Lumina, the Journeying Outcast

Started by Chespinlover23, 12-07-2017

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~Character Sheet~
Name: Lumina Cepel
Description: A former member of a warrior's guild who left many, many years ago in search of something dear to her.

Age: 32
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Class: Warrior

Basic: Y
Magic: N

Weapons: Swords
Armour: N/A
Items: Most navigating equipment

Weapons: Magic, bows
Armour: N/A
Items: Mechanical-type objects

~Special Equipment~
Mentor's Blade: Her blade, given to her by her mentor shortly before her demise.

-Knowledgable. She knows many things, having been in many places in her past.
-Calm. She keeps calm under pressure most times, and not many things can make her angry enough to lash out.
-Strong. She doesn't tire easily, and will often fight until she collapses if she deems the situation important enough.

-Forgetful. She often forgets things, from small tidbits to key pieces of information.
-Haunted by past. Previous experiences may have toughened her, but they have also weakened her considerably.
-Careful. She's sometimes TOO careful, which means that at times, she may not trust people she needs to trust, etc.

Quick-Strike [Sword] 'Rush forward and slash. Roll twice and use the higher value for the attack.' {ACTIVE}
Sentinel [Warrior] 'If someone attempts to move out of your melee range, make a melee strike.' {ACTIVE}
Focus [ANYONE] '+10 to hit for the next attack. If used twice in a row without attacking, it becomes +20. Unique in that it can be used an unlimited amount of times per battle.' {ACTIVE}
Berserk [Warrior] '+10 to hit, -10 to defence. User loses control and attacks relentlessely. Wears off after three turns.' {ACTIVE}
Reflect Blow [Warrior] 'Prepare for a counterattack. Critical needed for ranged attacks.' {ACTIVE}

The sky, if anything, will always be full of colour. The deep blue of day, the orange and purple blend of twilight, the night sky, an obsidian blanket with diamond holes. Even stormy skies, while grey, possess a colour.
We could learn a thing or two from the sky.