This soldier is a keeper.

Started by Rebel6609, 01-09-2010

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Read this quote from the server, between Me, Dr.Silent killer, and Killabreu

Lt.Col. David 'Sandman' Rouiee | |HGN| Rebel [LOOC]: check h-
er vagina. they tend to hide bombs in there.
** Sldr. Alexandrov Stolin takes the berreta from her
Tania Kolesnik | |HGN-STSA|Killabreu [LOOC]: Be...what.
Tania Kolesnik | |HGN-STSA|Killabreu [LOOC]: Who...wat.
Sldr. Alexandrov Stolin: Ms. Face me.
** Tania Kolesnik turns to face him.
Sldr. Alexandrov Stolin | Dr. Silent Killer [LOOC]: cant bel-
ieve im doing this
** Sldr. Alexandrov Stolin kneels down
Lt.Col. David 'Sandman' Rouiee | |HGN| Rebel [LOOC]: are you
seriously gonna check her va-... LOL!!!!
** Sldr. Alexandrov Stolin kneels
Sldr. Alexandrov Stolin: I'm sorry ms.
** Sldr. Alexandrov Stolin grabs a glove from his pcoket and,
slides it over his right hand.
** Sldr. Alexandrov Stolin begins to insert his right hand i-
nto her vagina.
Lt.Col. David 'Sandman' Rouiee | |HGN| Rebel [LOOC]: LOL!!!!!
** Sldr. Alexandrov Stolin feels around
Lt.Col. David 'Sandman' Rouiee | |HGN| Rebel [LOOC]: i.. i...
. i cna't breath..
Player |HGN-STSA|Killabreu left the game (|HGN-STSA|Killabre-
u timed out).

Funniest shit i ever seen in a long time.

<22:23:04> "Puffles": gofuckyourselfaggot
<22:25:12> You were banned for 5 hours from the server by "Cole" (For trolling)
Never in my life have I ever had to endure 9 yearolds calling me a banana picker, and then get banned afterwards for doing nothing wrong.
Promising Young admins.

Ace of Hearts

This kid's got talent, Rebel. He's going places!


Mr Silent killa

Oh yeah, warm and wet. :D


Nice. This guy is epic :D
Suspiciously cheesy man sighted on east pier at 9pm.


Oh my god. :facepalm:


I...I dont even...please, never again, dont do this to us.