FOnline anyone?

Started by Zstan, 09-03-2010

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Its good, but i'm not going to play with it, till they release the SERVER stuffs, so you can host a server. Anyways, I posted this months ago. Just in a other topic. I don't suggest to play it ALONE.


This is Fallout Online?


I saw this and I signed up or beta, this is one of those things where i am like AWSOME!but then again I am also alittle bit scared, becase interplay is my hero and I love what they did with fo1,2 and tactics, not so much with BoS but still, they are heros to me. With this on going court battle interplay has to prove to bethesda that they can still function on their own and make this mmo.

So what does that mean for us?
Interplay for all we know can be rushing this mmo up just so they can prove to bethesda like some fail mmos.
