HyperGaming Network

General Discussion => Video Games => Topic started by: Paintcheck on 10-05-2012

Title: Games Everyone Else Likes but You Hate
Post by: Paintcheck on 10-05-2012
Can we get a list going? I'll start:

Mount and Blade. The game is awful. Asymptotic difficulty curve, complete lack of direction or explanation on how to do most things, and an extremely punishing death penalty ensures that, in the process of learning the game, you will become incredibly frustrated losing fights until you finally learn the nontrivial skill set required to sword fight properly or become so enraged that you never touch the game again. By far the purchase I regret most on Steam and every time I see people with 100+ hours on it I scratch my head and wtf.

Who else has a game everyone else likes but they cannot stand? Would be interested to hear about others' experiences.
Title: Re: Games Everyone Else Likes but You Hate
Post by: Bl★ck Star on 10-05-2012
Title: Re: Games Everyone Else Likes but You Hate
Post by: Knife_cz on 10-05-2012
Alright so..CoD,
WoW - as in I liked Warcraft 3 and frozen throne, and I was looking forward another strategy game, but suddendly it turned into MMO which quite ruined it for me.
Duke Nukem Forever - "Same game new graphics" you can carry 2 weapons now?Where are the medkits?Why aren't the quotes that funny like they used to be?And lack of bosses :V
Oh and Fallout 3, it is not a bad game but as I played Fallout 1/2 I find it quite distrubing that Enclave, Raiders are always hostile.


Dragon Age 2 - Terrible game, I mean from RPG it turned into action game, huge disappointement.
Splinter cell conviction.
Title: Re: Games Everyone Else Likes but You Hate
Post by: jaik on 10-05-2012
please don't say cod because nobody likes cod

mine would probably be mass effect(series) and new vegas.

mass effect is just a linear story with action inside, like any other game. combat is quite derp and practically no thinking is involved here. the dialogue is cliched and always cheesy. Absolutely no modding/level editing.

new vegas? don't get me wrong, I love fallout and its background, however new vegas tries to combine classic fo(interplay) with gamebryo(bethesda). i know that bethesda didn't participate in the development a lot, but it still had consequences. nv didn't do a good job at creating an atmosphere for me and I'd choose earlier installations over NV any day simply because the former is more immersive and post-apoc. personally I dislike the endings of nv and how they're formed. you're never an official part of the faction that wins the battle and forming an independent nv is the only 'true' way to go by canon imo. also no official ending after freeplay.

Quote from: Paintcheck on 10-05-2012
you will become incredibly frustrated losing fights until you finally learn the nontrivial skill set required to sword fight properly or become so enraged that you never touch the game again.
Do you mean Multiplayer or SP?
Strange because I don't recall any fatal losses in any of my playthroughs. Not sure what are you doing wrong
Title: Re: Games Everyone Else Likes but You Hate
Post by: meetdadoom on 10-05-2012
Bethesda games- Almost all bethesda games ro me have been incredible boring and a hastle to play. Skyrim was stupid how uninterested i was to the world and the story and there was absolutely no-one who ever was an even match. Either they are too easy or they are butt fucking impossible but mostly they were super easy shich has been a recurin fheme in bethesda games. The more you level up, the lamer the game geta. Also skyrim had one key thing that pissed me off. No one gives a shit. What i mean by that is that doing quests had no meaning to the world. FOr example, you can do all the companion's guild missions yet people will still say "what are you the mead boy?". You can become the leader of guilds yet people will still run up to asking help for their mundane shit like fetching them three blueberries for a pie after you killed a dragon on your own.  That then brings me yo
Another point, dragons are boring as fuck
To kill to the point wee i just avoid then.

Edit: OH god the broken English, must have been mad that day :P
Title: Re: Games Everyone Else Likes but You Hate
Post by: jaik on 10-05-2012
Quote from: meetdadoom on 10-05-2012

and this.
Title: Re: Games Everyone Else Likes but You Hate
Post by: Knife_cz on 10-05-2012
Quote from: meetdadoom on 10-05-2012
You can become the leader of guilds yet people will still run up to asking help for their mundane shit like fetching them three blueberries for a pie after you killed a dragon on your own.
Reminds me of SoC where my character had Exo and FN and he always asked in DUTY bar to the NPCs "Can you spare some tips for a rookie?"Or something liek that.
Title: Re: Games Everyone Else Likes but You Hate
Post by: KingArthur on 10-05-2012
I hate arma
Title: Re: Games Everyone Else Likes but You Hate
Post by: Silver Knight on 10-05-2012
Quote from: KingArthur on 10-05-2012
I hate arma

Title: Re: Games Everyone Else Likes but You Hate
Post by: jaik on 10-05-2012
Quote from: Last.Exile on 10-05-2012
Quote from: KingArthur on 10-05-2012
I hate arma


day z is good
Title: Re: Games Everyone Else Likes but You Hate
Post by: Knife_cz on 10-05-2012
Quote from: Last.Exile on 10-05-2012
Quote from: KingArthur on 10-05-2012
I hate arma

Can't say if you are talking about Arma 2 or original Arma.
Title: Re: Games Everyone Else Likes but You Hate
Post by: KingArthur on 10-05-2012
Quote from: knife_cz on 10-05-2012
Quote from: Last.Exile on 10-05-2012
Quote from: KingArthur on 10-05-2012
I hate arma

Can't say if you are talking about Arma 2 or original Arma.
I hate both
Title: Re: Games Everyone Else Likes but You Hate
Post by: jaik on 10-05-2012
Quote from: KingArthur on 10-05-2012
Quote from: knife_cz on 10-05-2012
Quote from: Last.Exile on 10-05-2012
Quote from: KingArthur on 10-05-2012
I hate arma

Can't say if you are talking about Arma 2 or original Arma.
I hate both

explain why
Title: Re: Games Everyone Else Likes but You Hate
Post by: Paintcheck on 10-05-2012
Quote from: Jake on 10-05-2012

Do you mean Multiplayer or SP?
Strange because I don't recall any fatal losses in any of my playthroughs. Not sure what are you doing wrong

The point in which you "graduate" from beating up bandits to becoming a mercenary for a King has been my quitting point each time I have attempted to play M&B because every single time I do that I get butt fucked by roving patrols of [whichever kingdom the one I am mercenarying for is fighting] who have 3x as many people as I do all on horseback and knights which makes completing the mercenary missions impossible because I can't fight those people without either losing outright or losing so many of my men that I basically need to start from scratch again. M&B has no "middle" enemies, it has the bandits which are easily killed and don't offer enough reward to make you level up faster or be able to afford to pay for a huge army and then it has enemy armies of 100-200+ people all mounted on horses in plate armor that are too hard to beat when you have approximately 50 or soldiers of your own who aren't that leveled (because fighting bandits doesn't give enough experience to level them nor enough money to pay for more troops).

I've never made it beyond accepting a mercenary contract (which was ALSO painful because getting enough renown to do that from just fighting bandits takes HOURS) because of this. Game can burn in hell. Also it seems like every mplayer server is in Europe because the lowest ping I have ever managed playing Mplayer was 175. Stock mp is boring anyway, just a server full of people running around with 2 handers.

And I realize part of this is I'm probably not all that good at the game but attempting to find advice or guides has been fruitless. Everyone I have asked always goes "Oh yeah that part when you move from bandits to lords is really hard..." and every guide I've seen is only for people trying to do advanced things like carve out their own kingdom. So the game's a wash
Title: Re: Games Everyone Else Likes but You Hate
Post by: deluxulous on 11-05-2012
I've never really bought a game I didn't like. Although that could be because I'm rather shallow - If a game is fun for me, I enjoy it anyways, regardless of story etc.

probably because i played quake 2, return to castle wolfenstein, and medal of honor too much when I was younger...
Title: Re: Games Everyone Else Likes but You Hate
Post by: themutatedman on 11-05-2012
Mass Effect

Title: Re: Games Everyone Else Likes but You Hate
Post by: Plunger on 11-05-2012
Quote from: knife_cz on 10-05-2012
Alright so..CoD,
Duke Nukem Forever - "Same game new graphics" you can carry 2 weapons now?Where are the medkits?Why aren't the quotes that funny like they used to be?And lack of bosses :V


Dragon Age 2 - Terrible game, I mean from RPG it turned into action game, huge disappointement.
No one likes any of those anyways. It's supposed to be Games Everyone Else Likes.
Title: Re: Games Everyone Else Likes but You Hate
Post by: Redbark on 11-05-2012
Black ops zombies.
Title: Re: Games Everyone Else Likes but You Hate
Post by: jaik on 11-05-2012
Quote from: Redbark on 11-05-2012
Black ops zombies.

read the thread before you post

Quote from: Jake on 10-05-2012
please don't say cod because nobody likes cod

Quote from: Plunger on 11-05-2012
No one likes any of those anyways. It's supposed to be Games Everyone Else Likes.
Title: Re: Games Everyone Else Likes but You Hate
Post by: Caso on 11-05-2012
Uncharted 2: Among thieves

May this game burn in hell for all I care. I HATE this game. It's too cliche, predictable plot, cardboard characters that are either dropped, turn evil, or want to bone the main character for his sweaty, dirty, Hollywood body. Only carrying TWO weapons at a time with very limited ammo, the stupid fuckin train section that lasted longer then normal, along with the climbing sections. It's hard to tell what is climbable and what is just background, I usually end with waiting for the game to tell me what is climbable. I rather watch Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the crystal skull, then play this game ever again. Granted I play this game all the way to the end. Cause I wouldn't let this shit beat me, and you know what? The only satisfaction I got from it was the end of the game. Where the cut-scene for the game had ended and turned black.
Title: Re: Games Everyone Else Likes but You Hate
Post by: meetdadoom on 12-05-2012
Quote from: Caso on 11-05-2012
Uncharted 2: Among thieves

May this game burn in hell for all I care. I HATE this game. It's too cliche, predictable plot, cardboard characters that are either dropped, turn evil, or want to bone the main character for his sweaty, dirty, Hollywood body. Only carrying TWO weapons at a time with very limited ammo, the stupid fuckin train section that lasted longer then normal, along with the climbing sections. It's hard to tell what is climbable and what is just background, I usually end with waiting for the game to tell me what is climbable. I rather watch Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the crystal skull, then play this game ever again. Granted I play this game all the way to the end. Cause I wouldn't let this shit beat me, and you know what? The only satisfaction I got from it was the end of the game. Where the cut-scene for the game had ended and turned black.

HIGHLIGHT, Grade A example of what a post on this thread should be like. I for one absolutely loved the uncharted series but hell that's the point of the thread! If we could just frame that so everyone get's how their post should look like and not like this
Quote from: knife_cz on 10-05-2012
Alright so..CoD,
WoW - as in I liked Warcraft 3 and frozen throne, and I was looking forward another strategy game, but suddendly it turned into MMO which quite ruined it for me.
Duke Nukem Forever - "Same game new graphics" you can carry 2 weapons now?Where are the medkits?Why aren't the quotes that funny like they used to be?And lack of bosses :V
Oh and Fallout 3, it is not a bad game but as I played Fallout 1/2 I find it quite distrubing that Enclave, Raiders are always hostile.


Dragon Age 2 - Terrible game, I mean from RPG it turned into action game, huge disappointement.
Splinter cell conviction.
Title: Re: Games Everyone Else Likes but You Hate
Post by: Knife_cz on 12-05-2012
Uncharted 2 : Among Thieves you say?
Well, "predictable plot" I didn't excepted monkey or these..uhh Yetties to be people actually :P
Title: Re: Games Everyone Else Likes but You Hate
Post by: Caso on 12-05-2012
Quote from: knife_cz on 12-05-2012
Uncharted 2 : Among Thieves you say?
Well, "predictable plot" I didn't excepted monkey or these..uhh Yetties to be people actually :P

The only purpose they survived was giving us a veriaity of creatures to fight. Just encase we get bored of fighting the same human enemy for the last 50 million chapters we went though. And I have to say, I got invested in on the monster. I wanted to know where it came from, what is it doing, what is it's purpose

... but know, with my psychic mind, they all came from where the mcguffin is located. And knowing this game wanting to be 'realistic', the game makes the yetis it people. It was surprising as the plot of "the bad guys dies" in the end.

The only surprise where it could twist my back, if was people BUT they all mutated and became twisted monsters. For another surprise, maybe the animals of the lost kingdom that were faithful to the kingdom where the mutated to those things. So yeah
Title: Re: Games Everyone Else Likes but You Hate
Post by: lolKieck on 12-05-2012
DotA in general. I just hate the gameplay (which is stale and boring imo), the amount of people trying to shove League of Legends up my throat made me boycott the game in general too. Besides, I was a Troll Survival player.
Title: Re: Games Everyone Else Likes but You Hate
Post by: deluxulous on 12-05-2012
Quote from: lolKieck on 12-05-2012
DotA in general. I just hate the gameplay (which is stale and boring imo), the amount of people trying to shove League of Legends up my throat made me boycott the game in general too. Besides, I was a Troll Survival player.

Fuck DotA and LoL. I hate most of the playerbase, mainly for LoL because they're mostly a bunch of prepubescent middle schoolers screaming "umad"
Title: Re: Games Everyone Else Likes but You Hate
Post by: Paintcheck on 12-05-2012
Quote from: lolKieck on 12-05-2012
DotA in general. I just hate the gameplay (which is stale and boring imo), the amount of people trying to shove League of Legends up my throat made me boycott the game in general too. Besides, I was a Troll Survival player.

Oh holy fuck yes how did I forget about that?

Both of those games are awful.
Title: Re: Games Everyone Else Likes but You Hate
Post by: Mr. Pink on 12-05-2012
League of Legends, CoD (Don't care, alot of people love it), Mass Effect (I always manage to get stuck into points where I cant win or load a save to gain levels so I'm strong enough to beat it...), APB (Gave me a fucking virus), Uncharted (I fucking hate Drake), Devil May Cry (Main character is too OP, and a faggot).
Title: Re: Games Everyone Else Likes but You Hate
Post by: Otto on 12-05-2012
Team Fortress.
Title: Re: Games Everyone Else Likes but You Hate
Post by: meetdadoom on 12-05-2012
Quote from: PistolKid on 12-05-2012
Quote from: lolKieck on 12-05-2012
DotA in general. I just hate the gameplay (which is stale and boring imo), the amount of people trying to shove League of Legends up my throat made me boycott the game in general too. Besides, I was a Troll Survival player.

Fuck DotA and LoL. I hate most of the playerbase, mainly for LoL because they're mostly a bunch of prepubescent middle schoolers screaming "umad"

Oh you mean brazilians.
Title: Re: Games Everyone Else Likes but You Hate
Post by: Frostee on 12-05-2012
Quote from: Mr. Pink on 12-05-2012
League of Legends, CoD (Don't care, alot of people love it), Mass Effect (I always manage to get stuck into points where I cant win or load a save to gain levels so I'm strong enough to beat it...), APB (Gave me a fucking virus), Uncharted (I fucking hate Drake), Devil May Cry (Main character is too OP, and a faggot).

A lot means the 1,000,000 12 yr olds that play, right? (CoD)

And how the fuck did APB give a virus O.o?
Title: Re: Games Everyone Else Likes but You Hate
Post by: Paintcheck on 12-05-2012
APB is so shitty I'd rather have a virus than play it.

APB isn't universally liked either. Most reviews peg it at 50-60% out of 100. It's just bad.
Title: Re: Games Everyone Else Likes but You Hate
Post by: Tom on 12-05-2012
Title: Re: Games Everyone Else Likes but You Hate
Post by: Maxi96203 on 12-05-2012
Starcraft 2.
Men of War.
SHOGUN 2: Total War
Garry's Mod 13
Title: Re: Games Everyone Else Likes but You Hate
Post by: HitMan5523 on 12-05-2012
The more recent Assassin's Creed games. I love all the other games that everyone has mentioned o_o
Title: Re: Games Everyone Else Likes but You Hate
Post by: Caso on 12-05-2012
Quote from: HitMan5523 on 12-05-2012
The more recent Assassin's Creed games. I love all the other games that everyone has mentioned o_o

Dont get me started on Assassin's creed 2.25 and Assassin's creed 2.75 >_>

I love Assassin's Creed 1 and 2. They finally get to making Assassin's creed 3... But it's only more fapping about in the past! AH YEAH! Im looking forward to that ಠ___ಠ
Title: Re: Games Everyone Else Likes but You Hate
Post by: Bl★ck Star on 13-05-2012
Quote from: Jake on 11-05-2012
Quote from: Redbark on 11-05-2012
Black ops zombies.

read the thread before you post

Quote from: Jake on 10-05-2012
please don't say cod because nobody likes cod

Quote from: Plunger on 11-05-2012
No one likes any of those anyways. It's supposed to be Games Everyone Else Likes.

everyone I know irl loves cod, I am the only one hating it.
Title: Re: Games Everyone Else Likes but You Hate
Post by: Madcombat on 13-05-2012
Quote from: Bl★ck Star on 13-05-2012
Quote from: Jake on 11-05-2012
Quote from: Redbark on 11-05-2012
Black ops zombies.

read the thread before you post

Quote from: Jake on 10-05-2012
please don't say cod because nobody likes cod

Quote from: Plunger on 11-05-2012
No one likes any of those anyways. It's supposed to be Games Everyone Else Likes.

everyone I know irl loves cod, I am the only one hating it.

Its because they have never played games that are better then CoD, so they are under the illusion presented by Console that CoD is the greatest game ever when it isn't, but in fact quite the opposite.
Title: Re: Games Everyone Else Likes but You Hate
Post by: Maxi96203 on 13-05-2012
Black Ops isn't terrible.

I mean it can be. But sometimes it's fun.
Certainly not Superman 64 or E.T. The Game bad.
Title: Re: Games Everyone Else Likes but You Hate
Post by: Madcombat on 13-05-2012
Quote from: Maxi96203 on 13-05-2012
Black Ops isn't terrible.

Title: Re: Games Everyone Else Likes but You Hate
Post by: Knife_cz on 13-05-2012
Quote from: Madcombat on 13-05-2012
Quote from: Maxi96203 on 13-05-2012
Black Ops isn't terrible.

Reznov, REZNOV! D:
Okay enough about CoD, it just sucks and..yeah it sucks.
Title: Re: Games Everyone Else Likes but You Hate
Post by: Maxi96203 on 13-05-2012
Quote from: knife_cz on 13-05-2012
Quote from: Madcombat on 13-05-2012
Quote from: Maxi96203 on 13-05-2012
Black Ops isn't terrible.

Reznov, REZNOV! D:
Okay enough about CoD, it just sucks and..yeah it sucks.

You're implying that everyone plays CoD for the campaign.
Title: Re: Games Everyone Else Likes but You Hate
Post by: Ket on 13-05-2012
Hey, I played MW3 free weekend.

It was fun, but just for the 3 days.

Title: Re: Games Everyone Else Likes but You Hate
Post by: Mr. Pink on 13-05-2012
/me is a CoD Oldfag.
*Call of Duty comes out.
*"Oh my god, this game has touched me deeply, almost as much as Medal of Honor did... (That means it was a very fucking good game)"
*Played first three religiously afterwards(Call of Duty, Call of Duty 2, Call of Duty 3)
*Modern Warfare (4) comes out
*"Oh this one's modern... Not my thing but I'll give it a shot."
*It's not bad. Certainly not as good as the previous but not bad.
*World at War comes out
*"Oh yeah! World War Two again! Fuck yeah! What the fuck, this plays like Modern Warfare... Damn...
*Modern Warfare Two comes out.
*"Oh this is cool looking... God damn it... Same gameplay as Modern Warfare..."
*Black OPs comes out.
*"Oh sweet Vietn... God damn it... (Same gameplay)"
*Modern Warfare 3 comes out.
*I buy it, play for two nights, then it goes into the pile never to be played again.
*Black OPs Two announced.
*"I'm not even gonna fucking look at it this time."

My relationship with the Call of Duty franchise.
Title: Re: Games Everyone Else Likes but You Hate
Post by: Madcombat on 14-05-2012
Quote from: Mr. Pink on 13-05-2012
/me is a CoD Oldfag.
*Call of Duty comes out.
*"Oh my god, this game has touched me deeply, almost as much as Medal of Honor did... (That means it was a very fucking good game)"
*Played first three religiously afterwards(Call of Duty, Call of Duty 2, Call of Duty 3)
*Modern Warfare (4) comes out
*"Oh this one's modern... Not my thing but I'll give it a shot."
*It's not bad. Certainly not as good as the previous but not bad.
*World at War comes out
*"Oh yeah! World War Two again! Fuck yeah! What the fuck, this plays like Modern Warfare... Damn...
*Modern Warfare Two comes out.
*"Oh this is cool looking... God damn it... Same gameplay as Modern Warfare..."
*Black OPs comes out.
*"Oh sweet Vietn... God damn it... (Same gameplay)"
*Modern Warfare 3 comes out.
*I buy it, play for two nights, then it goes into the pile never to be played again.
*Black OPs Two announced.
*"I'm not even gonna fucking look at it this time."

My relationship with the Call of Duty franchise.

I think thats my relationship with CoD as well, oh wait!  Its everyones probably.
Quote from: Maxi96203 on 13-05-2012
Quote from: knife_cz on 13-05-2012
Quote from: Madcombat on 13-05-2012
Quote from: Maxi96203 on 13-05-2012
Black Ops isn't terrible.

Reznov, REZNOV! D:
Okay enough about CoD, it just sucks and..yeah it sucks.

You're implying that everyone plays CoD for the campaign.

Best part is, the Multiplayer was worse.  Same shit in each series.  You might as well buy CoD 4 and leave it there because thats all you should get.

Now, what games do I dislike?

Resident Evil, dont get me wrong I found Resident Evil 4 all right but the entire series and even the damn movies are just terrible.  You say zombies anywhere today and people automatically assume "T-VIRUS OMG OMG DAGGUGALAPPLUAHGA!" (Or how the fuck you spell it.) Lets not forget that all characters in the damn series can do back flips and kick zombies in the face like theres no tomorrow, characters are just too badassed for their own good.  TL;DR, didnt like it because its lame.

ME3, gameplay was good but the ending ruined it all for me (Unless the theory is true then theres a beutifull work of art right there.)

ET,  No, just no. (Oh wait, doesnt count everyone fucking hates it.)

CnC4, the entire series ruined by gameplay and fucking cut scenes.  Seriously, I prefered building a damn base up from scratch and rushing shit like no tomorrow, and hell even when extremely bored I enjoyed playing as NoD and spreading Tiberium all over the map to create a nice healthy red zone.  CnC4 blew all of that out the window, ruined and thats just that.

I think thats about it.  OH WAIT, theres another.

Red Faction 4, Red Faction 3 in my eyes was art work and a nice swift redemption for the fuck up with RF2 however RF4 fucked everything up.  Why the fuck did they remove free roam?  Having a awesome physics engine for no real fucking reason, if you ask me it was a waste of money.  Story was crummy, characters was crummy and oh my the traditional bloody chick flicks of today just made me annoyed.  What happened to the image of RF?  It is ment to be about miners or a people fighting against oppresion (Resisting)  RF4 had nothing to do with that, atleast RF2 had somewhat somthing to do with that (I think.) 
TL;DR.  Its shit.

Thats it.
Title: Re: Games Everyone Else Likes but You Hate
Post by: Knife_cz on 14-05-2012
Oh yeah. Red Faction forgot about that one.
Since RF2 its shit :V, only the first one...was really awesome game.

Stop the quote pyrimade :o
Title: Re: Games Everyone Else Likes but You Hate
Post by: meetdadoom on 14-05-2012
Quote from: Madcombat on 14-05-2012
Quote from: Mr. Pink on 13-05-2012
/me is a CoD Oldfag.
*Call of Duty comes out.
*"Oh my god, this game has touched me deeply, almost as much as Medal of Honor did... (That means it was a very fucking good game)"
*Played first three religiously afterwards(Call of Duty, Call of Duty 2, Call of Duty 3)
*Modern Warfare (4) comes out
*"Oh this one's modern... Not my thing but I'll give it a shot."
*It's not bad. Certainly not as good as the previous but not bad.
*World at War comes out
*"Oh yeah! World War Two again! Fuck yeah! What the fuck, this plays like Modern Warfare... Damn...
*Modern Warfare Two comes out.
*"Oh this is cool looking... God damn it... Same gameplay as Modern Warfare..."
*Black OPs comes out.
*"Oh sweet Vietn... God damn it... (Same gameplay)"
*Modern Warfare 3 comes out.
*I buy it, play for two nights, then it goes into the pile never to be played again.
*Black OPs Two announced.
*"I'm not even gonna fucking look at it this time."

My relationship with the Call of Duty franchise.

I think thats my relationship with CoD as well, oh wait!  Its everyones probably.
Quote from: Maxi96203 on 13-05-2012
Quote from: knife_cz on 13-05-2012
Quote from: Madcombat on 13-05-2012
Quote from: Maxi96203 on 13-05-2012
Black Ops isn't terrible.

Reznov, REZNOV! D:
Okay enough about CoD, it just sucks and..yeah it sucks.

You're implying that everyone plays CoD for the campaign.

Best part is, the Multiplayer was worse.  Same shit in each series.  You might as well buy CoD 4 and leave it there because thats all you should get.

Now, what games do I dislike?

Resident Evil, dont get me wrong I found Resident Evil 4 all right but the entire series and even the damn movies are just terrible.  You say zombies anywhere today and people automatically assume "T-VIRUS OMG OMG DAGGUGALAPPLUAHGA!" (Or how the fuck you spell it.) Lets not forget that all characters in the damn series can do back flips and kick zombies in the face like theres no tomorrow, characters are just too badassed for their own good.  TL;DR, didnt like it because its lame.

ME3, gameplay was good but the ending ruined it all for me (Unless the theory is true then theres a beutifull work of art right there.)

ET,  No, just no. (Oh wait, doesnt count everyone fucking hates it.)

CnC4, the entire series ruined by gameplay and fucking cut scenes.  Seriously, I prefered building a damn base up from scratch and rushing shit like no tomorrow, and hell even when extremely bored I enjoyed playing as NoD and spreading Tiberium all over the map to create a nice healthy red zone.  CnC4 blew all of that out the window, ruined and thats just that.

I think thats about it.  OH WAIT, theres another.

Red Faction 4, Red Faction 3 in my eyes was art work and a nice swift redemption for the fuck up with RF2 however RF4 fucked everything up.  Why the fuck did they remove free roam?  Having a awesome physics engine for no real fucking reason, if you ask me it was a waste of money.  Story was crummy, characters was crummy and oh my the traditional bloody chick flicks of today just made me annoyed.  What happened to the image of RF?  It is ment to be about miners or a people fighting against oppresion (Resisting)  RF4 had nothing to do with that, atleast RF2 had somewhat somthing to do with that (I think.) 
TL;DR.  Its shit.

Thats it.

once again ass hat, this isn't games that you hate, it's games that you hate that EVERYONE ELSE LIKES. Everyone hates RE4,CnC4, ME3 ending,
Title: Re: Games Everyone Else Likes but You Hate
Post by: Madcombat on 14-05-2012
Quote from: meetdadoom on 14-05-2012
Quote from: Madcombat on 14-05-2012
Quote from: Mr. Pink on 13-05-2012
/me is a CoD Oldfag.
*Call of Duty comes out.
*"Oh my god, this game has touched me deeply, almost as much as Medal of Honor did... (That means it was a very fucking good game)"
*Played first three religiously afterwards(Call of Duty, Call of Duty 2, Call of Duty 3)
*Modern Warfare (4) comes out
*"Oh this one's modern... Not my thing but I'll give it a shot."
*It's not bad. Certainly not as good as the previous but not bad.
*World at War comes out
*"Oh yeah! World War Two again! Fuck yeah! What the fuck, this plays like Modern Warfare... Damn...
*Modern Warfare Two comes out.
*"Oh this is cool looking... God damn it... Same gameplay as Modern Warfare..."
*Black OPs comes out.
*"Oh sweet Vietn... God damn it... (Same gameplay)"
*Modern Warfare 3 comes out.
*I buy it, play for two nights, then it goes into the pile never to be played again.
*Black OPs Two announced.
*"I'm not even gonna fucking look at it this time."

My relationship with the Call of Duty franchise.

I think thats my relationship with CoD as well, oh wait!  Its everyones probably.
Quote from: Maxi96203 on 13-05-2012
Quote from: knife_cz on 13-05-2012
Quote from: Madcombat on 13-05-2012
Quote from: Maxi96203 on 13-05-2012
Black Ops isn't terrible.

Reznov, REZNOV! D:
Okay enough about CoD, it just sucks and..yeah it sucks.

You're implying that everyone plays CoD for the campaign.

Best part is, the Multiplayer was worse.  Same shit in each series.  You might as well buy CoD 4 and leave it there because thats all you should get.

Now, what games do I dislike?

Resident Evil, dont get me wrong I found Resident Evil 4 all right but the entire series and even the damn movies are just terrible.  You say zombies anywhere today and people automatically assume "T-VIRUS OMG OMG DAGGUGALAPPLUAHGA!" (Or how the fuck you spell it.) Lets not forget that all characters in the damn series can do back flips and kick zombies in the face like theres no tomorrow, characters are just too badassed for their own good.  TL;DR, didnt like it because its lame.

ME3, gameplay was good but the ending ruined it all for me (Unless the theory is true then theres a beutifull work of art right there.)

ET,  No, just no. (Oh wait, doesnt count everyone fucking hates it.)

CnC4, the entire series ruined by gameplay and fucking cut scenes.  Seriously, I prefered building a damn base up from scratch and rushing shit like no tomorrow, and hell even when extremely bored I enjoyed playing as NoD and spreading Tiberium all over the map to create a nice healthy red zone.  CnC4 blew all of that out the window, ruined and thats just that.

I think thats about it.  OH WAIT, theres another.

Red Faction 4, Red Faction 3 in my eyes was art work and a nice swift redemption for the fuck up with RF2 however RF4 fucked everything up.  Why the fuck did they remove free roam?  Having a awesome physics engine for no real fucking reason, if you ask me it was a waste of money.  Story was crummy, characters was crummy and oh my the traditional bloody chick flicks of today just made me annoyed.  What happened to the image of RF?  It is ment to be about miners or a people fighting against oppresion (Resisting)  RF4 had nothing to do with that, atleast RF2 had somewhat somthing to do with that (I think.) 
TL;DR.  Its shit.

Thats it.

once again ass hat, this isn't games that you hate, it's games that you hate that EVERYONE ELSE LIKES. Everyone hates RE4,CnC4, ME3 ending,

Once again "Ass hat" you didnt listen.  People like CnC4 because the amount of times I've been asked to join the shitty game.  And people love RE series because of the amount of assumptions to do with the fucking T-Virus and "DAGUAGHALAPLAYGHA!" lets not forget I actually said RE4 was all right, but everything else is shit.  If you read above also mr "Listen" people openly say they like ME3 so its obvious that its liked.

So I think I am still in thread boundrys.  (Rant complete)
Title: Re: Games Everyone Else Likes but You Hate
Post by: jaik on 14-05-2012
Quote from: meetdadoom on 14-05-2012
once again ass hat, this isn't games that you hate, it's games that you hate that EVERYONE ELSE LIKES. Everyone hates RE4,CnC4, ME3 ending,

Woah hold on there cowboy. Don't flame people like that, especially when they have a constructive post on why exactly do they dislike/hate a game.
The only game that everybody hates is CoD and simply saying a game's name is not enough. Here posters should explain the reason behind their hate as well.
Title: Re: Games Everyone Else Likes but You Hate
Post by: Madcombat on 14-05-2012
Quote from: Jake on 14-05-2012
Quote from: meetdadoom on 14-05-2012
once again ass hat, this isn't games that you hate, it's games that you hate that EVERYONE ELSE LIKES. Everyone hates RE4,CnC4, ME3 ending,

Woah hold on there cowboy. Don't flame people like that, especially when they have a constructive post on why exactly do they dislike/hate a game.
The only game that everybody hates is CoD and simply saying a game's name is not enough. Here posters should explain the reason behind their hate as well.

Thank you Jake.
Title: Re: Games Everyone Else Likes but You Hate
Post by: Syndraell on 14-05-2012
Ace of Spades.

Why I even started playing that game, i have no idea.
Title: Re: Games Everyone Else Likes but You Hate
Post by: nKe on 14-05-2012
I think you people should stop saying that the whole CoD series is bad. Only 5 games in CoD series have sucked. (Cod3, WaW, MW2, BO, MW3).
Cod2 and Cod4 are very popular and both of them still have a huge competitive playerbase.

Oh and.
This new Team Fortress 2 DLC thingy, it was not what i paid for. I paid for a fairly good competitive- looking FPS, not for a 3D version of Habbo Hotel.

Skyrim. The game is just boring and lame. Guy kills fucking dragons and takes their souls. Childrens keep shit talking the guy. ....Yeah.

Counter-Strike 1.6: That game is just old and it is filled with idiots who only play it because "It's so much better than source, im so HC coz i play thiz 1337 game" IMO Source is way better. Also the fucking wallbanging is stupid.

Wolfenstein3D - I never got pass the 2nd boss. I hated this game so much

Metal Gear (solid?) series - Shit got out of hand. Fucking cyberkineticNinjaAssasin Guy. Oh and the guy looks like a fucking woman.

New Pokemon games - Holy fuck so many new pokemons. They just make shit tons of pokemons and dont even care to explain what the fuck are they ment to be.

Garry's Mod - Playerbase. So much e-drama between the communities.

Fallout: New Vegas - "I LIKE IT COZ IT IS JUST LIKE FO2, NEVER PLAYED FO2 THO COZ I WAZ BORN 1998". FO3 was better.

DotA2 - Just fucking sucks.

Minecraft - Autism simulation, 1/10. Never again.

Battlefield Bad Company 2 - I just pick few from the top1000:
Guns are weak as fuck. They are also inaccurate.
Movement is horrible. Animations are ugly. Guns look exactly same.
THE GOD DAMN CONSOLE FOV. Jesus that game is just unplayable.

Battlefield 3 - Jets and Helis are annoying to fly, way too many god damn heat seeking missile launchers around.
Dice just poops on the so called "balance" of the game. Also, origin.
Title: Re: Games Everyone Else Likes but You Hate
Post by: jaik on 14-05-2012
Quote from: Nik3 on 14-05-2012
Fallout: New Vegas - "I LIKE IT COZ IT IS JUST LIKE FO2, NEVER PLAYED FO2 THO COZ I WAZ BORN 1998". FO3 was better.

Title: Re: Games Everyone Else Likes but You Hate
Post by: Frostee on 14-05-2012
Quote from: Mr. Pink on 13-05-2012
/me is a CoD Oldfag.
*Call of Duty comes out.
*"Oh my god, this game has touched me deeply, almost as much as Medal of Honor did... (That means it was a very fucking good game)"
*Played first three religiously afterwards(Call of Duty, Call of Duty 2, Call of Duty 3)
*Modern Warfare (4) comes out
*"Oh this one's modern... Not my thing but I'll give it a shot."
*It's not bad. Certainly not as good as the previous but not bad.
*World at War comes out
*"Oh yeah! World War Two again! Fuck yeah! What the fuck, this plays like Modern Warfare... Damn...
*Modern Warfare Two comes out.
*"Oh this is cool looking... God damn it... Same gameplay as Modern Warfare..."
*Black OPs comes out.
*"Oh sweet Vietn... God damn it... (Same gameplay)"
*Modern Warfare 3 comes out.
*I buy it, play for two nights, then it goes into the pile never to be played again.
*Black OPs Two announced.
*"I'm not even gonna fucking look at it this time."

My relationship with the Call of Duty franchise.

Title: Re: Games Everyone Else Likes but You Hate
Post by: Paintcheck on 14-05-2012
Quote from: Jake on 14-05-2012
Quote from: Nik3 on 14-05-2012
Fallout: New Vegas - "I LIKE IT COZ IT IS JUST LIKE FO2, NEVER PLAYED FO2 THO COZ I WAZ BORN 1998". FO3 was better.


Forp in a nutshell.
Title: Re: Games Everyone Else Likes but You Hate
Post by: Madcombat on 14-05-2012
Quote from: Paintcheck on 14-05-2012
Quote from: Jake on 14-05-2012
Quote from: Nik3 on 14-05-2012
Fallout: New Vegas - "I LIKE IT COZ IT IS JUST LIKE FO2, NEVER PLAYED FO2 THO COZ I WAZ BORN 1998". FO3 was better.


Forp in a nutshell.

But you dont play on FORP.