
Started by ThY, 29-03-2012

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kieck, a forum signature is

"A digital code that can be attached to an electronically transmitted message that uniquely identifies the sender. Like a written signature."

I think you mistake your signature for a stupid piucture and music box. if you however are using such dumbass images with music as your sig, that "uniquely identifies" you as a retard with the intent of irritating me when i view threads here. change it before someone bans you.

here you can see kiecks signature which is on every post of his

you just learned how to put flash into your posts, grats.
i bet you were one of the kids who runs around boasting when they shaved the first time too.

edit; sorry kieck it was blake editing shit

<3 you.


your rant will be taken into consideration and transferred to the not-give-a-fuck office.

<3 you.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Quote from: Jake on 29-03-2012
your rant will be taken into consideration and transferred to the not-give-a-fuck office.

<3 you.
youll thank me when kieck is banned

<3 you


Its better than your signature ThY! That's just wierd... And i like how the link is:

ref_DevCon.smd: david star is the only heir of the ecologist throne
ref_DevCon.smd: house of blake
"Any of you fucking pricks move, and I'll execute every motherfucking last one of ya!"


Quote from: Longlostblake on 29-03-2012
Its better than your signature ThY! That's just wierd... And i like how the link is:
you diddn't even pick a hot one! :\


>implying that I would put that signature
thats not my style thy
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Quote from: lolKieck on 29-03-2012
>implying that I would put that signature
thats not my style thy
i do like the cat though


Quote from: ThY on 29-03-2012
Quote from: lolKieck on 29-03-2012
>implying that I would put that signature
thats not my style thy
i do like the cat though
yeah its epic
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I see you have wrestling in your signature.

Are you attempting to make fun of it like everyone else does? Because wrestling is a very competitive sport and requires demanding training. Its not gay GOD DAMNIT RANTING BEGINNING I MUST STOP

I wrestle.
SRP chars:
Vasilli 'Vasoline' Nikolaev - Freedom - Alive
Aleksey Ipanov - Spooky Trenchcoat Man - Alive
'Pale' - Bloodsucker - Alive


Quote from: SGT-Spartans on 29-03-2012
I see you have wrestling in your signature.

Are you attempting to make fun of it like everyone else does? Because wrestling is a very competitive sport and requires demanding training. Its not gay GOD DAMNIT RANTING BEGINNING I MUST STOP

I wrestle in bed with other men, it's not gay.

*Is not sure if blatant shout-out of homosexuality, or just stupid, or is actually serious*

I'm Wolfie, snd this is my sig... Uummm... FUUURR TEEHH EEMMPUUHRER!

                         ===== FRP charcaters =====

Guan- Your favorite Chinese scavenger, has a obsession with rumors of the Shi, as well as combat knives.

Tiberius- The annoying gear-lover.


No, wrestlings not gay. Only people who can't do it say that. Its like saying UFC is gay.
SRP chars:
Vasilli 'Vasoline' Nikolaev - Freedom - Alive
Aleksey Ipanov - Spooky Trenchcoat Man - Alive
'Pale' - Bloodsucker - Alive


But... It is?

I'm Wolfie, snd this is my sig... Uummm... FUUURR TEEHH EEMMPUUHRER!

                         ===== FRP charcaters =====

Guan- Your favorite Chinese scavenger, has a obsession with rumors of the Shi, as well as combat knives.

Tiberius- The annoying gear-lover.


Horrible troll you can't even do anything get out of the GVC. I haven't laughed once your horrible pile of gump.
SRP chars:
Vasilli 'Vasoline' Nikolaev - Freedom - Alive
Aleksey Ipanov - Spooky Trenchcoat Man - Alive
'Pale' - Bloodsucker - Alive


"If you don't expect gratitude, you'll seldom be dissapointed."


How am I trolling? Isn't this the serious debates forum? Now get your big booty outta hyar, i need to discuss Spade's stats! *Wonders what the hell this topic was originally about*
I'm Wolfie, snd this is my sig... Uummm... FUUURR TEEHH EEMMPUUHRER!

                         ===== FRP charcaters =====

Guan- Your favorite Chinese scavenger, has a obsession with rumors of the Shi, as well as combat knives.

Tiberius- The annoying gear-lover.


SRP chars:
Vasilli 'Vasoline' Nikolaev - Freedom - Alive
Aleksey Ipanov - Spooky Trenchcoat Man - Alive
'Pale' - Bloodsucker - Alive


Quote from: SGT-Spartans on 29-03-2012
Horrible troll you can't even do anything get out of the GVC. I haven't laughed once your horrible pile of gump.
newfags broke the gvc
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