Scariest part in SOC

Started by Shadow207, 06-08-2011

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Who else doesn't like the part where you finish off all the military at the factory/small town and you go under ground and find bandits?
I get amazingly scared in dark tunnels if i don't have a overpowered Weapon

Please tell which part you think is scary  :D


The part I find scariest is whenever I unexpectidly encounter a Snork Mutant, god, I just. I scream in RL hahaha

Bl★ck Star

None, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games aren't scary at all in my opinion :/

but other games like F.E.A.R. are or Silent Hill.


I don't see how you can be scared in Agroprom underground, but labs are pretty scary. I shot when I've heard something hitting metal.
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Quote from: lolKieck on 06-08-2011
I don't see how you can be scared in Agroprom underground, but labs are pretty scary. I shot when I've heard something hitting metal.
I havent played any real horrors... So i get scared easy, Stalker is scary because of the atmosphere alone IMO


Quote from: Shadow207 on 06-08-2011
Who else doesn't like the part where you finish off all the military at the factory/small town and you go under ground and find bandits?
I get amazingly scared in dark tunnels if i don't have a overpowered Weapon

Please tell which part you think is scary  :D

It was in that underground that I fought my first bloodsucker and controller.. so I agree with you.


Quote from: PwnyXpress on 09-08-2011
It was in that underground that I fought my first bloodsucker and controller.. so I agree with you.

You fought the controller? I just shat myself and ran outta there.


Somehow I managed to get past the controller without having to fight him, but I knew he was there so I was scared shitless.


Yeah those who claim this game wasn't scary are made of rock. I was scared out of my mind whenever I left a town-area.

Silver Knight

Quote from: Shadow207 on 06-08-2011
Who else doesn't like the part where you finish off all the military at the factory/small town and you go under ground and find bandits?
I get amazingly scared in dark tunnels if i don't have a overpowered Weapon

Please tell which part you think is scary  :D

The first encounter with a bloodsucker.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period

Bl★ck Star

Quote from: Last.Exile on 10-08-2011
Quote from: Shadow207 on 06-08-2011
Who else doesn't like the part where you finish off all the military at the factory/small town and you go under ground and find bandits?
I get amazingly scared in dark tunnels if i don't have a overpowered Weapon

Please tell which part you think is scary  :D

The first encounter with a bloodsucker.

My first encounter was:

Me: Wtf is this *see's air flimmering*
Bloodsucker: *Decloacks*
Me: Wtf *shoot's bullet's at head* /Bloodsucker is dead/ *Examines it* Wtf *going on my epic journey trough the Zone*


Quote from: Bl★ck Star on 10-08-2011
Quote from: Last.Exile on 10-08-2011
The first encounter with a bloodsucker.

My first encounter was:

Me: Wtf is this *see's air flimmering*
Bloodsucker: *Decloacks*
Me: Wtf *shoot's bullet's at head* /Bloodsucker is dead/ *Examines it* Wtf *going on my epic journey trough the Zone*

You see, I played HGN first, So when I was walking through the sewers, I was like...

Me: Aha! Anymore bandits!
Sucker: "!idle1"
Me: Is that? Nah... Probably just a soundscape...
Sucker: "!Charge"


My first run in with a sucker was:
Me:  Oh look, a loner on the ground in need of my help!
Loner:  Gimmee medkit.
Me: Kay, here-
Bloodsucker : Gotcha' bitch! nomnomnomnomnom
Me: Screw helping people, next time ima just shoot you, silly stalker bait.


Well in that tunnel i met two controllers. and i saved between them.


Quote from: Archangel94 on 12-08-2011
Well in that tunnel i met two controllers. and i saved between them.
I only met one and saved during the fight and took a 1 hour break because I was so scared.


Quote from: mikeman003 on 10-08-2011
My first run in with a sucker was:
Me:  Oh look, a loner on the ground in need of my help!
Loner:  Gimmee medkit.
Me: Kay, here-
Bloodsucker : Gotcha' bitch! nomnomnomnomnom
Me: Screw helping people, next time ima just shoot you, silly stalker bait.

I'll have to agree with Mike here.. I definitely didn't see that one coming.. I was just walking up to the guy and sudden I hear roaring and I flip around to meet my demise...

That, for the first time I met a bloodsucker underground..I freaked out a great deal from that..Since I was already on edge at that point.


Worst has to be fucking Agropom I leaped out of my chair.