Worst B-Day present ever

Started by Kassendraw, 29-08-2011

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God this apply for females characters is killing me! T_T

I swear in that thread I apply twice, the first time I had 1 post count which was the apply post and obviously it got denied which is like, ok, no worries I'll just make a new one!
SO yeah, yesterday of this post, August 28, I make my app and hope it gets checked today, August 29 because that would be a epic birthday present.

It did get reviewed today! Woohoo! 2:54am to log on and see a wonderful.......DENIED

Why was it denied? Because Royz isn't active enough to give me recommendation? I thought it was up to Last.Exile to decide whether a admin was going past the admin standards, not the person checking the apps.

The point is I keep getting denied for the dumbest of reasons, I'll probably reapply soon and get a "Had to apply in a week not 3 days" or "Erm, you forgot to put a capital in that one word way over there".

Then again if he reads this he'll probably post or just make a note to himself to never Accept me.....And the saddest fact is that I've seen a lot worse posts that are getting accepted..


An in the end, nothing is changed.


Maybe instead of complaining about it here, you can stop acting like a feminazi and create a male character? That or just get off SRP till you get accepted, but who ever reviewed the post had a reason to not like it and/or automatically denied it due to the fact you have been playing on your unauthorized female characters.


Quote from: StickyWicket on 29-08-2011
but who ever reviewed the post had a reason to not like it


and not a single shit wasn't given that day.



Somebody make some tea. Kassendraw is mad.
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If you waited maybe a few days then you would get your rec. And by the sound of it, it isn't for dumb reasons, those are the rules.


This is the GVC. It's reserved for trolling, flaming, and bitching.

Even though we usually just use it for trolling.