Red Orchestra 2?

Started by HitMan5523, 15-09-2011

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I was thinking of buying it and I wondered if it was any good? I've asked a couple of my friends and so far I have 3 people say it isn't worth the money and 2 people say it is worth the money. I like games like this,but I'm just wondering if it's worth the money.
I'm hip! What are you talking about!


Its cool, but if you wanna save money buy just Red Orchestra 1, its same in concept.


I have Red Orchestra 1 and the AI is crap in the singleplayer. Did they improve it in the second one?
I'm hip! What are you talking about!


Quote from: HitMan5523 on 16-09-2011
I have Red Orchestra 1 and the AI is crap in the singleplayer. Did they improve it in the second one?
Of course it is since it got singleplayer campaing, but still. What AI do you expect from game supposed to be only MP? :D


I just thought that the campaign would be like Battlefield's campaigns. Like multiplayer,but with bots.
I'm hip! What are you talking about!


Game instantly crashes for me. I read all the troubleshooting steps and it still doesnt work. I don't recommend it.

Lt.Ivan Kutz-ALIVE-Military
Vladimir Kutz-ALIVE-Merc
John Serio-ALIVE-Senior Initiate


Yea, I had to change my recomendation for this game.
Its not that good, actually, I find Red Orchestra 1 maybe even better.
MAPS: Small maps compared to RO1, also not so good. They are for newbies too confusing and they have too many camping spots.
COVER SYSTEM: Most of times useless, just make more people camp.
WOUND / KILL SYSTEM: Is GOOD and I mean, REALLY GOOD. Some weapons are ridiculously weak, but talking about wounds its great. No health regeneration. You have only two chances when you get wounded, because you have only two bandages.
Shooting into head: Insta-kill.
Shooting into heart: You have maybe 5 seconds to live, you almost cant move or aim and your screen turn soon black. You can just spray around in hope to kill anybody around.
VEHICLES: No APCs anymore like in RO1. You cant leave tank even when its pile of rubble already. You spawn with tank which sounds like good idea when in RO1 lot of people went solo in tanks, but here you probably just end up with bunch of douche bags which dont give a damn about orders and move / shoot as they wish.
CAMPAINGS: Im gonna sound like 12 years old, but best campaing with Stalingrad atmosphere had CoD 1. Here its pretty much only maps with bots + Soviet campaing is just Axis campaing from other side so it went pretty boring after first chapter of Russian campaing.
PERFORMANCE: Not bad, my PC is damn weak and I run it fine.
REWARD SYSTEM: Major problem is that people get rewarded for frags instead of doing their damn job. People just go solo sniper and try to get some kills before another one kills them.
CO-OP: In RO1 I remember that we always made some small groups in some maps in choke points and smoked the way toward checkpoints and did pretty good job. Here is COOP at minimum.