Overrated Games List

Started by Paintcheck, 05-03-2011

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After an SF discussion with Zombiehunta about why I hate Oblivion and Warbands I thought it might be fun to see what other highly acclaimed/stupidly popular games HGNers find to be overrated.

But first some ground rules

1. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and "overrated" is an opinion. Do not start flame wars because someone hates a game you like. This is supposed to be somewhat amusing/funny. If you can't take the fact that someone dislikes something you like then don't post.
2. Read rule 1 about 50 times and then you can post. here

My list is

1. Mount and Blade

No matter how hard I try I do not find this game fun. Some people like the lack of direction and story, I do not as I find it confusing and difficult to get into. I have no idea why the various kingdoms don't like each other or why I should care. The wonky difficulty curve and AI don't help. I spent several hours and several saves trying to find a way to make this fun but I would always get stuck at "Too strong for bandits, too weak to go siege/fight in real wars and unable to fix that". Getting constantly bonzai'd by enemy war parties 4 times your size when you are traveling with a group of allies that do nothing is frustrating and getting defeated in battle basically means you're fucked. I know most of HGN thinks M&B is the greatest game ever but I think it was probably the worst $10 I have ever spent on a game.

2. Oblivion

Tiered leveling, horrible combat, incoherent story, lack of direction and this won all sorts of Editor's Choice and Game of the Year awards? What the hell? Sword fighting is no fun, enemies don't seem to react to damage other than maybe staggering a little bit,  and constantly feeling lost due to the game trying to shoehorn "hey we're open ended" and "hey there's demons from Hell invading and you should do something about that" into the same product is disorientating as fuck. Somewhat ironically I liked FO3 and FO NV despite suffering from similar issues. Probably because the combat is fun (yay blowing limbs off!) and the stories in both those seem to be a little less "urgent" sounding.

3. Every CoD game past CoD 4 MW

No dedicated servers, $60 price tag, and repeatedly being told by Acitvision's CEO that "we hate fun and innovation and will only churn out blockbusters we can make sequel after sequel on" = no thanks. CoD-CoD 4 (not counting CoD 3 since it was console-only) were amazing games at their time. No war game had ever attempted something so cinematic and Band of Brother-y before and it was awesome. CoD 4's persistent multiplayer was great. And then MW2 came, cost $10 more, removed a shit load of features (remember when you could lean?) and was generally a piece of shit that still sold more copies than the Bible has in 600 years of moveable printed type, forever ruining what was once an excellent franchise.

4. Halo

Linear first person shooter. We've had those since Doom in 1991. Why does everyone find these games so fucking amazing? Yes they have awesome cutscenes and are cinematic but the game play is dated (linear) the weapons don't have any oomph (the shotgun sounds like a fucking Nerf gun), and the MP isn't really that rewarding due to the lack of any sort of meaningful unlock system and the fact that console auto-aim generally makes gunfights a test of "who can mash the trigger faster while pointing in the general direction of their opponents head" rather than actual aiming and/or skill.

So HGN what are your overrated games?

Bl★ck Star

Every CoD game, but CoD 2 and 4 are fun.

I agree with Halo, The only good Halo is Halo Wars.

Dead Rising 1 & 2, I tought the game was hell of a lot fun, but when I played it it was fucking boring as hell.

Bioshock, it had quite some nice stuff in it, but overall it was boring.

Amnesia the dark descent, you kidding me ? That game is not scary at all.


Disagreeing with you at the CoD part.
I enjoy MW2 more than CoD4 and the other installments of the series.
It's pretty much the same game, however I simply enjoy the changes made in MW2.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


I few years ago I would disagree with you on Oblivion. I used to freakin' love that game, speant many hours on it.
But now I can't stand it, for the same reasons as you.


Quote from: Bielecki on 05-03-2011
I few years ago I would disagree with you on Oblivion. I used to freakin' love that game, speant many hours on it.
But now I can't stand it, for the same reasons as you.

The answer to that is mods.


Quote from: Zstan on 05-03-2011
Quote from: Bielecki on 05-03-2011
I few years ago I would disagree with you on Oblivion. I used to freakin' love that game, speant many hours on it.
But now I can't stand it, for the same reasons as you.

Doesn't it have nude mods? 0-o
The answer to that is mods.
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


CoD: All kinds.
Medal of Honor: All Kinds
Halo: All Kinds
Half Life 2: All kinds


Minecraft. It's just... BORING... I mean, there's no real goal to it. "pistolkid ur an unimaginative fukhed" Okay, so I build something. What then? Can I actually USE my creation for something? Nope. Eye candy for other people to gawk at. Multiplayer sort of relieves this problem, but it's still the same thing.


I'll play oblivion for like 20 hours straight then uninstall it, then a month later I'll be back to playing it again. I've never played halo, but it definitely seems overrated and dumb. Minecraft is fun when the server sets goals for you. Like on my old minecraft server, we all competed for the most citizens of our town and we had battles sometimes, the winner would get some reward. Minecraft has a lot of potential but it requires a lot of imagination and patience.


I can full agree with paintcheck.

Those games i never found to be that good after the first play.


Quote from: Linxiekins on 05-03-2011
I'll play oblivion for like 20 hours straight then uninstall it, then a month later I'll be back to playing it again.

I have the same problem but I spend 15 of those hours looking for / installing mods.


Oddly enough, I do enjoy Oblivion. Perhaps it's because I can spend hours just reading the different books and lore of the game. Anyways, Paint, you forgot to include how daedric bandits are just rude beggers. Also, Morrowind was great, but only because of the lore and story. And the legitimate feeling of adventure it gave, of course.
"I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me." Hunter S. Thompson, A.K.A. Gonzo.


I agree with paintcheck on the oblivion part and minecraft..yeah its fun for the first 2 months then it gets boring also Skyrim will be highly overrated too


Half Life series
CoD after CoD 4

Honestly I love Halo it appeals tot he fun factor with everyone


Gotta' disagree with you on the Half-life series.


Half-life overrated?heck no.


Quote from: knife_cz on 06-03-2011
Half-life overrated?heck no.

Some mute guy goes on a cliche adventure to fight aliens.

Sounds overrated to me, bro.
Gordon Freeman is the most cardboard character I've ever experienced.


Aliens vs Predators 3 - I found only the marine campaign interesting, the rest was crap , just running about pointlessly and killing people.

Borderlands - I liked this game to an extent but then it becomes repetative. Quests, quests, quests, shoot, shoot, shoot, no choice, no dialogue, more of an FPS to me than RPG.

Lord of Rings: Conquest - Shit. Plain Shit.

Dawn of War: Retribution - According to some of my friends, isn't even as half as worth for what it is. Some say it should be a addon not an expansion.

Farcry 2 - No matter how many times I tried playing it, I always became bored of it due to repetative things in the game. Drive around, shoot, drive around, shoot etc. OMG LOL KILL ZEH JACKALZ?

World of Warcraft - I don't get it, what's so special about it.

C&C series - Ever since EA took over Westwood, C&C series went down the shitter. I remember how I'd play RA2 for hours. Why? Because it wasn't made by EA.

Black Ops - The most dissapointing CoD game.

Should make a underrated list.

For that I'd add Metro 2033.
People hardly give any attention to the game, not to mention the great book it is plus all those wonderful OSTs in the game and a very interesting campign.

Star Wolves 1&3, these games were awesome, SW2 was more of a beta for SW3. In SW2 they merely experimented with things, to end up with SW3 which was briliant. I keep playing these games every now and done, just start over, and play the whole thing again. I love it, simply briliant, good story and interesting all the time.  However Russian gaming devs have something against autosave =/.

Tropico series - One of the best games out there that doesn't even get the half of attention it should.

Sins of Solar Empire - Keeps me always entertained, can't seem to stop playing it.


Half Life is just as linear and bland as the rest


Quote from: Ragolution on 06-03-2011
Some mute guy goes on a cliche adventure to fight aliens.

That's a gross over simplification.

You don't have to find it fun but you must appreciate the great pacing, fantastic characters, terrific mapping and overall design.

Also, Gordon was never supposed to be a big character. Valve wanted YOU the player to be the hero, thats why they made him mute and non descriptive.

Quote from: RG4ORDR on 06-03-2011
Half Life is just as linear and bland as the rest

I honestly don't get why you listed linear. It's a linear game, you're following a story. If you are suggesting that they should of added choices in the plot line then thats just silly.

I disagree with it being bland, however that is purely down to personal taste.


Quote from: Bielecki on 06-03-2011
Quote from: Ragolution on 06-03-2011
Some mute guy goes on a cliche adventure to fight aliens.

That's a gross over simplification.

You don't have to find it fun but you must appreciate the great pacing, fantastic characters, terrific mapping and overall design.

Also, Gordon was never supposed to be a big character. Valve wanted YOU the player to be the hero, thats why they made him mute and non descriptive.

Quote from: RG4ORDR on 06-03-2011
Half Life is just as linear and bland as the rest

I honestly don't get why you listed linear. It's a linear game, you're following a story. If you are suggesting that they should of added choices in the plot line then thats just silly.

I disagree with it being bland, however that is purely down to personal taste.

QuoteGreat pacing

What are you talking about?

QuoteFantastic Characters

And besides that, everyone was cardboard but Alyx and Barney.

QuoteTerrific mapping


Quotealso, Gordon was never supposed to be a big character. Valve wanted YOU the player to be the hero, thats why they made him mute and non descriptive.

You lost me at "You"
My name is not gordon freeman.


Guys please do not turn this into a huge debate over "I like this game" "Stop liking that game". This was supposed to be amusing to see people's opinions, not to have like 8 people chime in defending or attacking other games with "Your opinion is WRONG".


Quote from: Ragolution on 06-03-2011
You lost me at "You"
My name is not gordon freeman.

Obviously they had to give you some kind of name. Gordon Freeman was relatable, he was a simple man that at first sight you wouldn't call a hero.

Could you elaborate on the other things?

Quote from: Paintcheck on 06-03-2011
Guys please do not turn this into a huge debate over "I like this game" "Stop liking that game". This was supposed to be amusing to see people's opinions, not to have like 8 people chime in defending or attacking other games with "Your opinion is WRONG".

Just having an argument, I see no reason why it will turn into a flame war.


Its not about a flame war it's going to derail the topic with people arguing the merits of their games instead of posting games they think are overrated.


Alright, sorry Paint.

Wonder if anyone dares to call STALKER overrated.