Ragolution/Black Star Slashfiction

Started by Pink!, 21-02-2012

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Next one will be in the Warhammer 40K universe. Ragolution is a fierce Inquisitor and BlackStar is an Eldar who'll teach the Imperium more about farseeing in a single night than they'd ever dreamed of.

For various reasons, I'm not at HGN much any more.
I'll see you all around, though, some time...


Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Quote from: Pink! on 21-02-2012
Next one will be in the Warhammer 40K universe. Ragolution is a fierce Inquisitor and BlackStar is an Eldar who'll teach the Imperium more about farseeing in a single night than they'd ever dreamed of.
I'll get the tissues out.


Quote from: Plunger on 21-02-2012
Quote from: Pink! on 21-02-2012
Next one will be in the Warhammer 40K universe. Ragolution is a fierce Inquisitor and BlackStar is an Eldar who'll teach the Imperium more about farseeing in a single night than they'd ever dreamed of.
I'll get the tissues out.
Bring me some.
"Mommy, when is Daddy coming home?"
"Here, Alex.. Daddy sent us a package.. The soldier told us that it.. might be a while until Daddy's done with his service. Don't worry, you'll see him soon, Alex.."
"He's always gone! I never get to see him!"


Quote from: Lent23 on 21-02-2012
Quote from: Plunger on 21-02-2012
Quote from: Pink! on 21-02-2012
Next one will be in the Warhammer 40K universe. Ragolution is a fierce Inquisitor and BlackStar is an Eldar who'll teach the Imperium more about farseeing in a single night than they'd ever dreamed of.
I'll get the tissues out.
Bring me some lotion.
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Quote from: Tom on 21-02-2012
Quote from: Lent23 on 21-02-2012
Quote from: Plunger on 21-02-2012
Quote from: Pink! on 21-02-2012
Next one will be in the Warhammer 40K universe. Ragolution is a fierce Inquisitor and BlackStar is an Eldar who'll teach the Imperium more about farseeing in a single night than they'd ever dreamed of.
I'll get the tissues out.
Bring me some lotion.
I meant because it'd be such an emotional tear jerker, you perverts.

Bl★ck Star

Quote from: Pink! on 21-02-2012
Next one will be in the Warhammer 40K universe. Ragolution is a fierce Inquisitor and BlackStar is an Eldar who'll teach the Imperium more about farseeing in a single night than they'd ever dreamed of.




Quote from: Bl★ck Star on 21-02-2012
Quote from: Pink! on 21-02-2012
Next one will be in the Warhammer 40K universe. Ragolution is a fierce Inquisitor and BlackStar is an Eldar who'll teach the Imperium more about farseeing in a single night than they'd ever dreamed of.



Because Eisenhorn on Hive Tyrant just isn't appealing.

Bl★ck Star

Quote from: Ragolution on 21-02-2012
Quote from: Bl★ck Star on 21-02-2012
Quote from: Pink! on 21-02-2012
Next one will be in the Warhammer 40K universe. Ragolution is a fierce Inquisitor and BlackStar is an Eldar who'll teach the Imperium more about farseeing in a single night than they'd ever dreamed of.



Because Eisenhorn on Hive Tyrant just isn't appealing.

Why not ?

Add some Vore and some tentacles.

There you go, you now have a Japanese and Korean Porn Movie.


Quote from: Plunger on 21-02-2012
Quote from: Tom on 21-02-2012
Quote from: Lent23 on 21-02-2012
Quote from: Plunger on 21-02-2012
Quote from: Pink! on 21-02-2012
Next one will be in the Warhammer 40K universe. Ragolution is a fierce Inquisitor and BlackStar is an Eldar who'll teach the Imperium more about farseeing in a single night than they'd ever dreamed of.
I'll get the tissues out.
Bring me some lotion.
I meant because it'd be such an emotional tear jerker, you perverts.
That's.. actually what I meant..
"Mommy, when is Daddy coming home?"
"Here, Alex.. Daddy sent us a package.. The soldier told us that it.. might be a while until Daddy's done with his service. Don't worry, you'll see him soon, Alex.."
"He's always gone! I never get to see him!"

Bl★ck Star

Silver Knight

I am disappointed that i am not some mighty entity in these stories.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period

Bl★ck Star

Quote from: Last.Exile on 22-02-2012
I am disappointed that i am not some mighty entity in these stories.

And I am glad I finally get some.

Bl★ck Star

Also here you guys go who missed the part 1 and part 1.5

Btw, Since when I am poor ? I am freakin rich IRL.

"Everypony deserves a -" The poor boy's voice trailed off into a whimper as he pressed his head against the pillow, shaggy black hair falling over the sides of his face. Those gentle, soft kisses continued to be placed on his soft skin, every touch almost unbearable. What made it worse was the man holding his arms against the mattress, continuing to kiss the back of his shoulders and neck - that is, when he wasn't pushing up the oversized Nazi memorabilia that occasionally fell onto his face.
"Are you enjoying it?" asked Rag, one fingernail trailing down the underside of Black's neck, the touch electric. Not waiting for a response, he lowered his lips, his hot, wet mouth sucking on the tender flesh, making the brony squirm, frantically, with the motion. "You spend so long arguing and fighting against me, Black Star. I'm glad we've changed that."

Underneath him, Black let out a frantic, whining moan into the pillow, his back arcing up, pressing itself against Ragolution's torso. It was almost a relief when the Minecraft warrior wrapped his firm arms around his lover's waist, holding him close and pressing that hot warmth, still constrained by the jeans, pressing against his spine. Frowning, he pushed Black down, pulling off the heavy Nazi trenchcoat he wore so that he could, more easily, hold Black to his warm, bare skin.
"Are you ready to feel my creeper?" asked Rag, a wry smirk on his face as he nibbled on Black's ear, one hand playing with the hem of the poor boy's jeans.
"I hope it explodes all over me," replied Black, pressing his neck into Rag's waiting mouth and letting out a long, slow moan.

The poor boy walk down the street, mind in a daze, trying to remember the events of the night before.
His head swirled with the clouded images of vague memories. Everything happened so quickly... too quickly.

  Images lead to emotions. Pure ecstasy welled up the brony's body, sending shivers down his spine.

  "I'm in no mind to be out here..." The meek Black Star quietly said to himself. But as he turned around,
he did not notice the man right behind him. Without time to react, the two crashed into one another and fell to the concrete sidewalk.

  Black quickly got to his feet and dusted himself off.

  "Are you o...." Black froze in astonishment to see the man wearing a weathered, black SS trenchcoat.
As Rag picked himself of the ground Black tried his best to regain his complexion.

   "So sorry about that, didn't see you turn around." Rag said, seemingly oblivious of who the person right in front of him was.
"I hope I didn't hurt you." The nazi patting the very same shoulder he kissed the night prior.

   Questions burned in Black Star's head as Rag turned down the block. while trying to clear his mind, he noticed a small, beige card that was dropped in the commotion. The boy gently picked up the parchment, trying his best not to bend or crease it and turned it over to see what was written.

  His jaw dropped slowly dropped as he carefully read each letter scrawled on the paper.

                        I love you....."

The brony's wee heart pounded out of his chest as he slowly digested those three words.
Thoughts now whizzed through his skull, making his stomach churn.

  But most of all he had a burning desire to once again feel Rag's suttle carress. To feel his soft lips press against his neck just one more time...
Black then bolted down the street, for he was five blocks away from his house, and it was alread 8:43......


These stories still disturb the fuck out of me.

Bl★ck Star

Quote from: Ragolution on 22-02-2012
These stories still disturb the fuck out of me.

Me too, still I kinda like that some people do write stories about me :V


Quote from: Bl★ck Star on 22-02-2012
Quote from: Ragolution on 22-02-2012
These stories still disturb the fuck out of me.

Me too, still I kinda like that some people do write stories about me :V

I don't. It gives me the feeling that someone's fapping to these stories. That men are fapping to these stories.

I cannot describe how fucking disgusting/disturbing that is.


I'm going to cry myself to sleep tonight trying to pour bleach into my ears.


Quote from: OverPony on 22-02-2012

I'm going to cry myself to sleep tonight trying to pour bleach into my ears.

Yeah basically same thing here.

I've since gotten over it since people probably aren't fapping over it, but it's still eerie as fuck.

The problem is when you see it you CAN'T NOT read it.

Bl★ck Star


Quote from: Ragolution on 22-02-2012
These stories still disturb the fuck out of me.
You are not alone.



What frustrates me? Rag and BlackStar don't mind, and it wasn't dirty. But I still got banned for a week for it.

exile you get a place in the next one tho. i have an amazing twist.

For various reasons, I'm not at HGN much any more.
I'll see you all around, though, some time...


You may regret that, pink.
No man needs know the horror of Silver's sex dungeon and we all know what happened to Blake....

By the way, I didn't say I never cared, merely that I recently got over it and no longer care.


Can I be a crippled ravenor.
SRP chars:
Vasilli 'Vasoline' Nikolaev - Freedom - Alive
Aleksey Ipanov - Spooky Trenchcoat Man - Alive
'Pale' - Bloodsucker - Alive