Metro 2033

Started by Caso, 25-07-2011

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I know this might be old news for you guys but since I am new here.....

What do you guys think of Metro 2033? I'm a Metro 2033 fan, I love the story, enviorment and game play. Yet, I know everyone here is crazy for S.T.A.L.K.E.R but I never got the impression for Metro. I would think some of you guys would like it considering it's by the same people who did S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

And if you did hated it, what would you have changed about it?

Personally I think they should have given a better path on where you should go when your trying to be sneaky. When I was trying to sneak through the nazi front-lines, I had to restart my game 30 times at the same damn part. By then I said "Fuck it" And killed all the nazi's in the room and saved the prisoners.
I used to be an adventure like you, but then the shadow started chasing me through a castle filled with monsters.


I'll just be brief.
Linear, boring gameplay and storyline, yet a good canon with somewhat interesting characters. The level design and engine's capabilities created a well-made and believable environment. English translation and dubbing was a disappointment, because it just sounds unbelievable and stupid. I am surprised that they implemented original Russian voice acting when STALKER didn't get any on Steam.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway

Steven :D

Quote from: Caso on 25-07-2011
I know this might be old news for you guys but since I am new here.....

What do you guys think of Metro 2033? I'm a Metro 2033 fan, I love the story, enviorment and game play. Yet, I know everyone here is crazy for S.T.A.L.K.E.R but I never got the impression for Metro. I would think some of you guys would like it considering it's by the same people who did S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

And if you did hated it, what would you have changed about it?

Personally I think they should have given a better path on where you should go when your trying to be sneaky. When I was trying to sneak through the nazi front-lines, I had to restart my game 30 times at the same damn part. By then I said "Fuck it" And killed all the nazi's in the room and saved the prisoners.

Lights are a major factor in the stealth system. If they aren't broken, your much more easier to see. It helpts to have the stealth armor too or else your stealth chance is at like 45%


Quote from: Steven :D on 25-07-2011
Lights are a major factor in the stealth system. If they aren't broken, your much more easier to see. It helpts to have the stealth armor too or else your stealth chance is at like 45%

Even with the lights are gone, they still some how see me. It's like they all have the ability to see thought walls or just taunt me by pretending they dont. I took all the lights out except the fire pits, and if they so much see my fat ass sticking out from the side of the walls they go on the attack.
I used to be an adventure like you, but then the shadow started chasing me through a castle filled with monsters.


Thank god that they're reportedly trying to fix the stealth in Last Light.


I have two words to indefinitely sum up my opinion of Metro 203-

"Is it just me, or have peoples' hands been growing out of their asses lately?"


Rofl, Criken always seem to make the game seem awesome and funny at the same time.
I used to be an adventure like you, but then the shadow started chasing me through a castle filled with monsters.


In my first playthrough of the game, I thought it was amazing. It felt so much like Stalker, but at the same time... it wasn't Stalker. Hearing that Last Light is comin out soon. I'll be ready to buy it. But yeah, Metro 2033 was amazing, but I did see some problems with the stealth system in the game. Although, I did mostly run and gun through the game! >:D



Quote from: TheScareCrow on 11-09-2011
Take a look at this:
Wow. What is this I don't even. You resurrected a 1 and 2/3 months dead thread. Please refrain from posting in a thread which is dead for a week.
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