PistolKid and Kropfi make raiders

Started by deluxulous, 23-02-2012

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Earlier we found an alien robot buried in the sand. We decided to have a philosophical discussion.

'Twitch' says "Maybe we're aliens..."

** 'Twitch' twitches.
'Phaeton' says "Wooooah."
'Twitch' says "Like..."
'Phaeton' says "DUDE."
'Twitch' says "What if..."
'Twitch' says "We're aliens, and everyone else isn't?"
'Phaeton' says "We're the aliens, and aliens are actually people that got pushed out by us?"
'Twitch' says "Oh shit..."
'Twitch' says "That means..."
'Phaeton' says "We're asshole aliens!"
'Twitch' says "We're dicks!"
'Twitch' says "Wanna cut someone's head off?"
'Phaeton' says "Shit man, maybe we can offer a head from someone to appease them!"
'Twitch' says "Good idea! *Twitch*"
'Phaeton' says "We can amend the problems we c....aused!"
'Phaeton' says "HEHEHEHEH"
'Twitch' says "Problems? "
'Twitch' says "What problems?"
'Twitch' says "Wha?"

'Phaeton' says "The aliens are probably pissed at us, man."
'Twitch' says "Wait, but we're the aliens..."
'Phaeton' says "Maybe they'll take us away on their mothership."
'Twitch' says "But we're the aliens!"
'Phaeton' says "Shit, I forgot."
'Twitch' says "Yeah?"
'Phaeton' says "But they're aliens to us!"
'Phaeton' says "Everyone's an alien!"
'Twitch' yells "Everyone is an alien!?"
'Phaeton' says "People that aren't aliens are aliens!"
'Twitch' says "So us being aliens would make everyone around us and alien?"
'Twitch' says "Where's our mothership?"
'Phaeton' says "Probably got nuked in the war!"
'Twitch' says "How did we get here?"
'Twitch' says "WAIT!"
'Twitch' says "Maybe..."
'Twitch' says "We're on the mothership..."
'Phaeton' says "Oh shit!"
'Twitch' says "And Aliens are trying to take it over!?"
'Phaeton' says "Right, man!"
'Twitch' says "Oh shit..."
'Phaeton' says "Then..."
'Phaeton' says "They're at war with US!"
'Twitch' says "So we gotta kill em?"
'Phaeton' says "We can't appease them, we have to purge them!"
'Twitch' says "Kill em call? Cut their heads off?!"
'Phaeton' says "Cut their heads off, yes! The others are not enlightened!"
'Phaeton' says "We know that they are fake aliens invading our mothership!"
'Twitch' says "Enlighten ALLLL the people!"
'Phaeton' says "Forcibly!"
'Twitch' says "With decapitation! *twitch*"
'Phaeton' says "Hallelujah!"
'Twitch' says "Praise... Uh... Erm... Who do we praise?"
** 'Phaeton' puts his finger on his lip.
'Phaeton' says "Our ancient dinosaur creators!"
** 'Phaeton' points to the dinosaur statue behind him.
'Twitch' says "Dinosaurs?! We're dinosaur aliens!?"
'Phaeton' says "Yes! It all makes so much sense!"
** 'Twitch' turns the dino and stares for a moment.
** 'Twitch' drops his gun and falls to his knees, bowing down "ALL HAIL THE DINO GODS!"
** 'Twitch' gets up.
'Phaeton' says "We must appease and feed our mighty dinosaur benefactors!"
'Phaeton' says "With heads!"
'Twitch' says "Decapitation!"
'Phaeton' says "Hallelujah!"
'Phaeton' says "\"
'Twitch' says "So..."
'Twitch' says "Uh..."
'Phaeton' says "Man, we must be the first people to figure this out in..."
'Phaeton' says "Forever!"
'Twitch' says "We're gonna make... Hundreds..."
'Twitch' says "We'll be rich..."
'Phaeton' says "We must be the prophets our dino-gods sent forth to spread the Gospel!"
'Twitch' says "We'll have like!..."
'Phaeton' says "All the heads!"
'Phaeton' says "All of them!"
** 'Twitch' starts to count his fingers "4...5...7... Shit... 1....2....3...4..."
'Twitch' says "Uhm... Over 5!"
** 'Twitch' twitches.
'Phaeton' says "Eleventy and five!"
'Twitch' says "Eleventy?!"
'Phaeton' says "ELEVENTY!"
'Twitch' says "Thats like..."
** 'Twitch' starts to count his fingers again..."Over one!"
'Phaeton' says "Well, yeah you doofus."
'Phaeton' says "One is just eleventy minus a one!"
'Twitch' says "That's like.... Uhm..."
'Phaeton' says "Two!"
** 'Twitch' looks to the sky counting in his head... "Over seven!"
'Twitch' says "Oh yeah!"
'Twitch' says "Two!"


"Mommy, when is Daddy coming home?"
"Here, Alex.. Daddy sent us a package.. The soldier told us that it.. might be a while until Daddy's done with his service. Don't worry, you'll see him soon, Alex.."
"He's always gone! I never get to see him!"



as in "no, i didn't get any asscream for my butthurt"?


I didn't enjoy this one bit. No sir I don't like it.
No sir, I don't like it
I'm hip! What are you talking about!



"Mommy, when is Daddy coming home?"
"Here, Alex.. Daddy sent us a package.. The soldier told us that it.. might be a while until Daddy's done with his service. Don't worry, you'll see him soon, Alex.."
"He's always gone! I never get to see him!"


Quote from: Lent23 on 24-02-2012
Quote from: Madcombat on 24-02-2012
You tried too hard.

I'm going to have to go and delete my Sucker called 'Twitch' which I've had for the best part of four months now, for fear of miss-identification and ridicule.


Bl★ck Star