I'm a coward.

Started by meetdadoom, 17-11-2011

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NAO! how to make a pussy cake!
>:3 FIRSTLY your gona need some rottin tuna some spiold salman THEN u gona need soooaammm moldy bread and but cheeze, THEN you gona get a half sized pe pan and poor the tuna in as the crust, nao folks when doing this make shure not to smear it togther to flavor toe stench, THEn you gona get soam moldy ass cheeze and second coat the tuna know as the pussy layer, THHEEENNN you gona piee to give it a nice sent,
Then what you gona do isssss poor some milk on it to bring the smell to high tention,  then pur tuna covoring the fucking shit you put on it and bake it at 130 degrreesss ass hole faenheighight, then after 60 mintues take it out, and SHOVE IT UP YOUR FUCKING ASS YOU CUNT!

(Troll face)

This makes no sence but if you dont think about it it does make sence because ur not thinking about it so how cant it make sinces O_oooo_O_O_O_O_O_O_O MAGIC QUEEIIIFFFFFF


The person above me is probably retarded.
Also the video reminds me of.. Girl with pickle phobia. Funny.


Yah im Retarded allright >:3FAT TAMMPONS YUMMY :DDDDD
sdhawg7-dsb7as87db, FAP FAP FAP OHH NUUUUUU D':
Im severly retarded I has likeeeeeee o_O, fucktardites


Quote from: EliteSoldier666 on 17-11-2011
Yah im Retarded allright >:3FAT TAMMPONS YUMMY :DDDDD
sdhawg7-dsb7as87db, FAP FAP FAP OHH NUUUUUU D':
Im severly retarded I has likeeeeeee o_O, fucktardites

Aaaaaand he went full retard.
To loot, lulz and SCIENCE!