Serris, Princess of Ashstone

Started by Chespinlover23, 14-07-2017

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~Character Sheet~
Name: Serris Almus
Description: The warrior princess of Almustadt with ambition to one day become as skilled a warrior as the King.

Age: 21
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Alignment: Lawful Good
Class: Warrior

Basic: Y
Magic: N

Weapons: Swords
Armour: Medium-weight armour
Items: Books

Weapons: Guns
Armour: N/A
Items: Thievery or gambling tools

~Special Equipment~
Crested Ring-A ring with the crest of the royal family.

Smart. All royals undergo extensive teaching of history, and Serris is no exception.
Loyal. She's not one to abandon her party or allies.
Perseverance. If she deems something important enough, she will focus her effort on it.

Temper. Her hot-headedness can sometimes get out of control, causing problems for both sides.
Impatient. She really doesn't like waiting for answers, or most things at that.
Pushy. Her perseverance sometimes causes her to get others to aid her in her goals half the time, whether they wish to or not.

Quick-Strike [Sword] 'Rush forward and slash. Roll twice and use the higher value for the attack.' {ACTIVE}
Sentinel [Warrior] 'If someone attempts to move out of your melee range, make a melee strike. Negates Flee.' {ACTIVE}
Rage [Warrior] '+5 to hit, -5 to defence. Wears off after battle.' {ACTIVE}
Improved Critical [Warrior/Rogue] 'Makes it so rolling 40 above the losing roll grants a crit rather than 50 above.' {PASSIVE}
Focus [ANYONE] '+10 to hit for the next attack. If used twice in a row without attacking, it becomes +20. Unique in that it can be used an unlimited amount of times per battle.' {ACTIVE}

Serris is the youngest child of Boestas Almus, King of Almustadt. Though, being a member of the ruling family earns no respect on its own; only through combat and leadership is royalty truly acknowledged in Almustadt. Serris was taught to use a blade by Sir Yohlmund Wors, who is considered to be the best swordsman still fighting for the country. She was also taught battle tactics by Brahg Khyr, who leads Almustadt's most successful mercenary company.

Though she is rather new to war, she was taught by the best and is eager to prove herself.
The sky, if anything, will always be full of colour. The deep blue of day, the orange and purple blend of twilight, the night sky, an obsidian blanket with diamond holes. Even stormy skies, while grey, possess a colour.
We could learn a thing or two from the sky.


Nicely balanced character you have there. Good stuff.

Some of the text is tough to read though, as an alternative I have some easier options here that don't compromise your colour scheme.

mediumpurple instead of purple.

Royalblue instead of blue.

Completely optional, by the way. Have a good one.