Homefront: What's Your Opinion?

Started by Frostee, 17-03-2011

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I think it's an alright game, just got it today and I somewhat like it. What's your opinion of it if you ever played it?


Oh my goodness I love it. The single-player is short and really scripted (meaning NPC's have to kick down 30 doors, etc to advance in a level), though. The AI is retarded most of the time. However, it's challenging and offers a different variety of things to do. Multiplayer is pretty cool. The vehicle spawning system, perk system, and gameplay are pretty original and innovative. It's also very well balanced - any player can take out a tank/heli if they know how to. All weapons are effective in the game, so there's not really any "overpowered" guns.


I think ill buy Crysis instead. Homefront just looks like another CoD game to me. Even though I heard some decent things about it.


Quote from: Ravanger on 19-03-2011
looks like another CoD game to me.

Is that bad? lol
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


unlike CoD this is actually balanced and has more gameplay than "derp shoot"

also unlike CoD, the maps are good


Quote from: PistolKid on 19-03-2011
unlike CoD this is actually balanced and has more gameplay than "derp shoot"

also unlike CoD, the maps are good

Also adding to the maps, they are detailed and rather large.


In the suburban levels, most of the houses are enterable. And most of them have two floors. There's lots of cool places around other maps too.


The campaign made me sell the game. Two hours does not fly anymore. A game needs atleast a 6 hour campaign. The entire story was rushed as shit. SUCH A GREAT ASS IDEA got rushed.



They hyped the single player campaign so much only to have it be two hours long? That's bullshit.


It's 5-6 hours long according to most reviews. Which is absurdly short, I agree but these days with the console idiots wrecking everything they touch that is pretty normal for a shooter.

Anyone remember when a game was considered "short" if it was shorter than 15 hours long? I was looking through some old N64 reviews on Gamespot just for fun and saw in a few of them the line: "At around 15-20 hours for a full play through [insert game title here] might seem a little short but..." Nowadays you're lucky to get 10 hours out of a storyline. Even RPGs are getting shorter. NV's story missions are like 5 hours long if that's all you do.


Quote from: ㅎㅎLocke on 22-03-2011
They hyped the single player campaign so much only to have it be two hours long? That's bullshit.

Pretty fucking stupid, I know. But it's fun for what's there... I'd say that Valve needs to step in and help people with their singleplayer games but then we'd never see another game for another 4 or 5 years...


The only shotgun in the entire game is DLC.
I regret buying this game, honestly.

Everything bad in COD + everything bad in Battlefield = Homefront

Bl★ck Star

Homefront: Home is where the Hearth Shit is.


I heard it is an okay game, i think i will stick with crysis 2 though.

"When in doubt, mumble."