Duty backstory

Started by Silver Knight, 13-03-2012

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Silver Knight

The  story begins over 20 years ago when I was incarnated to this earth as a  member of a family who lived in a northern town in ukraine.  My family were very poor  farmers – I was one of five children, having two brothers and two  sisters.  We were all expected to help my mother and father to scratch a  living from the barren area in which we lived.  I however, was a  rebel, even in those far off days and often used to wander off on my own.

In  those days many travellers used to pass through our village.  One of these  men was well known to us all as he would frequently return.
His  name was Masumai.  He used to speak to the villagers of times of change;  the people were drawn to him to listen to his philosophies – why we were all  here on this earth and what was expected of us.  It became evident to me,  even at my young age, that he was blessed with special gifts – gifts which  neither my father nor my mother had.

Although  we were peaceful people, at times feuds would occur.  I remember the awful  day when a large group of men invaded our village.
There  was much screaming and shouting and some homes were set alight.  Many  people were killed, my mother, father, brothers and sisters amongst them.   I escaped harm because I had wandered a short distance from the village and  when I heard the noise, I hid in some bushes on the outskirts. When the noise  subsided and night fell I crept back to my home which had escaped the fires of  the invaders.  I was alone and terrified.  For the first time in my  life I had no-one.  I was very tired and hungry and mortally afraid that  the invaders would return.  My nine year old eyes had witnessed so much  but eventually exhaustion took over and I slept.

I  awoke in the morning and remember feeling all over again the shock, the  aloneness and the isolation – all these emotions enveloped my young mind.   I crept out and managed to find a few scraps of food and a little water.  Gathering  these together, I fled back to my home and piled some wood behind the door to  prevent anybody opening it from the outside.  I stayed there on my own for  three days.

On  the fourth day I heard a loud noise outside our dwelling and someone shouted my  name time and time again.  It was Masumai.  I ran to him, crying  uncontrollably.  He put his arm round me and held me close whilst I  relayed to him what had happened to our village.  He listened and held me  tenderly and calmed me down.  Despite my sorrow I felt uplifted.  I  was no longer alone.  Masumai explained that my family were beyond hurt  now, that they were in a world where no harm could come to them and that one  day, I would be reunited with them.  He told me that until that time came,  he would be a father to me.
Masumai  and I left the village and we walked to places I had never heard of.  The  weeks, months and years of walking and being with Masumai, listening to him  talking to people in far off regions of ukraine allowed me a deeper understanding  of this great yet simple man.  We relied on the people of the villages to  offer food and simple shelter to us in return for Masumai’s useful  guidance.  Masumai told me that one day I would be like him, but “not  yet,” as I was only 13 years old.

Months  passed and we found ourselves in an area which was unknown even to  Masumai.  He told me that he did not know the area or the people, so we  would to be careful in our approach.  We discovered that they were not  very friendly people and had no regard to the teachings of Masumai.  We  decided that we would move on.  We both felt that these people could be  similar to those who had attacked my village four years prior.  We carried  on walking until we reached a small hill which had bushes on its slopes, and  which would provide some cover for us for the night.  We were both very  hungry.  Masumai asked me to find some small pieces of wood so that we  could light a fire and at least be warm.  I moved further and further away  until I reached the edge of the village through which we had passed  earlier.  I noticed a delicious smell of fresh baked bread coming from one  of the dwellings.  Although I knew it was wrong to steal, I thought of how  hungry and tired Masumai had looked and how much he had helped me and cared for  me.  I crawled very slowly up to a shelf where loaves of bread were on display.  I grabbed three small loaves and crawled away.
I  was almost back to where Masumai and I had set up camp for the night when I  heard shouting and screaming.  Before I knew it, I was surrounded by a  circle of men.  I felt a harsh pain in my side and then in my leg.  I  fell down.  I felt as though I was falling backwards, backwards….but at  peace…No more pain.  I lost consciousness and my attackers obviously thought  that I was dead as they left and went back to their village.

The  next thing I remember is hearing the voice I loved and trusted.  It was  Masumai.  He held me in his arms and cried, his tears falling on my  chest.  I told him not to cry…that there was bread hidden in my clothes.
Masumai  tried to stem the blood flow from my wounds however i was badly wounded.  He told me that the stealing of the bread was a  spiritual act because I had not stolen it for myself, but to help another “But”  he said “There is a payment for all things.”

Several years pass, Masumai is now dead and i am alone, i meet someone who tells me about the zone, now 23, i seek my fortunes and new friends. I hate being alone.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period

Silver Knight

The roleplay checklist.

Bandits  :tick:
Parents killed by bandits  :tick:
Meet someone cool  :tick:
Cool guy dies  :tick:
Have accident  :tick:
Go to zone  :tick:
Join Faction  :tick:

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


Why is there dirty asians in ukraine

Silver Knight

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


don't forget, app needs to make ukraine look like the lawless wasteland and MUST live in the zone.



A funny duty app story.

gay was born in a little village outside chenobyl on december 6 1990 he grew up in a good family he had food on his table,he started to practice boxing and judo at the age of 5 since his father where a known fighter,his mother past away when he was 8 so he had a hard time when he and his father had to move to a really bad place just 55km away from chenobyl,when he went to school people where picking on him but he refused to fight.When the years went on and on he had enough with the bullying so he punched another pupil to death when he was only 10 years old,then he started to form a gang and he used his martial arts to gain respect.when he was 12 he started to deal drugs and guns got his ass kicked a few times.When he was only 14 his dad where going to compete with a district master in boxing in russia there where alot of money depending on that fight after 3 rounds his father knocked the master to the floor people lost alot of money,just that day is a day sergay never fogetts caus after the match 2 masked men came and shot him cold blooded down to the ground.So sergey left the gang and joined the millitary in anger he forced himself to do it.He was 18 when he signed up and quited it 8 months before his birtday,so now his goal is to get peace in the world.

guy reapplies the next day. Let's look at that amazing editing.

Sergey was born december 6 1990 and grew up in the slum ,Just a few kilometers from chenobyl,He was just like other kids.He went to school every monday to friday,He where practicing martial arts every wednesday.When he was 2 his mom passed away in a car accident and his dad where so sad so every night he came home dead drunk covered with cuts and bruises.It went on and on till Sergey where 9,At that age he had become a great fighter in martial arts so a teacher named Jonas told Sergey to teach the army in close quarters combat (CQC) Sergey thought about it and deccided to do it.So he packed his bag and went to live with the military for a while and leave his drunken father.At the age or 14 he where a very very talented young man,So he left everything behinde him and deccided to join the army for good.He was about to become the greatest solider to ever walk on earth.When he was 17 he where almost a

part three
Sergey was born in 1986 In Dolinsk (Russia) the same year as the largest nuclear accident ever happened.He grew up with his mother and father they where not a very rich family.His parents wasn't spending to much time at home,His mom where working as a janitor at an old school and his father wasn't very supporting to Sergey.He was sad almost everytime except when he had food to eat,he where out late nights begging for money and some cloths if he could get any.He could be without food in days. When he was 18 he decided to join the spetsnaz military force,he never liked fighting but he thought it was the time he learn something.the year 2006 he moved to ukraine to get away from his family and become something great and fight in "The zone".Now he became friends with a few stalkers who where showing him around giving him food,One day when Sergey where out looking for supplies 3 armed men came looking at him,he unholstered his weapon,the 3 men where already pointing the gun at his face before he could even wink,who are you guys? We are the Duties.I've heard about you said Sergey,your the guys who keep the zone safe right? Yes,one of the armed men said,By then Sergey knew that he wanted to become a duty solider.
ready elite solider,And at the age of 18 he where complete and now his final goal is to make world peace. 

here is an app where they live in the zone

He was Born just outside of the Chernobyl, he was born into a gypsie family so he was always wondering. He started to take an intrest in medicain from a young age and as he grew older he started to read books and learn all he could about being a Surgeon. After deciding to tell his family he wanted to be a surgeon, then he moved to Chernobyl to studie being a surgeon.After 4 and a half years of being a surgeon the incident in Chernobyl happened. And he took it upon him self to help as many people as he possible could.



Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Quote from: Jake on 15-03-2012

He just wants world peace man Q.Q

