New Game

Started by Paintcheck, 13-11-2010

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I'm in need of some new games to play as right now I have Gmod and Borderlands and that's about it. (And GTA 4 but it is barely playable due to being horribly ported and me stuck with a laptop so..yeah). What is the community playing these days?

Stuff I will not touch
Black Ops/MW2. The CoD series is dead to me since the games are now extremely shitty ports with unjustifiable price tags and are unplayable
Ubisoft games with their retarded "Must be on intrawebs" DRM unless the game has a crack for it (Ie AC2 has a crack that will remove the DRM)
RTS games (I just don't like them. They are too reliant on being Korean and not reliant on skill)
MMO games (grinding sucks and paying $15/month for the "privilege" of doing so is fucking stupid)

My favorite genres are shooters (but it seems good shooters have gone the way of the dodo bird since it only console crap gets released these days) and RPGs.

So hit me with some titles please.


Well, Black Ops does have a great STory. But Since you like RPG's, I say you'd try Two Worlds 2, Dragon Age with all the expansions, New Vegas.


I'm Gay!


Dragon Age is a good play if you haven't gotten it yet. Also, Mass Effect and ME2 are excellent buys with an amazing mix of RPG and FPS that might even match Borderlands.

"Stop living life so that you can do a job with out pay"
-Blake/Last Exile


BC2 seems kind of "meh" I heard it suffers from the BF2 school of "holy shit this is so unbalanced it isn't funny" in some respects.

Already beat both MEs.

Am hesitant about Dragon Age because I heard its combat requires you to micromanage and hold the hand of all your NPC friends if you want to win. Which sounds very RTS to me. Which sounds unappealing. And because games for some one reason never have demos any more I can't try it to see if I'd like it first.

New Vegas seems kind of appealing but I already have FO3 and don't really think NV is worth $50.

Bl★ck Star

If I don't play TF2, I play ether Minecraft (really fun in mp) or League of Legends, It's for free and it's like DotA

I could also recommend New Vegas, I also have Fo3 and when new vegas reales I tought "meh, not going to buy that, will be just like a dlc" But I was fucking surprise, it's really fun to play and it's like Fo1 and Fo2 just in First Person.

Also a Game is recommend is DarkSiders and also Risen and Gothic 4: Arcania


Gothic 4 got bad reviews, as did Risen.

Darksiders has intrigued me since it launched on consoles, I am waiting for PC Gamer to review it before deciding for sure to buy it. (Fuck how nothing has a demo any more.)

Never played DotA and really doubt I would like it or anything like it since I am not Korean.

So NV is worth it then. Ok will keep that in mind.

Bl★ck Star

oh btw The Force Unleashed 2 is also awesome.

and If you don't want to spend any money, try Lord of the Rings Online, it's f2p and it also has some RP servers, me and Akira play on a rp server and we make money trough playing songs like trough the fire and flames or Lady Gaga and whatever

I also recommend Stalker Series, Black&White Series, Lost Planet 1&2

If you want to scare the shit out of you in a cool fps horror game, try out Amnesia, freaking awesome game, has horror elements and puzzle

hmm what else, try playing Gameboy colour, I am playing with it when I am bored and I found hell of a fun at it again with the old pokemon series or Zelda.

Also if you have a PS3 I recommend getting Metal Gear Solid and Final Fantasy 13.

hope that helps a bit


I don't own any piece of shit console and I do not plan to. (Because they suck and also because it would be prohibitively expensive for me to buy one since I don't have a TV and I don't really have the space for one).

No interest in Amnesia, have played SoC and been considering CoP, maybe next time it's on sale.

Doubt I would like LOTR because I know nothing about that universe and other than subscription fees MMO combat tends to be boring as fuck and lacking in RP (although you say LOTR has RP but that is kind of lost on me since I don't know the canon anyway).

TFU 1 apparently was unplayable due to a shitty port job so TFU2 doesn't appeal to me since I'd have to play the (shitty) first one.


Mod Fo3 with GECK
? ? ? ?
Unlimited storylines/locations/...
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Try Savage 2: A Tortured Soul. You can try it for free and if you are sure, you can purchase the better stage of the game. Savage 2 has a great fighting engine and includes all 3rd person, FPS, RTS and RPG. It is a little old, but it is still played.

Bl★ck Star

Quote from: Predu on 14-11-2010
Try Savage 2: A Tortured Soul. You can try it for free and if you are sure, you can purchase the better stage of the game. Savage 2 has a great fighting engine and includes all 3rd person, FPS, RTS and RPG. It is a little old, but it is still played.

Savage 2 is awesome


I recommend Two worlds 2, I am playing it, Its super awesome...but its only released in europe if you want to buy go to or torrent it (USA and other continents release is on 4th january)


Still doesn't change the fact Two Worlds II isn't the best game, I'd try out the Witcher, it's a good game, though didn't play it.
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I am not saying its the best game..i am just saying its good.



I also suggest BFBC2. It's not as bad as MW2 or any of the COD series. Plus I met a very mature clan on their. Good times.


Why don't you look into mods rather then buying a game.

Commissar Nitro

im just gonna throw some clasics from anouther age into the mix (Fucking kids)

SofII double helix: Epic.

AOE: aka Age of empires the original (Get gold edition)

Dungeon keeper: Dont care whitch one!

Codename outbreak: FUCKING EPIC.

Delta Force Two: Or land warrior your choice.

Need for speed high stakes: Good fun just avoid the pontiac firebird handels like a lame brick on dope.

Microsoft combat flight simulator: Battel for britan edition, Lost of extra planes avalible online.

Dracula Reign of Terror: an RTS based on Count Vlad (Non vamperic, Badly made but well worth the agro trust me)
Cry Havoc And Let Slip The Dogs Of War.

Steven :D

Quote from: Bl★ck Star on 14-11-2010me and Akira play on a rp server and we make money trough playing songs like trough the fire and flames or Lady Gaga and whatever
Shit man, Hook me up and I'll play with you


Quote from: Bielecki on 15-11-2010
Why don't you look into mods rather then buying a game.

Name some good ones and I'll look into them

Thanks everyone for the suggestions. Really appreciate it.


Black ops is pretty fucked up for some so good choice on not buying it. pc Wise that is.

Steven :D

Quote from: Ravanger on 15-11-2010
Black ops is pretty fucked up for some so good choice on not buying it. pc Wise that is.
Works for me, Rov.


Thats why I am wipeing my pc and installing windows 7.


Quote from: Steven :D on 15-11-2010
Quote from: Ravanger on 15-11-2010
Black ops is pretty fucked up for some so good choice on not buying it. pc Wise that is.
Works for me, Rov.

I just bought it... Fuck!


AOE (age of empires) I still have the Cd..i played for ages, its great, Age of mythology is good too. Now a RPG from snes : Chrono trigger (yeah i got my name from it) its super fun, you would love it...and if you have TES IV you might want to get these mods : Oscuro oblivion overhaul, Actors in charge (if you like rping), Alternative oblivion magic, Supreme Magicka , Midas Magic spells of Aurum , LAME (Less annoying magic experience) and The no psychic guards ( yay murder and steal without the whole continent knowing.)