Started by Genesis, 04-06-2010

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5:12 PM - |HGN| Genesis: YOU LOSE!
5:12 PM - |HGN| Genesis: YOU GET NOTHING
5:13 PM - |HGN-FSA|McCutcheon: Mr. Wonka, I wanted to give this back to you...
5:13 PM - |HGN| Genesis rages
5:13 PM - |HGN-FSA|McCutcheon hands him back the neverending gum.
5:13 PM - |HGN-FSA|McCutcheon: MR WONKA NOOOO
5:13 PM - |HGN| Genesis stands up, shooting you
5:13 PM - |HGN| Genesis shoots your grandpa too
5:14 PM - |HGN-FSA|McCutcheon uses grandpa as a meatshield, grabbing his .44 out of his coat pocket.
5:14 PM - |HGN-FSA|McCutcheon fires a round at you.
5:14 PM - |HGN| Genesis unloads into the grandpa
5:14 PM - |HGN| Genesis takes a shot to the chest
5:14 PM - |HGN| Genesis rips off his jacket, revealing his kevlar
5:14 PM - |HGN-FSA|McCutcheon: smart..
5:14 PM - |HGN| Genesis grabs a M249 from under the desk
5:15 PM - |HGN-FSA|McCutcheon leaps out of the room, shaking off his sweater to reveal his shoulder holstered P90s and his slung winchester 86 and his SCAR
5:15 PM - |HGN| Genesis begins to unload, destroying the grandpa
5:16 PM - |HGN-FSA|McCutcheon: Whatever, he was a payed actor...
5:16 PM - |HGN-FSA|McCutcheon takes an HE grenade out of his pocket, throwing it into the roof
5:16 PM - |HGN-FSA|McCutcheon: room*
5:16 PM - |HGN| Genesis ducks behind the desk, hiding from the blast
5:17 PM - |HGN| Genesis reaches up his ass
5:17 PM - |HGN| Genesis pulls out a gauss rifle
5:17 PM - |HGN-FSA|McCutcheon: OH SH-
5:17 PM - |HGN-FSA|McCutcheon: I forgot the powergaming!
5:17 PM - |HGN| Genesis fires, completely destroying the wall
5:17 PM - |HGN| Genesis: (OOC) Willy Wanka can powergame
5:18 PM - |HGN-FSA|McCutcheon unleashes his Drakonan powergaming power and makes a shield, hopping into a mecha that came out of his ass.
5:18 PM - |HGN| Genesis: (OOC) His factory has everthing
5:18 PM - |HGN| Genesis runs, getting into the flying elevator
5:18 PM - |HGN-FSA|McCutcheon rushes to the roof

5:18 PM - |HGN| Genesis: **The elevator takes off, hovering above the factory, and turning into a flying mech with two gattling guns
5:19 PM - |HGN| Genesis looks at you down on the roof
5:19 PM - |HGN-FSA|McCutcheon 's mecha fires its AA cannons and missiles
5:19 PM - |HGN| Genesis yells "YOU LOSE!"
5:19 PM - |HGN| Genesis fires his gattling guns, meating the missles and blowing them up in the air
5:19 PM - |HGN| Genesis: // Meeting*
5:19 PM - |HGN| Genesis hovers about, firing his guns at you
5:20 PM - |HGN-FSA|McCutcheon 's mecha transforms into a massive air-mecha, blasting off away from the gunfire.
5:20 PM - |HGN| Genesis: **Metal Gear Solid music begins to play
5:20 PM - |HGN| Genesis yells out "SNAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
5:20 PM - |HGN| Genesis transforms into Metal Gear Ray
5:21 PM - |HGN-FSA|McCutcheon: (OOC: You mean Rex?)
5:21 PM - |HGN| Genesis: // No, Ray.
5:21 PM - |HGN| Genesis: // Play MGS4?
5:21 PM - |HGN-FSA|McCutcheon: // Yeah, was just making sure
5:21 PM - |HGN| Genesis: // K
5:22 PM - |HGN-FSA|McCutcheon prepares nuke countermeasures.
5:22 PM - |HGN| Genesis begins to open fire on you
5:22 PM - |HGN| Genesis: // Btw, this is totally going on the forums
5:22 PM - |HGN-FSA|McCutcheon launches a metal shield out that meets all incoming fire.
5:23 PM - |HGN-FSA|McCutcheon: // I know
5:23 PM - |HGN-FSA|McCutcheon also fires his anti-nuclear countermeasures
5:23 PM - |HGN| Genesis opens fire on the missiles
5:23 PM - |HGN| Genesis charges towards your mech
5:23 PM - |HGN-FSA|McCutcheon takes out a gigantic lazer sword from gundam IV and boosts to meet you
5:24 PM - |HGN| Genesis clamps down, attempting to bite your mech with its mouth
5:24 PM - |HGN-FSA|McCutcheon takes the bite, attempting to slash the boosters from your mech.
5:24 PM - |HGN| Genesis gets booster slashed
5:24 PM - |HGN| Genesis stumbles backwards "NO!!!"

5:25 PM - |HGN-FSA|McCutcheon boosts forward, aiming for the chest of your mech.
5:25 PM - |HGN| Genesis points his finger at your mech "BANG!"
5:26 PM - |HGN-FSA|McCutcheon 's mech explodes, but injects intime for his backup mech that is ten times the size to arrive. His pod enters the mech.
5:26 PM - |HGN-FSA|McCutcheon: FOOL
5:26 PM - |HGN-FSA|McCutcheon slashes off your hand
5:26 PM - |HGN| Genesis yells "BEHOLD, GUNS OF THE PATRIOTS!"
5:26 PM - |HGN| Genesis gets his hand slashed
5:26 PM - |HGN| Genesis screams "NO!!!!!!!!"
5:26 PM - |HGN| Genesis ejects
5:26 PM - |HGN-FSA|McCutcheon: Guns of the patriots MY ASS
5:27 PM - |HGN-FSA|McCutcheon eats your ejection pod.
5:27 PM - |HGN| Genesis runs over, getting onto his large asspulled boat
5:27 PM - |HGN-FSA|McCutcheon eats the empty ejection pod
5:27 PM - |HGN| Genesis stands on the anchor of his boat and lols
5:27 PM - |HGN| Genesis runs over Raiden, yelling "SNAKE!" as the boat starts to pull away
5:27 PM - |HGN-FSA|McCutcheon: RAIDEN! NOOOOO--- Wait why do I give a shit?
5:28 PM - |HGN| Genesis yells "YOU LOSE! YOU GET NOTHING"
5:28 PM - |HGN| Genesis: ** The boat starts pulling away"
5:28 PM - |HGN| Genesis yells "GOOD DAY SIR!"
5:28 PM - |HGN-FSA|McCutcheon 's mech aims at the sky, firing a nuke that lands on your boat
5:28 PM - |HGN| Genesis eats the nuke, loling
5:28 PM - |HGN| Genesis: **Mei Ling comes out of no where*
5:28 PM - |HGN-FSA|McCutcheon: FUCK
5:28 PM - |HGN-FSA|McCutcheon: I knew you worked for him!
5:29 PM - |HGN-FSA|McCutcheon: Asian prostitute...
5:29 PM - |HGN| Genesis: **Every character in MGS ever comes out of no where*
5:29 PM - |HGN| Genesis yells "SAFASDFASDFASDFASDF"
5:29 PM - |HGN| Genesis: **That includes Big Boss*
5:29 PM - |HGN-FSA|McCutcheon: THE FUCK?!
5:29 PM - |HGN| Genesis: **Big boss lols*

5:30 PM - |HGN| Genesis: **He also fires a nuke at you
5:30 PM - |HGN| Genesis: **Deep inside the ruins of the factory, your grandfather begins to rise*
5:30 PM - |HGN-FSA|McCutcheon facepalms, forgetting that he is piloting the mech as it slams into the cockpit, killing him.
5:30 PM - |HGN| Genesis wins
5:31 PM - |HGN-FSA|McCutcheon comes out as a ghost "Well... fuck.... At least I won't have to deal with this shit in heaven, right?"
5:31 PM - |HGN| Genesis: **The boat blows up, killing everyone*
5:31 PM - |HGN| Genesis: /end/
5:31 PM - |HGN-FSA|McCutcheon: To the forums, amirite?
5:31 PM - |HGN| Genesis: yessir


Well this is thoroughly impressive.  You managed to combine RP fighting, Willy Wonka, and MGS all in one.  It disgusts me that you let the boat blow up though.




Haha, pretty good.


ref_DevCon.smd: david star is the only heir of the ecologist throne
ref_DevCon.smd: house of blake
"Any of you fucking pricks move, and I'll execute every motherfucking last one of ya!"


DO NOT  EVER take my jokes and use them as your own.


Quote from: Spawnmax on 06-06-2010
DO NOT  EVER take my jokes and use them as your own.

Crawl back into your hole and die quietly.

ref_DevCon.smd: david star is the only heir of the ecologist throne
ref_DevCon.smd: house of blake
"Any of you fucking pricks move, and I'll execute every motherfucking last one of ya!"