New HGN greeting?

Started by meetdadoom, 18-11-2011

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whenever someone introduces them selves to the community, do you think this clip will accurately describe hgn?

(Skip to 1:50)
Hobo with a Shotgun - Welcome to FUCKTOWN

Now we just need to make up who the three people represent. The two gansters and the cop that is.


Bl★ck Star

I am the Gangster with the rape face who opens the door, I am going to rape every newcomer, nuff said.


Silvers the old cop, Duran and Tom are the two gangsters.


Silver Knight

Quote from: Overwatch on 18-11-2011
Silvers the old cop, Duran and Tom are the two gangsters.


I am the Mayor, Tom is the Chief of police and Duran is the fire department chief.

I hand out random shit, stamp it, approve stuff.
Tom deals with all the shit i throw at him, monitors shit and makes sure everything is ok and reports to me.
Duran pisses on any fires that start and keeps things cool.

Something like that. ;)

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


Quote from: Last.Exile on 18-11-2011
Quote from: Overwatch on 18-11-2011
Silvers the old cop, Duran and Tom are the two gangsters.

Duran pisses on any fires that start and keeps things cool.

Something like that. ;)
Or duran pisses on open wounds like most times, That works also to just keep things going.