Tf2 team

Started by Zero, 19-11-2009

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TF2 team sound good anyone? we can get people with specific class expertise and put them in that position for example I am more of a expert as a spy then as a little more of everything else.(Though I should take some re-tutoring with my recent fail) so I would be placed as spy but thats just a example. Ideas?

Scout: Tea
Soldier: Midnight
Demoman: Lucidius
Engineer: Afro
Spy: Zero


*Facepalm* You apperantly don't know how many times we've tried this........


I play everything well off and on exept for Spy and demo.

Off and on being, for a few hours i'll rockface as scout, and then i'll et utterly raped and be good at soldier, etc. When I am good with Soldier i'm good with Demo Pipebombs though, i've prefired and directly hit people with pipebombs from forever away, and i'll use the corner of my screen as an aim sight for some shots, it's hilarious.
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!IMPORTANT! Empire Specific Fighters and the Empire Specific Weapons. Overview, tweeks and nerfs! BIG POST

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Actually Afro, we've only tried it once. When Neohazard was still here. Since im practically in charge of the Team Fortress 2 server, a team sounds like a very good idea, thank you for bringing it up zero.


I am a decent Soldier, if you guys go though with it I'll play with you.


Quote from: Tea on 19-11-2009
Actually Afro, we've only tried it once. When Neohazard was still here. Since im practically in charge of the Team Fortress 2 server, a team sounds like a very good idea, thank you for bringing it up zero.
Well, it felt like alot of times cause he tried to gather a team so often.
But if you think you can do it, go for it (Is an Engineer)


Just pe me as an all around kinda guy. I'll switch to medic if your assaulting, or pyro to help out engineers. Kind of an all around person, and I often like to switch classes to keep enemies guessing.
Please check out my other suggestions for PS2. Click 'Like' if you agree!

!IMPORTANT! Empire Specific Fighters and the Empire Specific Weapons. Overview, tweeks and nerfs! BIG POST

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I would like for people to post their main class of expertise, not the class's they go to every now and then.



Stated I don't have a main, I can't play one class and be good at it all the time. It's just how I am, and how I know how I am.

What classes i'm good at vary by the hour sometimes.
Please check out my other suggestions for PS2. Click 'Like' if you agree!

!IMPORTANT! Empire Specific Fighters and the Empire Specific Weapons. Overview, tweeks and nerfs! BIG POST

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My main class is Hit and Run scout, others are Heavy, Demo man, Spy. I have a specific set of tactics from being in a UGC clan for a while, and only Team play will help us, if i decide to make a team, that is.

So for now, GET ACTIVE YAH' GITS! Play on our TF2 server and invite others.


Give me time to set it up first maybe?


*Gets the defiblirator* "Clear!" *Zap*

As I don't feel like "I told you so" yet, imma give this one more chance to live before... well, I do say that.
Everyone in HGN that plays TF2 Activly should participate in this, even those who barely play it should.


I went on the server yesterday and nobody joined for 30 minutes so i left.
Text Cyric the Archmage.


Ganendor and I have started playing with a couple of others on the server the last afternoon's. Maybe people should start like getting on around 20-21 GMT if nothing is really happening on srp. Its great fun playing on there except if maybe afro starts sapping the server and lag happends and people leave <_<
Text Cyric the Archmage.


It's all fun and games on the server until someone decides to spawn 20 bots.

Bl★ck Star


iam your medic for all your needs ^^


spychecker as defense Pyro


Class: Heavy

Usual Combination: Minigun/Sandwich/Gloves

Best Weapon: Boxing Gloves of Killing!
Preffered Weapon in Regular Match: Miniguns

Weakness: Spy Spy the Spy is a Spy! (Spy)
Strongest against: Cheer's ma-- *Critical Boxing Gloves Hit* (Demoman)

Ehm.. I kill stuff with gloves and use the 10sec critical on my minigun to kill everything around me. And then walk around a corner and heal by sandwich... Yea. We make good team.

But then somebody always comes and ruins it by backstabbing me >_<.

Works best with:
: Top 3.

1 Medic.
2 Engineer
3 Pyro

Additional Info : Sandwich make me strong.
Text Cyric the Archmage.


I'm interested into this, I'm a good scout and a decent pyro. I think I'm a good medic and heavy too.

Bl★ck Star



<---- I r good Pie-roe

Skills: M1+W

Weaknesses: Everything except people who I can M1+W

Good against: Pretty much any class thats slower then a pyro

Perfected weapon: M1+W

Tactics: Whats tactics?


Bump! We seriously need this.
Text Cyric the Archmage.

Bl★ck Star

Silver Knight

Id have to call Sniper or Soldier on this one.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


Maining classies is for shitty players and pubs.

I usually play as the Soldier and Medic the most(or just play better as medic), and engineer whenever there's already a soldier around or if we're defense(though I prefer playing defensive soldier.)


Oh ho ho, I remember trying that.

Hard core fail.

So now that I've been a part of a scrim team and seen how it all works out, I'll bring my knowledge to the table.

In a typical TF2 6v6 Match, teams consist of 2 Soldiers, A medic, 1 Demo, and 2 scouts.

One soldier is called the Pocket soldier, he protects the medic as his primary goal.
The other is called the Roaming soldier, he stays close to the medic but is not charged with protecting the medic as his primary goal.
The demo moves with the soldiers and medic, usually being a mix between pocket and roaming. The medic must work to heal all three moving with him.

The two scouts are then busy flanking the enemy team, trying to take out the medic and the other scouts to prevent their medic from being taken. The scouts must be able to communicate effectively to indicate when a flank or uber is coming in and when a medic or soldier is down and the time for a hard push is coming.

Other classes can be substituted in for certain scenarios. Most 6v6 matches are played on CP maps such as Granary, where there are 2 on each side and one middle. This gives little room for other classes to wiggle in, but a good enough quick scoping sniper can easily take the place of a demo or scout, since they can eliminate high priority targets effectively and swiftly. Engineer and Spy are rare in a competitive match, due to the engineer being "slow" and the spy being ineffective in all possible scenarios. The pyro is restricted by his range, making him ineffective.