For those of you Who Do not Understand:

Started by Frostee, 27-11-2011

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Arthur 'Night' Hutchinson - ALIVE
Anne 'Savior' Gerris - ALIVE
Coroner - ALIVE
'Crazed' - ALIVE



To loot, lulz and SCIENCE!


"Our youth waste their time on meaningless devices."

To which purpose is he comparing this to? The undefinable purpose of life? To judge such an act meaningless.

"America was once the most intelligent country in the world, Our control spreading across the world."

Ahem... Cause the British Empire totally didn't have a grip on pretty much everywhere. And I mean Jesus Christ, America being smart? When did that -ever- happen. Most revolutionary inventions were European.

Really, he's gotta learn more things, before he spouts shit. He's a prime example of America's education system.

It's like a stream of utter narrow-minded shit. He even mentions death-race being an excessively violent movie, It was meant to show humans at their base routes without an economic system, how we all revert to primal factors.

"We will self-extinct"

Yeah..... If your claiming that's going to happen over us getting stupid, then how could we ever evolve from the age of the wheel.


"The human violence of the Colosseum!"

You meant that Arena where there was about Five confirmed human deaths, only two of which were controlled by the crowd, the colosseum was primarily for racing and animal on animal sport. Right?

This man, needs professional shit-spouter as his job.

And that's me only looking half deep at part one.


Quote from: Overwatch on 27-11-2011

"The human violence of the coliseum!"

You meant that Arena where there was about Five confirmed human deaths, only two of which were controlled by the crowd, the coliseum was primarily for racing and animal on animal sport. Right?

"The Colosseum opened in 80 AD with 100 days of gladiatorial combat.  On one day, more than 5000 people died in the arena.  Admission to the games was free, although the free ticket might not get a spectator very good seats.  The closeness to the arena floor was based on the spectator's social status.  The ticket itself was a pottery shard on which was written a number indicating the door through which the person was to enter.  Exiting the Colosseum was very efficient:  The entire stadium could be emptied of people in about 12 minutes."

I for one think that he is dead on ON SOME POINTS.


Do you have a better source, than a rent-a-site with a picture of a man facing the wrong way? Also, It's 4:40AM, School starts at 7AM And I'm in the middle of writing an essay, and then doing computing work. So cut a guy some slack for spelling. Not everyone has time to spout shit infront of a camera.

Also... Mind stating the points you agree with and why?

I'm not challenging you or any shit like that. We're all open to our own opinion, and I'd like to see others points of view of this. From what they know already, without researching shit on the internet, per example of my cock-up with the collos Co Arena thing. That's what I learned from a Classical studies teacher and what I Trusted.


Quote from: Overwatch on 27-11-2011
Do you have a better source, than a rent-a-site with a picture of a man facing the wrong way? Also, It's 4:40AM, School starts at 7AM And I'm in the middle of writing an essay, and then doing computing work. So cut a guy some slack for spelling. Not everyone has time to spout shit infront of a camera.

Also... Mind stating the points you agree with and why?

I'm not challenging you or any shit like that. We're all open to our own opinion, and I'd like to see others points of view of this. From what they know already, without researching shit on the internet, per example of my cock-up with the collos Co Arena thing. That's what I learned from a Classical studies teacher and what I Trusted.

Sorry about the thing with the bolden link, but that was not my doing. When I put it on there it did that all on its own, so I just want you to know I am not trying to beat you down on anything.



To loot, lulz and SCIENCE!

Mr. Pink

Hmm, the primary cause of the collapse of the Roman empire, I belive, and correct me if I'm wrong, was due to the massive amount of slaves they were in control of. America gave up slavery, at least in its racial form, over a hundred years ago, so I do not think what caused the fall of the Romans will be the fall of us... Now, on to the topic of rampant, pointless, purchasing... Purchasing new technologies fuels the economy, when the economy is kept strong, so too is the drive for innovation, in order to stand out from the pack and further excel in the economy. Like it or not, the primary driving force behind human technological advancement is, yes, greed. I doubt that will ever change. And as for America being the most intelligent country, I do not think we ever have been... My two cents for now.

Edit: Also, television, though vastly useless, has some good programing on it. Many people are better visual learners than anything else, and as such would learn more from an educational television program than they would from say, a textbook. And, many people still read. I read quite alot, granted most of it is on military history and general human violence but still...
I wish for a pinball machine full of Cannabis.


Henry Warlington|Ecologist|Active

Mr. Pink

Quote from: Overwatch on 27-11-2011
Do you have a better source, than a rent-a-site with a picture of a man facing the wrong way? Also, It's 4:40AM, School starts at 7AM And I'm in the middle of writing an essay, and then doing computing work. So cut a guy some slack for spelling. Not everyone has time to spout shit infront of a camera.

Also... Mind stating the points you agree with and why?

I'm not challenging you or any shit like that. We're all open to our own opinion, and I'd like to see others points of view of this. From what they know already, without researching shit on the internet, per example of my cock-up with the collos Co Arena thing. That's what I learned from a Classical studies teacher and what I Trusted.

Just checked up on the source code for that site, don't ask, I was bored. And from what I saw it isn't a rent-a-site, it was just made using a free html-editing site, and looks really shitty. Source: 3 years of web-design.
I wish for a pinball machine full of Cannabis.


I still think it's hilarious that a bunch of people in HGN think I'm a serial killer now that they've seen this video.
Perhaps I should be concerned, considering that my personality both matches the warning signs of one. :D

I have...
- Above normal IQ
- Isolationism
- Dysfunctional family
- Rebellious
- Daydreams
- Nightmares

Luckily for us the world has video games--which, by some irony, completely contradicts what I say in this two year old video.

Also I think this is being taken too seriously for a GVC thread. As much as I appreciate the philosophy, it's the GVC.
... Or maybe I haven't read enough. I just skimmed the posts. I just woke up. x_x

Silver Knight

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


Wasting time on meaningless devices you say?

You mean like Garry's Mod?

gg spades, gg




Do you really have to come in here and say Reapers?

Also, just going to say it here but since when does the country that believes a Pizza is a vegitable become the smartest country in the world?
Since when does the country that scares its own people so much they legalise weapons to profit from their own citizens murdering each other?

I can assure you right now, your govenments are quite smart but your country, your people are quite foolish for falling for the shit the media spills out at you so the govenment can profit from you.

Murders by a Firearm are around 11K in America.
Murders by a Firearm are around 300 in Canada.
Both countries are right next to each other, there must be somthing defiantly wrong with America if its not the same in Canada.


Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Quote from: Madcombat on 14-12-2011
Do you really have to come in here and say Reapers?

Also, just going to say it here but since when does the country that believes a Pizza is a vegitable become the smartest country in the world?
Since when does the country that scares its own people so much they legalise weapons to profit from their own citizens murdering each other?

I can assure you right now, your govenments are quite smart but your country, your people are quite foolish for falling for the shit the media spills out at you so the govenment can profit from you.

Murders by a Firearm are around 11K in America.
Murders by a Firearm are around 300 in Canada.
Both countries are right next to each other, there must be somthing defiantly wrong with America if its not the same in Canada.

there are some faults here
US has a population 10 times bigger and they have much more immigrants than canada.
other than that youre right

and american people
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


This is a serious thing, stop laughing


Quote from: Spades_Neil on 14-12-2011
I still think it's hilarious that a bunch of people in HGN think I'm a serial killer now that they've seen this video.
Perhaps I should be concerned, considering that my personality both matches the warning signs of one. :D

I have...
- Above normal IQ
- Isolationism
- Dysfunctional family
- Rebellious
- Daydreams
- Nightmares

Holy fuck, everyone I know is a serial killer then.
"If you don't expect gratitude, you'll seldom be dissapointed."


Quote from: RanmaChan on 14-12-2011
Quote from: Spades_Neil on 14-12-2011
I still think it's hilarious that a bunch of people in HGN think I'm a serial killer now that they've seen this video.
Perhaps I should be concerned, considering that my personality both matches the warning signs of one. :D

I have...
- Above normal IQ
- Isolationism
- Dysfunctional family
- Rebellious
- Daydreams
- Nightmares

Holy fuck, everyone I know is a serial killer then.

Sleep with a shotgun under your pillow.

Quote from: Jake on 14-12-2011
Quote from: Spades_Neil on 14-12-2011


i noticed that

Lol I love you too Jake.


Quote from: Madcombat on 14-12-2011
Do you really have to come in here and say Reapers?

Also, just going to say it here but since when does the country that believes a Pizza is a vegitable become the smartest country in the world?
Since when does the country that scares its own people so much they legalise weapons to profit from their own citizens murdering each other?

I can assure you right now, your govenments are quite smart but your country, your people are quite foolish for falling for the shit the media spills out at you so the govenment can profit from you.

Murders by a Firearm are around 11K in America.
Murders by a Firearm are around 300 in Canada.
Both countries are right next to each other, there must be somthing defiantly wrong with America if its not the same in Canada.

You're an idiot on so many levels I don't know where to begin. Since this is the internet and stupidity is expected and encouraged I will just say

Please stop being an idiot.

Canada's population is miniscule compared to the US of course there are going to be more murders. Increased private firearm ownership actually leads to decreases in crime (look at the crime rate of Los Angeles or New York where firearm ownership is close to illegal vs. in Dallas or Phoenix where firearm ownership is easy). "Profiting from citizens' fears"? I nearly pissed myself laughing so hard.

Troll harder. Or if you weren't trolling, gain about 50 IQ points, form a coherent argument, and try again. If the US is such a shitty country why is the UN essentially its puppet? Why is its GDP so much higher than everyone else's? There's stupid people in every society.

Every time I go in the GVC I regret it. Pretty sure my IQ dropped 10 points from reading this thread.

In other news this man is skydiving with a dog:
