP
4. Make items easy to obtain.
5. Make a Trader whitelist
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


1. A richer economy.. The money has to come from somewhere, and it's certainly not from the factions. Traders are rare and pay out of their own pocket for missions. So what we need is..
2. SA admin powers back. Spawning items/rubles and making missions for stalkers. Maybe they will get on more too because I'm sure they enjoyed making missions, with the RP that comes from giving the mission.
3. Artifacts back. Again, you just need admins for this. Anomalies require more scripting, and they're a lot more boring than the admin stashes and spots.
4. Tooltrust by steam ID instead of by character.
5. Khorn's ideas. Really like the barmen and advanced hunger mod idea.
6. Smoking anim, for when you auctually use cigarettes.
7. Drugs for Freedom. Realistic, not like the dark rp drugs.


1. Traders that acutally ACT like Traders (No fighting, Low Combat Skills, Just simple Trading)
2. Artifacts (There a main source of a Stalker Economy, every Stalker wants one..)
3. Military that actually wear the right suits (Recruits dont get Spetnaz Suits...)
4. Hunger Mod (It's annoying, but it forces Players to eat and drink, also supports Passive RP)
5. Fix the fucking Admin Team


Quote from: Alucard on 13-10-2010
1. People
2. Who
3. Can
4. Count
5. K?
I had too many things I wanted to change. I'm sure he'd rather have me input everything than keep it to just 5. Another idea.. Wich I'm sure has been mentioned but would be really nice. A guitar to play around the campfire.


1. Either cut off the super mega load paychecks right now or make things more expensive, The value of the RU is starting to die.
2. Imlement a light,keyword LIGHT!!!!Ass pulling rule. Like you can't have a fucking uber mega fort that has been built in one day, you have to roleplay it.
3. More horror aspect on sector 42 perhaps?
4. Since of new character stats,characters can get hungry but won't die just if your character doesn't eat for more than 6 hours game time his/her stats will go down.
5. Since of new character stats, mercs,military, high ranked dutiers and freedomers, and experianced and up stalker/bandits get better stats because no one wants to rp that a merc has better combat skill than an average stalker.



Why are we pushing for a hunger mod.
And why are we worried about "Inflation" on a game. . . It makes no sense to me
Why can't you people just RP instead of having a script force you to do it. Its retarded to me.
Someone please explain.
Next thing you know people will be asking for a condom item and a Sex anim and some sort of stat oriented thing to do with sex or some sort of script mod for sex, Its stupid.
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


The answer is very easy, Tom. We need to have a script to force doing this things, like Hunger, because nobody will ever RP it.


Quote from: Aresty on 17-10-2010
The answer is very easy, Tom. We need to have a script to force doing this things, like Hunger, because nobody will ever RP it.
If no one is RP'ing now, and a script is added forcing them to, then they will all bitch to the high heavens. GG.


Yeah but why is it a big deal? The reason we have no players is because there is no events or jobs, not because we don't have a hunger mod or "Inflation" which inflation in SRP is a rediculus concept, since the value of a ruble dosn't go down or fluxuate because Hmm. . . IDK ITS A GAME. lol you people are thinking to in depth about stupid shit and not wrpaing your head around the important shit.
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


The best roleplay came out of me when I stopped caring about items, that was at the point when I had lots of money, nice suits and guns.
Was also the time when I had the most fun.

So I suggest you let people get the whole 'must have items!' thing over and done with as soon a possible.


Yea, basically, everyone now just plays to get items and money.

Most people wait around for a stash, or wait for someone to die. Then they rush the area in droves to grab what they can.

Most of the roleplay is dead due to people only wanting items.


Alot of people strive to get  all of the best guns and suits because they want to "Win The Game".



I didn't know it was possible to "win" SRP. Or any RP server.
To loot, lulz and SCIENCE!


So what I'm saying is give them the damn items.
Make it easy to obtain them so everyone can focus on more important things.


If you make the items easy to get, people will attempt to hoard them.

It won't change the fact that a lot of players are greedy for items.


Still, Making the economy more shitty and adding a hunger mod won't fix item hoarding at all it will make it worse.
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


People will be like "OMG FOODZ MUST NOM" and would cut out a bit the "OMG MUST GET GUNZ AND TOTALY NOT EAT SLEEP NOR TAKE A CRAP"


Not really, Its like adding a day and night system, its more of an anoyance then its worth.

(IE): *Tom raises his gun at the guy with the hostage
Terrorist: If you do. . . She gets it
Girl: Please dont!
*The Terrorist laughs maniacally
*Toms stomache grumbles
*Girls stomache grumbles
*Terrorists stomache grumbles
Tom: // Shit I need to eat
Girl: // Me too
Terrorist: // Damn hunger mod.

It would ruin epic RP and stuff since most hunger mods are a 'Starve to death' mod. and if it modifies stats whats the point? Stats count for shit anyway cause everyone is paper thin, weak, and can only jog for 5-8 seconds.
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Quote from: Tom on 18-10-2010
Not really, Its like adding a day and night system, its more of an anoyance then its worth.

(IE): *Tom raises his gun at the guy with the hostage
Terrorist: If you do. . . She gets it
Girl: Please dont!
*The Terrorist laughs maniacally
*Toms stomache grumbles
*Girls stomache grumbles
*Terrorists stomache grumbles
Tom: // Shit I need to eat
Girl: // Me too
Terrorist: // Damn hunger mod.

It would ruin epic RP and stuff since most hunger mods are a 'Starve to death' mod. and if it modifies stats whats the point? Stats count for shit anyway cause everyone is paper thin, weak, and can only jog for 5-8 seconds.

You and Alucard both have good points, how about this then, if you eat food you get a temporary buff, but its not like you can start staking buffs like eating 200 suasages and then being able to be stronger than an exo.
