Jedi and Sith

Started by Cutch, 25-04-2011

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Tom asked for it.

What does everyone think about the whole Jedi/Sith thing since the fuckcluster derail?

"Stop living life so that you can do a job with out pay"
-Blake/Last Exile


As long as they are 5-6 trusted players, and are monitored heavily, its not hard to find 5-6 said players. Contrary to the popular belief not everyone wants to abuse.

Also any flaming will recieve a swift ban from me.
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


I think an event for a master trainer would be good
Then from there you can choose your side    dark/light


Event factions perhaps, in my opinion any way.


I meant that you get trained by a master then from there you get to make your choices of what you do with your skills
Kill or help


They should not be event faction only. A lot of character development would be lost by doing that.

Hard faction cap of like 6 people in BOTH sides total. Have applications and nondumbasses leading the faction and that will work well I think.

Jedi are all relatively untrained since during this time Luke is still learning how to be a Jedi Master and train new people. This acts as a convenient cap on their powers. They will still be fairly powerful people but they will not be Luke Skywalker or Darth Vader. They will be closer to Kyle Katarn.

Sith is a little trickier. The Empire maintained a few force sensitive Dark Jedi (and it seems more and more keep popping up as Lucasarts makes more and more games) but there are not a lot of those and most are probably not all that well trained. Possibly they are Imperial Dark Jedi that went rogue (that would fit with the ancient Sith's canon of personal power) and are hiding out on this Outer Rim planet. Or maybe this Outer Rim planet formerly had a Sith Empire outpost on it and Force-sensitive denizens learned the basics from holocrons and like there. I think to keep the numbers low rogue empire-trained Dark jedi probably suit our purposes better.

That would also give them a more chaotic neutral/chaotic evil persona since they wouldn't be allied with any faction and if they learned of the Sith's original ideals then they would be wanting to rise to power themselves and fight everyone.

It is also important to note that not all Sith are pure evil. is an example, as is Darth Plagus who is mentioned in Episode 3 as being incredibly wise. So being Sith does not necessarily force you into being evil killing machines.


Obviously it doesn't making you a killing machine,
Being a sith just means that you base your power on anger and etc you get the point.
Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves


What I think is the way Jedi should be. Is that their are 2 groups of two. One the master, the other a force sensitive trainee. It could be One Light, the other Dark. And it doesn't have to be just 2 groups. Could be 4. So it keeps atleast maybe 1 group active instead of the Dark side always running around while light is never there.


I fully support the jedi-sith thing now after talking things over with paintcheck and sith but if the jedi and sith are going to exist, It would be entierly gay if they were not balanced. Saying that "hurp durp the dark lord of lolz is here he gonna fuck your shit up." or "I r jedi master, i shit light for breakfast and save kittens for dinner." is...retarded in the extreme.  If the jedi and sith are there they are on the same playing field, same with the republic and the imperials. This goes without saying that yes a a sith is stronger than a republic trooper and a jedi can plow a stormtrooper it'd only be fair to balance it with the factor of only engaging jedi/sith when you have a clear numerical advantage or you have a sith/jedi with your unit at the time.



Yeah that's what I was sort of hinting at but you said it much more clearly. The darksiders will be less unified than the lighsiders. The jedi will be pretty much Republic-sided since they are only jedi because Luke trained them. The darksiders on the other hand would probably be just as likely to fight each other as anyone else which should keep things balanced.

If you're a Darksider/Sith and are not constantly plotting ways to murder the guy next to you then you're doing it wrong.

Hessen did you READ any of my posts in the other thread? The issue you have brought up has been beaten to death and I think by now the general consensus is "It will be fine if good people are doing it".


Quote from: Paintcheck on 26-04-2011
Yeah that's what I was sort of hinting at but you said it much more clearly. The darksiders will be less unified than the lighsiders. The jedi will be pretty much Republic-sided since they are only jedi because Luke trained them. The darksiders on the other hand would probably be just as likely to fight each other as anyone else which should keep things balanced.

If you're a Darksider/Sith and are not constantly plotting ways to murder the guy next to you then you're doing it wrong.

Hessen did you READ any of my posts in the other thread? The issue you have brought up has been beaten to death and I think by now the general consensus is "It will be fine if good people are doing it".

I did, but still beating it some more cant hurt, Moving alogn I REAAALLY think we should start focusing on the republic and empire and less of the sith and jedi as more or less as have it all set up here.... we literally havnt even picked up a SINGLE thread about either faction, if you'll excuse me im going to start listing the stuff the imperials would have, their manufacturing capabilities, etc.


The reason Jedi and Sith are getting so much attention is because when the "What Timeline do you want" thread was posted the first 50 posts were all people going "HOLY FUCK POWERGAMING JEDI/SITH!11!1!1!one!1!1" It's only because of everyone's insistence on bitching about force users that they are as well thought out as they are; because I, Deity, and several others really want to see them on the server and have been trying to come up with plans to make them work.

The Imperials and Republic will get thought out probably closer to server launch.


Quote from: Paintcheck on 26-04-2011
The reason Jedi and Sith are getting so much attention is because when the "What Timeline do you want" thread was posted the first 50 posts were all people going "HOLY FUCK POWERGAMING JEDI/SITH!11!1!1!one!1!1" It's only because of everyone's insistence on bitching about force users that they are as well thought out as they are; because I, Deity, and several others really want to see them on the server and have been trying to come up with plans to make them work.

The Imperials and Republic will get thought out probably closer to server launch.

id rather we shift our focus from the gods to the common man if I can metaphor it as such.


Quote from: Hessen on 26-04-2011
Quote from: Paintcheck on 26-04-2011
The reason Jedi and Sith are getting so much attention is because when the "What Timeline do you want" thread was posted the first 50 posts were all people going "HOLY FUCK POWERGAMING JEDI/SITH!11!1!1!one!1!1" It's only because of everyone's insistence on bitching about force users that they are as well thought out as they are; because I, Deity, and several others really want to see them on the server and have been trying to come up with plans to make them work.

The Imperials and Republic will get thought out probably closer to server launch.

id rather we shift our focus from the gods to the common man if I can metaphor it as such.
Then make a motherfucking thread.

"Stop living life so that you can do a job with out pay"
-Blake/Last Exile


Quote from: Cutch on 26-04-2011
Then make a motherfucking thread.

That. You said you wanted to do it so by all means do it. The more people we have doing the lore the fewer steps Silver has to do.


I PERSONALLY oppose the idea of sith and jedi's. Okay, sure let some sith / jedi for the sake of starwars but it should not be anything big or always there. Maybe 4 force trained individuals, 2 for sith and 2 for jedi. I just know that it doesn't matter who it is, it'll be power gamed to hell and nearly impossible do deal wiht some times.

"You will give me your speeder, credits and all your geaaarrrrr" *waves hand infront of your face*

It'll happen. Nothing that extraordinary but it will happen. I say a max of 4 force sensitive people.

<22:23:04> "Puffles": gofuckyourselfaggot
<22:25:12> You were banned for 5 hours from the server by "Cole" (For trolling)
Never in my life have I ever had to endure 9 yearolds calling me a banana picker, and then get banned afterwards for doing nothing wrong.
Promising Young admins.


Other than "Holy fucking shit powergaming!1!!1!!one!" does anyone have anything useful to add? Silver has said in TS that jedi and sith will exist in limited numbers as we have described in every topic concerning them. Please stop beating the dead horse; everyone understands the potential to power game, thank you, now stop complaining about it please. It is not as hard to deal with as you all are making it.


There are Krath still around so we can Have evil/Sith  good/Jedi     Neutral/Krath
The Krath kill only those who are a threat to the balance of the Force


Quote from: Sith 121 on 26-04-2011
There are Krath still around so we can Have evil/Sith  good/Jedi     Neutral/Krath
The Krath kill only those who are a threat to the balance of the Force
What are you talking about? Krath were Sith who just stayed to themselves after their leaders died.

"Stop living life so that you can do a job with out pay"
-Blake/Last Exile


Seriously guys, do it right, use Jedi Academy Serious RP as a basis and ACTUAL Star Wars canon. 1 Dark Lord of the Sith and his apprentice. If by some insane chance you discover who the dark lord is and SOMEHOW manage to defeat him obviously you proclaim yourself the dark lord. 2 Sith, thats it. They're extremely powerful because they do not follow the Jedi path and rush to their powers but not restraining themselves in their quest for power. Jedi took twice the amount of time to become as powerful in the real canon so obviously there will be a few more of them, maybe like 3 Jedi Masters and each one with an apprentice.

Furthermore, all the Sith would be "undercover" of sorts, unknown to the common player which is yet again, obvious. Jedi could be either depending on how they wish to play their character. As such it seems logical that as the protagonists the Jedi use a somewhat more "public" approach for joining. Example would be instituting the Jedi Academy, students may be accepted via a forum application (This does not mean they are Jedi Apprentices, simply accepted into the Jedi Enclave for TESTING). The students would go to the Enclave when a Master has the team to test them and through a LONG session of role-play a number of times he/she may decide to make the student a padawan (As it was done in the real Star Wars canon). As for the Sith, that is an entirely different matter, no matter what happens with the server everybody and their uncle is gonna want to be a Sith. I don't blame them, Sith are the MOST badass bad guys IN ANY series. However, everyone needs to understand they probably won't become one. Now, one thing that I believe should be acceptable is Jedi falling to the dark side, either on their own or being turned by a Sith. Should this occur the Dark Lord may choose this convert for his own apprentice and kill his current one or he may decide the Fallen Jedi is unworthy and simply kill him/her. The system should be entirely based on the Dark Lord's will. This prevents people from attempting to be "LolSith" as the Dark Lord can simply PK them.

Characters - Stalker RP
Diederik 'Ghost' Sigmund - Mercenary - Alive
Archibald 'Joker' Jung - Freedom Trader - Alive
Characters - Crussaria RP
Durinos Rahl - First Wizard - Alive


I think that Jedi and Sith positions should for the most part only be held by high ranking members of the New Republic, and the Empire, such as it is in the movies, any Jedi or Sith characters not in either the New Republic or Empire should be event only characters.


Das please read what people have posted before. You're adding nothing to this discussion.

And learn how Sith work. They wouldn't be affiliated with the Empire, more than likely they would be /chaotic evil or neutral and out for themselves. The Empire would have trained them but since the Darkside by its teachings encourages one to be independent once the Empire's authority dissolved I'd imagine most of the Dark Jedi the Empire had would go off on their own.


Quote from: Paintcheck on 27-04-2011
Das please read what people have posted before. You're adding nothing to this discussion.

And learn how Sith work. They wouldn't be affiliated with the Empire, more than likely they would be /chaotic evil or neutral and out for themselves. The Empire would have trained them but since the Darkside by its teachings encourages one to be independent once the Empire's authority dissolved I'd imagine most of the Dark Jedi the Empire had would go off on their own.

Yeah, I guess you're right, but Palpatine had employed a good ammount of Dark Side Adepts, it could seem plausible that they stayed allied with the Empire.


Wall of text hnnnngh.

Obrian has a good idea.

Make two trusted admins the Jedi/Sith Masters and then give them three apprentices apiece.
If they get PK'd, don't replace them. Ever.


No. There needs to be a balance between both factions or else when one side is out of Jedi/Dark Jedi then we're going to fall back into "ZOMG power gaming!" Have a hard faction cap. When someone dies replace them.