
Started by Leor, 28-09-2011

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I like Portkins even though he treats me like the bottom of his shoe.
I'm hip! What are you talking about!



Do not pretend to quote me by entering your own words in a quote box and I dont understand the relevance of your video..are you Irish? Do you perhaps think I am English?

Here is some actual words from me to you.. and no you may not quote me.

You are a strange and sad little man and you have my pity.
After meeting you, I've decided I am in favor of abortion in cases of incest.

Oh and Hitman, thats called masochism and I believe it to be treatable.


Quote from: Leor on 28-09-2011
Do not pretend to quote me by entering your own words in a quote box and I dont understand the relevance of your video..are you Irish? Do you perhaps think I am English?

Here is some actual words from me to you.. and no you may not quote me.

You are a strange and sad little man and you have my pity.
After meeting you, I've decided I am in favor of abortion in cases of incest.

Oh and Hitman, thats called masochism and I believe it to be treatable.

Look at his avatar,does he look like a Irish?


Quote from: Leor on 28-09-2011
Do not pretend to quote me by entering your own words in a quote box and I dont understand the relevance of your video..are you Irish? Do you perhaps think I am English?

Here is some actual words from me to you.. and no you may not quote me.

You are a strange and sad little man and you have my pity.
After meeting you, I've decided I am in favor of abortion in cases of incest.

Oh and Hitman, thats called masochism and I believe it to be treatable.

Sorry I don't speak dumb horseshit nonsense.

Sprechen sie deutsch?


This be the GVC, you all are fags for postin'.

'specially ya Leor.


LOL! You dont speak horseshit? really? Wow I thought everyone knew horseshit.
You spraken ze deutch? ah ok this explains much! zee germans ah ya! das is bad. I done liek. How can ze Daddy Longlegs make a life?

This be the GVC? WTF is that Khorn? GVC? specially ya? Nice non gay cartoon of yerself too.. oh and you posted too so does that make you gay ?
..look at portkins avatar? you serious?  That picture is ptrobably so he can befriend young boys through minecraft who might think he isnt actually a 40 yr old shut in.
Wow...Severe cases here for sure!. Maybe I will take a psych course when I get to university and use you all as case studies. (Still don't get the video though)
You want to fling shit at me in public then delete my responses? Well sorry I cant entertain your "little man syndrome" and be stifled so easily... like you do to detractors when you have mod/admin powers. You must feel so powerless. Like Napoleon in waterloo when the heavy horses charged.

Your hilarious. I am saying I have no balls to stand up to portkins? Who the fuck do you think you are? You have a minecraft server! Thats all. You and like 10,000 other people. It Doesn't give you the right to be rude and dismissive of people. Cant take it?..don't dish it.
This group is Epic!  No wonder the rest of HGN wants nothing to do with you.


Quote from: Leor on 29-09-2011
LOL! You dont speak horseshit? really? Wow I thought everyone knew horseshit.
You spraken ze deutch? ah ok this explains much! zee germans ah ya! das is bad. I done liek. How can ze Daddy Longlegs make a life?

This be the GVC? WTF is that Khorn? GVC? specially ya? Nice non gay cartoon of yerself too.. oh and you posted too so does that make you gay ?
..look at portkins avatar? you serious?  That picture is ptrobably so he can befriend young boys through minecraft who might think he isnt actually a 40 yr old shut in.
Wow...Severe cases here for sure!. Maybe I will take a psych course when I get to university and use you all as case studies. (Still don't get the video though)
You want to fling shit at me in public then delete my responses? Well sorry I cant entertain your "little man syndrome" and be stifled so easily... like you do to detractors when you have mod/admin powers. You must feel so powerless. Like Napoleon in waterloo when the heavy horses charged.

Your hilarious. I am saying I have no balls to stand up to portkins? Who the fuck do you think you are? You have a minecraft server! Thats all. You and like 10,000 other people. It Doesn't give you the right to be rude and dismissive of people. Cant take it?..don't dish it.
This group is Epic!  No wonder the rest of HGN wants nothing to do with you.

Seems like a ragë to me,pal.


I dont know your terms,,, rage ...spam,,,trolling...drama...IDK  Ihese are all terms too often to deflate and undermine someones words
Its just me communicating along a two way medium... i respond to negative statements made against me ..Who would I be otherwise? 
Anyway its not a rage if I am laughing this hard though is it? ... Pal?


Seriously this is turning into useless e-drama / trolling.

Steven :D

I really don't even...

Bl★ck Star

Quote from: Iam333 on 29-09-2011

Seriously this is turning into useless e-drama / trolling.


Also Portkins is not German.

There are only 3 Germans here, one of them is me.

And someone seems to be totally mad, lol.


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Quote from: Leor on 29-09-2011
LOL! You dont speak horseshit? really? Wow I thought everyone knew horseshit.
You spraken ze deutch? ah ok this explains much! zee germans ah ya! das is bad. I done liek. How can ze Daddy Longlegs make a life?

This be the GVC? WTF is that Khorn? GVC? specially ya? Nice non gay cartoon of yerself too.. oh and you posted too so does that make you gay ?
..look at portkins avatar? you serious?  That picture is ptrobably so he can befriend young boys through minecraft who might think he isnt actually a 40 yr old shut in.
Wow...Severe cases here for sure!. Maybe I will take a psych course when I get to university and use you all as case studies. (Still don't get the video though)
You want to fling shit at me in public then delete my responses? Well sorry I cant entertain your "little man syndrome" and be stifled so easily... like you do to detractors when you have mod/admin powers. You must feel so powerless. Like Napoleon in waterloo when the heavy horses charged.

Your hilarious. I am saying I have no balls to stand up to portkins? Who the fuck do you think you are? You have a minecraft server! Thats all. You and like 10,000 other people. It Doesn't give you the right to be rude and dismissive of people. Cant take it?..don't dish it.
This group is Epic!  No wonder the rest of HGN wants nothing to do with you.

dude, this is Gay Vampire Castle. Of course we are going to troll you. And no we have a Stalker role play server and used to have a fallout roleplay and a terraria server and a minecraft server. Due to garry being a fucking twat, we have to wait for the next update for our servers to come back.



Killdead's back. This time not in flames.
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Steven :D


Quote from: Leor on 29-09-2011
LOL! You dont speak horseshit? really? Wow I thought everyone knew horseshit.
You spraken ze deutch? ah ok this explains much! zee germans ah ya! das is bad. I done liek. How can ze Daddy Longlegs make a life?

This be the GVC? WTF is that Khorn? GVC? specially ya? Nice non gay cartoon of yerself too.. oh and you posted too so does that make you gay ?
..look at portkins avatar? you serious?  That picture is ptrobably so he can befriend young boys through minecraft who might think he isnt actually a 40 yr old shut in.
Wow...Severe cases here for sure!. Maybe I will take a psych course when I get to university and use you all as case studies. (Still don't get the video though)
You want to fling shit at me in public then delete my responses? Well sorry I cant entertain your "little man syndrome" and be stifled so easily... like you do to detractors when you have mod/admin powers. You must feel so powerless. Like Napoleon in waterloo when the heavy horses charged.

Your hilarious. I am saying I have no balls to stand up to portkins? Who the fuck do you think you are? You have a minecraft server! Thats all. You and like 10,000 other people. It Doesn't give you the right to be rude and dismissive of people. Cant take it?..don't dish it.
This group is Epic!  No wonder the rest of HGN wants nothing to do with you.


also, dear portkins

how do you get yourself to look like such a sexy beast


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Bl★ck Star

Quote from: lolKieck on 29-09-2011
WoW Bloodlust

I always hate how this video is called WoW bloodlust fucking kids need to learn that it's from Warcraft 3.


oh man i just tuned in to this kid being oh so mad.

SRP Characters:
Callsign "Faust" - Loner.
Callsign "Eastwood" - American trader.
Roger McMillan - Ex-RIRA. Ex-DUTY. Mercenary.


Quote from: Leor on 29-09-2011
LOL! You dont speak horseshit? really? Wow I thought everyone knew horseshit.
You spraken ze deutch? ah ok this explains much! zee germans ah ya! das is bad. I done liek. How can ze Daddy Longlegs make a life?

This be the GVC? WTF is that Khorn? GVC? specially ya? Nice non gay cartoon of yerself too.. oh and you posted too so does that make you gay ?
..look at portkins avatar? you serious?  That picture is ptrobably so he can befriend young boys through minecraft who might think he isnt actually a 40 yr old shut in.
Wow...Severe cases here for sure!. Maybe I will take a psych course when I get to university and use you all as case studies. (Still don't get the video though)
You want to fling shit at me in public then delete my responses? Well sorry I cant entertain your "little man syndrome" and be stifled so easily... like you do to detractors when you have mod/admin powers. You must feel so powerless. Like Napoleon in waterloo when the heavy horses charged.

Your hilarious. I am saying I have no balls to stand up to portkins? Who the fuck do you think you are? You have a minecraft server! Thats all. You and like 10,000 other people. It Doesn't give you the right to be rude and dismissive of people. Cant take it?..don't dish it.
This group is Epic!  No wonder the rest of HGN wants nothing to do with you.

And I said I don't speak dumb horseshit nonsense.



To loot, lulz and SCIENCE!