Vault tec in real life?

Started by meetdadoom, 19-07-2010

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So I was listening to a podcast called through the aftermath, and what they do is they talk about apocalypse themed things,videogames,movies,tv shows,books,events in history,etc.
So anyways i was listening to them and they were talking about how there is a group of people trying to get commision from the U.S goverment to make these shelters that will protect people who sign up for these shelters from any apocalypse,bio war,nuclear,anarchy,etc.

So right now they just have a 3ds max model of what a shelter would look like. So far they have a good chance of getting commisioned to do this and they are going to build 20 of these.

Now....does anyone see whats going on lol. this vault tech and is going to be run by the us goverment (aka enclave). Watch these shelters be like experimental things just like in the lore in fallout
so here is the link to the website. You should probably check it out.



This isn't going to work.

And what if after 886 days nothing will happen?
What are you going to do with those vaults?
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


It said and even if the Mayan calendar was wrong they can still keep building it like an insuarnce almost. But yeah for some reason I fee like it is someone just fucking with all of us XD


Silver Knight

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period

Bl★ck Star

Well it is a Good Idea, I don't think anything will happen in the next 40 years or something, but if we have some of them, we know that we will be save (if you got the money) if anything will happen somehow


My only problem with this is , and keep in mind the locations are meant to be at the most 1 and a half hour drive, when a nuclear catastrophy happens or terrorist attack how will we know it is going to happen I mean sure if the country is threatening us that would be a little red alert to get to the bunker or if a terrorist group is threathening attacks but what about a surprise attack?

Also I like how he said that they even have a jail area, its like there is going to be rich white boy gang violence. XD (ie malibu most wanted)

Also If i do ever find the reason to get a space I am going to use it as a vacation home XD .



Eh, start a militia, take one over, fill full of weapons and food and space for you soldiers, then if the world ends, in a nuclear war, you can takover ther wasteland. If not, take over anyways.
Suspiciously cheesy man sighted on east pier at 9pm.