i deklur exterminatus

Started by Prism, 29-09-2012

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we haze arreved, and it is now that we perform our charge.In fealty to the gurd-empurahr (our undying Lord) and by teh greasee o te gulden tyrone, I du decklar teh declaretion of exterminarterus opon ter impuurial 4m of ze homophobic sky fortress of turdlos 7i hereby sign the death warrant of an entire world and consignen a trillion million billion million souls to oblivion to be fed upon by the daedra
mey imperial channerism account in all balance.

The Silver Knight Protects.
Praise be the dolphin.


SRP chars:
Vasilli 'Vasoline' Nikolaev - Freedom - Alive
Aleksey Ipanov - Spooky Trenchcoat Man - Alive
'Pale' - Bloodsucker - Alive


Praise be the dolphin.


welcome to hgn prism. you're late


Thank you, thank you.. Late for what though?
Praise be the dolphin.


HGN has already been exterminated by the Space Marines.
"Mommy, when is Daddy coming home?"
"Here, Alex.. Daddy sent us a package.. The soldier told us that it.. might be a while until Daddy's done with his service. Don't worry, you'll see him soon, Alex.."
"He's always gone! I never get to see him!"