Resident Evil 5

Started by Bl★ck Star, 29-06-2010

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Bl★ck Star

Quote from
QuoteThe latest and greatest Resident Evil game has arrived. How does it hold up to the past games and the name Resident Evil? Find out on the other side.
The Umbrella Corporation has fallen and its experiments have been taken by bio-terrorists. You are playing as Chris Redfield who has joined the BSAA, an anti-biological threat organization.  Joining you in this game is Sheva Alomar a BSAA agent and native to the area you are in.
When you start up a new game the first thing I noticed that I really like is you get to choose what game style you are playing.  You can lock the game so no one can join you, make it an invite only game so you choose who you want to join you, or leave it open so anyone can join you.
Also it is very important to note that this game is drop in and out of co-op mode.  So either I invite someone to my game or if someone comes over and wants to play they grab a controller, hit start, and they are in.
Graphics of this game are amazing, and it is different from other Resident Evils because you are fighting primarily in the middle of the day.
Control wise it is an almost direct match to Resident Evil 4 with some minor changes due to the co-op aspect.  Your D-pad is a quick swap for weapons, herbs, and grenades.  And it is very nice to know that if you run out of ammo your partner will split what they have with you.
As far as the story of the game it looks like they went with a continuation from Resident Evil 4.  It doesn't seem like there are the traditional zombies crawling around.  These "zombies" are like the enemy's from RE4 in the fact that it looks more like a parasite infection not a virus.  So keep that in mind if you are going to grab this, you may want to make sure you hit RE4 first.
I do wish your AI partner (when you are not playing co-op with a real person) was actually good.  The AI is so terrible that it almost makes me not want to play unless a real person is in control.  One thing to keep in mind while playing single player is that you and your partner need ammo, so don't hoard it all, if you see that your partner is low have them grab the ammo instead, it might save your life.
One interesting thing to note is that an install is REQUIRED to play the game for the PS3. I am unsure if you are required on the Xbox 360, but I doubt it since they can't be sure if the person actually has a hard drive. Funny enough though, when you are loading between levels they have a running timeline history of  Resident Evil, so if you are using a PS3 to play don't get your hopes up to read it, the game loads wicked fast.  Total install time for me took 11 minutes. That does not include the day one patch that was up when I put the game in for the first time.

I think the AI is pretty good acctualy lol

Well, On my Opinion its a Really Great Game, I like the upgrade/inventory thing pretty much, Graphics is Also Decent and the Coop Mode is really great (played already with Silver Knight)

Does someone else has this Game and wants to play coop ?


True dat, played it through with a friend of mine, was a ton of fun. Altho figuring what to do in the last boss fight was annoying, died like 20 times.

The bosses are good, nicely made, and fun to fight.

Silver Knight

I completed it yesterday with Ravanger, we are now playing the mercanaries mode.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


SHEVAAAAA!... We got all the costumes... Also I might come play with you Black.

Silver Knight


Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period

Bl★ck Star


Hold on for a second.

wrong thread xD jk

Well Iam also soon at the end Iam now in the Lab and fought the Uruboros project (Uruboros sounds like Niggers tried to do science)


Resident evil 1,2 and 3.
That is all.


Quote from: Steel on 30-06-2010
Resident evil 1,2 and 3.
That is all.

This man has a point. To be honest, RE4 and RE5 they are good games, plenty of new features. However It won't change the fact that RE1, RE2, RE3 were simply great. I miss the old dead city darkish ambient. I believe if they got the action back into the cities who would be swarmed by zombies and all sorts of mutants like in the old series,  it would be sold a lot.

Silver Knight

You don't really play Resident evil 5 for the lore but for playing it coop with friends.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


Quote from: Last.Exile on 30-06-2010
You don't really play Resident evil 5 for the lore but for playing it coop with friends.

Thats True, the gameplay is very fun.
I did enjoy playing it, just the storyline of the newest ones dont feel zombie enough for me.


Quote from: Last.Exile on 30-06-2010
You don't really play Resident evil 5 for the lore but for playing it coop with friends.

I know, I played it with my brother (LAN), however, I'm saying that if they are making RE6 , it should be back in the cities, the good old zombies chasing you down the streets xD.


Quote from: Dug on 30-06-2010
Quote from: Last.Exile on 30-06-2010
You don't really play Resident evil 5 for the lore but for playing it coop with friends.

Rumors are Rumors, but thats apparently what the 6th one is supposed to be about.

I know, I played it with my brother (LAN), however, I'm saying that if they are making RE6 , it should be back in the cities, the good old zombies chasing you down the streets xD.

Bl★ck Star


QuoteLike the sunrise, death and taxes, you betcha Japanese game developer is going to make the inevitable sequel to Resident Evil 5, Resident Evil 6. The game designer helming the project, however, is not so certain.

In February 2009, RE5 producer Jun Takeuchi said that Resident Evil 6 would be a reboot. Then, that July, Takeuchi stated it didn't seem as though he or fellow Resident Evil series vet Masachika Kawata would be in charge of the upcoming RE.

When Kotaku talked to Takeuchi later that year at the Tokyo Game Show, Takeuchi said that Capcom has not yet decided the producer for Resident Evil 6.

In a recent interview, Takeuchi once again confirmed that he certainly will not be doing RE6: "I'm not involved in Resident Evil 6. There's actually a number of things I want to do."


"If I say it like that, it might be taken as 'next game,' but before reaching the step of making a game, we — Japanese developers — have a lot of things that we must do. To begin, I have a number of things I'd like to do related to Capcom as a whole."

Oh. But, hey, Resident Evil 6!


I played 1, 4, 5 is all I a know a little bit about lore.

Bl★ck Star

^  Real Life Las Plagas Zombie from Re5 xD


Chris got frickin ripped all of a sudden


I hate how they strayed from zombies and turned them into parasite things... :D Even though its cool when they burst out of there stump when you blow thar head off


Quote from: KingArthur on 01-07-2010
I hate how they strayed from zombies and turned them into parasite things... :D Even though its cool when they burst out of there stump when you blow thar head off

>Implying a knife to the foot doesn't provide the same head bursting.

I was THOROUGHLY dissapointed with the last fight.

It took me and my friend 3 hours, and then when we figured out we can't kite him and have to stay on that platform area, I beat him to death with the stun rod.

Fucking failure of a last boss fight.
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Quote from: Lucidius on 02-07-2010
Quote from: KingArthur on 01-07-2010
I hate how they strayed from zombies and turned them into parasite things... :D Even though its cool when they burst out of there stump when you blow thar head off

>Implying a knife to the foot doesn't provide the same head bursting.

I was THOROUGHLY dissapointed with the last fight.

It took me and my friend 3 hours, and then when we figured out we can't kite him and have to stay on that platform area, I beat him to death with the stun rod.

Fucking failure of a last boss fight.
Meh the last boss was pretty hard i still wished he had never started to inject himself with that crap in the first game a while back shoulda stayed in the squad