Do You Own a Console?

Started by Frostee, 11-05-2011

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Alright, basically just vote and post if you own a console or not. Pretty plain and simple. If you do own one, make sure you post your Live GT, or your PSN name.

For me, I have a Wii, Xbox 360, and a PS3.

Xbox = Frosty701

PSN = DarkAssassin716


Yes,I have PS3 only because of Assasin Creed series.And little big planet.
And yes,Playstation network is gay.

Bl★ck Star

Yes, I own every console existing so far ...


I have  an N64, original Playstation, Playstation2, and a Wii, none of which I play ever. (The N64 gets some use still once in a long while for the original Super Smash Bros but that's about it). I don't like consoles. PC >> them.


i have a ps3..its been like a year since i last turned it on..pc is way way better.


Xbox 360 forever, P.C forever....P.S.3, really? PS3 sucks and your network SUCKS! AHAHAHAH


PC and an Xbox (pirated) to play the console exclusives. Such as L.A Noir.

Silver Knight

Everyone does in some shape or form. But you really shouldn't. They are a waste of money and time and the PC is far more superior.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


I know, that's why i am selling my games and console.


everything from SNES and beyond, except for the Wii (eww.)
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Ex-Military/Spetsnaz: Andrei 'War' Mirkov -:- Alive
Military Observer: Victor Tokerov -:- Alive
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The Tar Man -:- No Data


X-Box is far better than the PS3, except for the fact that internet on the PS3 is free.


PSN isn't free: you pay for it by having your credit card info sold to Russian gangsters.


Internet isn't free. You still have to have an internet connection to play.

"Stop living life so that you can do a job with out pay"
-Blake/Last Exile


Annnnd  there's no such thing as specifications/requirements for the console. If I had the best computer ever, I would never play my xbox360
Henry Warlington|Ecologist|Active