My Suicide Assassination Roleplaying Plot

Started by Steven :D, 25-08-2011

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Steven :D

** Steven Cortez pulls the pin on his grenade, running into the crowd of three
'Integra' says "Just almost passed out and stuff."
'Crow' says "<:: Yep, I'll leave you two alone."
'Stalker' says "<:: Shit!"
[LOOC] 'Integra': LOLWUT?!
[6'2, he has dark blac...] whispers "Dont do it."
[6'2, he has dark blac...] whispers "Now do it"
** 'Stalker' catches the grenade, running.
Stalker throws it.
'Integra' says "You.. again.."
'Integra' says "The fuck are you doing...?"
'Integra' says "They were trying to help me..."
'Stalker' says "<:: Dumbass!"
** Steven Cortez spits his gum onto the grenade
'Integra' says "Their with us..."
** Steven Cortez unpins it in his hand, thrusting it out to his face
'Integra' says "The rogues are with us!"
** The grenade is stuck to his face.
'Stalker' says "<:: Help!"
[5'9|DirtyBlondeHairIn...] says "Anyone wanna have a four way?"
[LOOC] Veronica Cranston: void thx
** 'Integra' rolls off the table, grabbing Steven
** 'Stalker' rips it off, then attempts to throw it.
[LOOC] 'Integra': OH GOD
** Steven Cortez runs off, leaving the grenade stuck
** 'Integra' has rolled 98 out of 100.
** 'Stalker' has rolled 80 out of 100.
** [6'2, he has dark blac...] takes out his nagant, firing into the room at INtegra
[LOOC] Steven Cortez: why are you rolling
[LOOC] Rick 'Rickie' Glarza: void
** 'Stalker' throws the grenade, it lands outside.
** 'Integra' tackles Steven to the ground, making him drop the Grenade next to Crows feet
'Integra' says "Crow!"
'Integra' says "Throw it!"
[LOOC] Steven Cortez: powergame
[6'2, he has dark blac...] says "Crow, RUN!"
'Crow' says "<:: Stalker, if you don't straighten out, I have to snap the chip in half and shove it into your nasal cavity."
'Integra' says "Throw it away!"
** [6'2, he has dark blac...] grabs it, throwing it aweay
** 'Stalker' picks it up, throwing it.
** 'Integra' holds his arms down, looking into his eyes
** Funny because grenades don't have over five second timers
** 'Integra' is literally about to pass out ontop of him
** His arm is blown off.
** Meaning within the time Stalker tore it off his face
** Everyone would have exploded

-This is the part where I drop the grenade straight onto the ground-

'Stalker' says "<:: Help!"
[LOOC] 'Integra': Lol
[LOOC] 'Integra': YOu moron...
[LOOC] 'Integra': They act
[LOOC] 'Stalker': Wtf
[LOOC] Veronica Cranston: HAHAHAHA
[OOC] Steven Cortez: No, I roleplayed.
[LOOC] Veronica Cranston: ROFL
[OOC] 'Integra': You dont just throw it you dumbass!
[OOC] Rick 'Rickie' Glarza: crow cmere
Disconnect: Grenade abuse while a dramatic moment? You need a life, asshole..
Disconnect: Grenade abuse while a dramatic moment? You need a life, asshole..

My honest attempt at trying to suicide assassinate someone. They just didn't want to stop powergaming :'(


"When in doubt, mumble."


Lets strap dynamite on ourselves and blow up. No powergaming man
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Steven is the master of roleplaying.