Preferred Timeline

Started by Cutch, 19-04-2011

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Im with Bie on this one.

I personally would like a domestic type of RP. Sure, maybe a little rebelion vs sith battle may erupt and harm a few farms and ruin a town.. but for the main part I would like somthing calm.

I personally hate the idea of people being jedis. It would just be a power game madness I don't care how experienced you are. Blaster battles are where its at!

<22:23:04> "Puffles": gofuckyourselfaggot
<22:25:12> You were banned for 5 hours from the server by "Cole" (For trolling)
Never in my life have I ever had to endure 9 yearolds calling me a banana picker, and then get banned afterwards for doing nothing wrong.
Promising Young admins.


Quote from: Rebel6609 on 21-04-2011
Im with Bie on this one.

I personally would like a domestic type of RP. Sure, maybe a little rebelion vs sith battle may erupt and harm a few farms and ruin a town.. but for the main part I would like somthing calm.

I personally hate the idea of people being jedis. It would just be a power game madness I don't care how experienced you are. Blaster battles are where its at!

>>Dodging lasers


I would do KOTOR but people will try to play god- with jedi/sith but do the hyperspace wars or jedi/sith wars would also be the same but the same would happen
Maybe Rebellion time after the rebels kill the Emperor and then Thrawn is mobilizing to attack with the Imperial Remant they would work very well.


Let's scrap Jedi in general, and focus on different parts of SWRP.
I think everyone already realized that Jedi wont work out and will probably cause shitRP.


with the proposed time line there wont be anything jedi or sith they will just be force sensitives and nothing more at the most


Quote from: Sith 121 on 22-04-2011
with the proposed time line there wont be anything jedi or sith they will just be force sensitives and nothing more at the most

Force sensitives are useless if they can't find anybody to train them, so what use does it have if you can't have some sort of Jedi master? And you'll probably wouldn't even know ICly seen.
Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves


I personally don't want Jedi or Sith because people will power game with them so its just going to be a pain to balance them
Anyway during this timeline there isnt very many jedi because Luke just started training people to be jedi and the sith are all dead as far as the galaxy knows


Quote from: Bielecki on 20-04-2011
If they were small time they have a lot more distractions to keep them busy rather than trying to obliterate the other team. For example, the Huts could run a Bar or two and the security forces could run some shops.

Contrary to what I said, the 2nd fraction should be some kind of business rather than a security force; this will completely blot out any fraction rivalry which I see as a wonderful thing in this type of RP.

What will this result in? We get average players going to work at the business, could be mining or building ships. Then going off to the clubs or bars for entertainment... so much more to offer. 

I'm not saying we don't have Jedi or Sith, but for the love of god, don't make them the focus.


Jedi and Sith will just cause people to go "I JUST KILLED U WITH MA RAWRLAZ0RPULSESUPERMEGAFORCEZZZ"


It amazes me how many people are just like "ZOMG jedi and sith can't possibly work! powergaming wtf!!!!one!1!!"

I mean since Silver already chose the time line it isn't that relevant but Jedi and Sith aren't all powerful. Look at the trailers for the Old Republic, you can see Jedi and Sith being taken down almost easily by normal troopers. Just because the movies focus on some of the most powerful examples of jedi/sith in the Star Wars universe does not mean they are ALL that beastly and since it would be heavily regulated via apps and smart faction leaders I don't think it would be as disruptive as all you are saying.


Quote from: Paintcheck on 23-04-2011
It amazes me how many people are just like "ZOMG jedi and sith can't possibly work! powergaming wtf!!!!one!1!!"

I mean since Silver already chose the time line it isn't that relevant but Jedi and Sith aren't all powerful. Look at the trailers for the Old Republic, you can see Jedi and Sith being taken down almost easily by normal troopers. Just because the movies focus on some of the most powerful examples of jedi/sith in the Star Wars universe does not mean they are ALL that beastly and since it would be heavily regulated via apps and smart faction leaders I don't think it would be as disruptive as all you are saying.


"Stop living life so that you can do a job with out pay"
-Blake/Last Exile


well first the jedi of KOTOR time were numerous and the knowledge was out there on how to kill them but not in the New Republic time and why do you need jedi and sith?
Time wise there is no Jedi and Sith running around the galaxy
there is Luke and he just started a training academy and the true sith are dead because the emperor  had them killed if they showed up or were sensed


Hence why the first line of my post was "I mean since Silver already chose the time line it isn't that relevant..."


For the love of christ, Please stop talking about lightsabers.

It's endless prattaling on about "how only the RP gods of the server" can become jedi.

If you were a fucking jedi you'd be hauled off to yavin IV and you'd still be training at the moment.

If you were a dark jedi you'd be hauled off to the imperial space academy and you'd be training at the moment.

You are all jumping on the fucking jedi wagon like its leaking force powers and lightsabers to no end and even if you are a bloody admin you should not become a jedi, as I can see another BOS/CommaderA incident happenng again where the admin uses his position to leverage RP in his favor...."BECUZ I R JEDI HUA HUA HUA HUA HUA".

No you are a NORMAL person with NORMAL person powers, so you have to use NORMAL person weapons and NORMAL person abilities. I swear to go someone is going to end up using /me uses force shits on everyone insta killing them at some point because the force is so god damn over powered, that is to say unless the normal people are imperial commands and republic shock troopers and have enough firepower to flatten a town by thmselves.


Whats with you reiterating what everyone says?

"Stop living life so that you can do a job with out pay"
-Blake/Last Exile


What's the point of doing Star Wars without Jedi or Sith is really my final question. There are about 10000 ways they could easily be balanced and with competent admins it really isn't that hard to manage powerful chars.

It amuses me the amount of people complaining about these chars when over on STALKER I can think of at least 3 characters that were/are completely invincible and have existed that way for a good year+ now. The point is people will find a way to metagame/powergame anything. If it's not jedi, it'll be some smuggler with latent force abilities that has inhuman reflexes or some Stormtrooper from a super soldier program that has perfect accuracy. Powergames will always exist regardless of limits imposed on character classes. Punishing valid players who would probably be able to handle those classes because some members are dumbasses is a little disappointing since I wanted to be a Dark Jedi.

You're going to have powergaming idiots regardless of timeline, setting, story, universe etc. That's what admins are for. It's not hard.

Unless the admins are the ones powergaming because as FORP showed us it's impossible to get an admin removed once Silver gives them power regardless of how many screenshots, logs, and player testimony you show him. But again that problem isn't unique to the storyline of the server so to say "we shouldn't do it because someone might abuse" is stupid. Players try their absolute hardest to abuse the rules as much as possible. That is always true. I don't see removing Jedi as suddenly fixing this. They're just going to powergame in another avenue.

Kom rk

i had this wall of text to slam down here, but screw it..

if there are going to be Force users, they will obviously need restrictions and shiz
if not, then theres no need to worry about them anymore

i second Paintcheck's post completely


I would like to see them but I want it to be an event


This shit should be locked, deleted and reposted. . . STOP TALKING ABOUT JEDI AND SITH. This is about prefered timeline not Jedi and Sith, If you all want I can throw up a thread about it. But Please for the love of god keep on topic. next "LOL JEDI ARE SUX0RZ CAUSE P0wAhGr4merz w1ll be fggtz and rehtards w1ll ab00se powah!!!11one" will get a hefty ban.


I think we should do either a KOTOR timeline or the timeline silver wants to do. as any based in the movies may be difficult to do.
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


How SWRP was back on Jedi Academy was a perfect system, for example I'll use Nar Shaada from the KOTOR II game. The Smugglers Moon it was called was COVERED with bounty hunters, pirates, criminals and refuges. There was absolutely no presence of any Empire or Republic forces on the moon. This made 90% of the role-play citizens, refugees and various criminal factions. Now occasionally the Empire or Republic would make appearances on the selected planet (Not specifically Nar Shaada, thats just an example) for the purpose of making their presence known in event sort of situations. Now say we didn't use Nar Shaada, we'll go to one of the discussed possible Outer Rim planets. Both the Empire and the Republic might have small outposts on the planet and could give out missions or lend assistance to refugees, citizens or even make deals with planetary businesses. Bounty Hunter groups would take contracts from both of these groups or other criminal groups, like smugglers and crime syndicates (Like the Hutts). So going through all of this I think the best choice would be the KOTOR time period, as its relatively balanced between the Sith and the Republic. If we moderated it in specific fashions we wouldn't have anyone with too much power in a faction going around raping the entire planet. My 2 cents.

Characters - Stalker RP
Diederik 'Ghost' Sigmund - Mercenary - Alive
Archibald 'Joker' Jung - Freedom Trader - Alive
Characters - Crussaria RP
Durinos Rahl - First Wizard - Alive