Mass Effect 3

Started by Pawx, 12-12-2010

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Awhile back, Bioware sent out a Picture on Facebook (Or Twitter, Forgot the source) Of a picture that people guessed was Mass Effect 3

I thought this was a new game Bioware will be developing, a Multiplayar Spin-Off of the Mass Effect Series. Yesterday, On December 11, The New Game was revealed on Spike TV, Not to be a New Game or a Multiplayer Spin-Off, But Mass Effect 3

Mass Effect 3 Reveal Trailer: VGA 2010

Seems the game will be somewhat set on Earth...

Me being a Big Mass Effect fan, I got all excited and posted it here. Can't wait for the 2011 Holiday Realese, Coming for PC, Xbox 360, And this time let's hope, PS3.





Bl★ck Star

Quote from: Turkey on 13-12-2010
Quote from: meetdadoom on 13-12-2010
Quote from: ㅎㅎLocke on 12-12-2010
I came

I came twice.

Make it three times.

Did not came.

I acctualy don't really like the combination of strategy/fps/rpg. I played Mass Effect 1 and it wasn't that good in my opinion.


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!IMPORTANT! Empire Specific Fighters and the Empire Specific Weapons. Overview, tweeks and nerfs! BIG POST

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Im commander shephard,and this is my favorite discussion of forums.,yay =) Hope i will be able to Import my character from ME2


Quote from: knife_cz on 13-12-2010
Im commander shephard,and this is my favorite discussion of forums.,yay =) Hope i will be able to Import my character from ME2

Of course you will be able.




Quote from: Bl★ck Star on 13-12-2010
Quote from: Turkey on 13-12-2010
Quote from: meetdadoom on 13-12-2010
Quote from: ㅎㅎLocke on 12-12-2010
I came

I came twice.

Make it three times.

Did not came.

I acctualy don't really like the combination of strategy/fps/rpg. I played Mass Effect 1 and it wasn't that good in my opinion.



Yea but from Dragon Age you wont be able to import your char to Dragon Age im little not sure :O


Quote from: knife_cz on 17-12-2010
Yea but from Dragon Age you wont be able to import your char to Dragon Age im little not sure :O

Yes, you would be able to use your ME1/2 char in ME3.
Even ME2 states that.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Wait yea..true in one loading it says something like "If you survive with shephard you can import it to mass effect 3!"

El Presidente

This looks to be good, I just hope it'll take a good amount of time to finish with sidequests attatched.


Quote from: Lucidius on 13-12-2010

This. ME 1 was great because it's story focused more on the bigger universe around you than solely on humanity. ME2, while still being a good game, forced you to basically only care about humans/your team and not worry about the rest of the universe which detracted from what I felt was the epic scope of the original. ME3 now looks like "Halo Effect". With Earth being invaded the focus is probably going to get even more narrow and generic. Instead of taking advantage of this excellent universe they created in ME1, Bioware seems determined to become another generic sci-fi first contact evil aliens game which is extremely disappointing.


Quote from: Paintcheck on 24-12-2010
Quote from: Lucidius on 13-12-2010

This. ME 1 was great because it's story focused more on the bigger universe around you than solely on humanity. ME2, while still being a good game, forced you to basically only care about humans/your team and not worry about the rest of the universe which detracted from what I felt was the epic scope of the original. ME3 now looks like "Halo Effect". With Earth being invaded the focus is probably going to get even more narrow and generic. Instead of taking advantage of this excellent universe they created in ME1, Bioware seems determined to become another generic sci-fi first contact evil aliens game which is extremely disappointing.

True, but also think of the other "grand scale" things that could come off of this. Maybe Shepard has the option of killing all the Reapers, but also destroying all of Earth? I played both ME's and I thought they were good, but I'm a pretty simple minded person so, what the hell.

El Presidente

I have to say, ME 1 was a masterpiece compared to ME 2 but ME 2 was still a great game! Just not as great as ME 1...


I miss the elevators...