Revise the Controllers

Started by Khorn, 02-08-2010

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I'm sure everyone here has met up with a controller some time at some point.

What this topic is about, is to try to get the controller's SWEPS and blue rape screen changed to make it easier to RP with.

Things that must be changed.

1)The blue screen should be taken off the model itself, and put onto as a SWEP attack, like how blood suckers have 30 seconds of cloak.

2)The Mind rape/Auto Fire/ Zoom SWEP needs to be changed so that controllers can tell if they are in range to attack, and have cool down periods, to avoid spamming(accidental or not).

3) If it was possible, remove the sprinting, as they can not run.

Now for just ideas.
I think the mind rape attack needs heavy editing, I can't ever tell if the attack hits anyone, or if its in range. During STK battles this makes it hectic as I don't know if I'm hurting anyone. It really should have some short of target system where we can tell if a person is in range, is being hurt, and have about 7 seconds of a cool down.

Perhaps, remove the mind rape, and replace Left Mouse with the zoom, and have it hurt people, while reload sets off a blue psi effect to distract those nearby. All with some sort of cool down period of maybe 5 or 10 seconds.

And if anyone else has any actual ideas, please share.


I've never encountered a controller ... yet.
I heard someone in Teamspeak say that the blue screen of death left a permanent streak across their monitor.
Again, from what I've heard and read it needs to be revamped into a SWEP pack.
"Yes, we will be changed and we will march with him, then all the world will have his colour and his light and his madness."

Ace: Howdy-do, Killslim.
Paintcheck: Uh...
Paintcheck: Wrong window


I've always said the blue screen needs to be linked to the swep, it'd allow controllers to RP and take out other's reasons to STK us on sight, which ends with us almost always killing them and them bitching. I think truthfully we need more range as well, controllers in the game have a HUGE range, but instead of a cooldown, it needs a warm up time. Like keep the fire button down on someone for a small time limit and they get hit by it, dealing ALOT of damage, like in the game.


Please god yes, Do this


Off and on switch. I think the controller sweep is all good but a off and on switch for roleplay would be good.


Remove the blue screen for the love of GOD.


What's the point of Controllers anyway? Don't see any RP coming out of this at all when all you can see is Blue Shit. Pls Go.


Well in the STALKER world info apparently controllers can be neutral and talk to people and shit which they can't do now because if you get within 5000 yards of one your screen turns blue. So removing it would improve RP.


Quote from: Paintcheck on 04-08-2010
Well in the STALKER world info apparently controllers can be neutral and talk to people and shit which they can't do now because if you get within 5000 yards of one your screen turns blue. So removing it would improve RP.

Very good point, I remember Dark Angel was a controller which talked to people it seemed trustworthy. Even though he was abusing admin by using the flag, it was still very good RP.
"Yes, we will be changed and we will march with him, then all the world will have his colour and his light and his madness."

Ace: Howdy-do, Killslim.
Paintcheck: Uh...
Paintcheck: Wrong window

Silver Knight

Quote from: Paintcheck on 04-08-2010
Well in the STALKER world info apparently controllers can be neutral and talk to people and shit which they can't do now because if you get within 5000 yards of one your screen turns blue. So removing it would improve RP.

No. Just no.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


It's true, Controllers use PSY to talk to humans, sometimes it kills them, sometimes they fire at the controller, then it turns Hostile, It CAN talk to humans, just through PSY, which humans can't understand, just a headache to them.


Quote from: Pawx on 04-08-2010
It's true, Controllers use PSY to talk to humans, sometimes it kills them, sometimes they fire at the controller, then it turns Hostile, It CAN talk to humans, just through PSY, which humans can't understand, just a headache to them.

QuoteA Controller demonstrates the ability to communicate with the player through the mind.
~Stalker Wikia
"Yes, we will be changed and we will march with him, then all the world will have his colour and his light and his madness."

Ace: Howdy-do, Killslim.
Paintcheck: Uh...
Paintcheck: Wrong window


I was actually trying that today, by use of /pm.


Take the BSOD away Hell only CoP has the fucking blue screen and you can actually walk up to a controllers and still see


Actually Killsim, It's also said in the Stalker Books, better source then a Wiki.


Quote from: Pawx on 04-08-2010
Actually Killsim, It's also said in the Stalker Books, better source then a Wiki.

I havn't read the Stalker Books, and so stalker wikia / my own knowledge is the only source for me.
"Yes, we will be changed and we will march with him, then all the world will have his colour and his light and his madness."

Ace: Howdy-do, Killslim.
Paintcheck: Uh...
Paintcheck: Wrong window


In CoP a controller warns you to leave the tunnels, its home, before attacking. So book or game wise, controllers CAN talk to stalkers. It can't be ignored.

Silver Knight

Well i have made it so they can no longer run- just like exo's. I will probably be making a longer cool down time between attacks and the psi beam to appear when the weapon is out.

However like all other mutant flags this isn't really "rpable" Controllers generally walk around and kill people, that's what happened in stalker and i don't see why our server should be any different. If you see a controller and it's coming at you, either shoot it and hope you don't die in the process or run like hell.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


Shoot And Run! Hehe. Don't waste the ammo though, Make sure veryshot counts. :D
KIA, Body not found. PDA Discovered.
Kergert - Initiate Kergert Active.
Location unknown.
The Jester
Active/Alive - Location zone sector
Urban Mercnary Suit|Groza|Vogs attached


Quote from: Last.Exile on 09-08-2010
Well i have made it so they can no longer run- just like exo's. I will probably be making a longer cool down time between attacks and the psi beam to appear when the weapon is out.

However like all other mutant flags this isn't really "rpable" Controllers generally walk around and kill people, that's what happened in stalker and i don't see why our server should be any different. If you see a controller and it's coming at you, either shoot it and hope you don't die in the process or run like hell.

You can RP with bloodsuckers /me fights or whatever. You can't do that with controllers in their current state.


RP with a controller would be interesting. But most people when they see a mutant its "pew pew pew" then they get raped by claws or something like that. Controllers are better in their current state seeing as they are a rare encounter anyways it's not such a big deal.
|HGN-STSA| Doomburger: Kay, bend over under that guillotine.
|HGN-STSA| Doomburger: ...
|HGN-STSA| Doomburger: Wait.
Sharrock: Homo
|HGN-STSA| Doomburger: Fuck.

Tom: Look at the roster
Doomburger: "110th Regiment Blood Company Reaper Squad Roster
Started by Doomburger"
Doomburger: get my name off
Doomburger: I beg you
Doomburger: I may have done some ridiculous things, but come on


About BSoD

Controllers just want us to think that we are swimming under water!


BSoD GTFO. hate that shit


I think it would be a godd idea to revise the controler and also hae it so you can control the blueness when you are around one


If anything make the Blue screen less annoying, in its current state you CAN'T run or CAN'T shoot if your in a confined space cause, your BLIND from REDICULUSLY bright blue screen, I don't mind the STK, I just hate the fact that the blue screen hurts my eye to a point of where I have to rub them and shit after a fight with a controller, seriously make the blue screen LESS INTENSE if nothing eles.
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22

Steven :D

Make a extremely high pitch ringing noise when they look at you and press R, then maybe a charge up ability (Complete with a nice possible mutant hud, that uses suit power for its abilities (BSOD would be if you possibly hold E or some  button or key, would drain suit power 3 every second, etc, max suit power 100 or 200, idk, think))

What do YOU think?