What is roleplay?

Started by Turkey, 03-10-2010

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I need someone to refresh my memory, Apparently its collecting money and items. Then shooting people who call you a bad word, being a  witty prick who must make a little pun after everything you say.

Honestly, Since when did people stop being stalkers

I've been killed to many times to many times to count from things like this. It's ridiculous


no,this is wrong..totally wrong..no one acts like they are in the zone,they act hell i dont know..rookies act like a superomfg soldier without fear(not all of them tough). sometimes i see ppl bunny hopping around the map. the hell is going on is this still a Rp server ?


Quote from: Turkey on 03-10-2010
I need someone to refresh my memory, Apparently its collecting money and items. Then shooting people who call you a bad word, being a  witty prick who must make a little pun after everything you say.

Welcome to the Zone, Kill or be Killed is the game.


Quote from: Pawx on 03-10-2010

Welcome to the Zone, Kill or be Killed is the game.

* Paintcheck facepalms.

No, just no. Most of the people in the Zone are on the run from something and are desperate, paranoid people. They are not going to want to be starting fights over nothing to prove their penis size because that represents risks they don't have to take for very little profit.

Think about it, if you're alive in a place with no laws and no reliable means of staying safe would make it a point to insult/piss off as many people as you could to prove you're "tough"? If you wanted to die you'd do that. If you were smart you'd keep your head down and stick in groups to find artifacts and try not to start trouble. In short attitudes like "I r badass" are unrealistic and stupid and will lead to you being PK'd if I have anything to say about it.


I don't recall S.T.A.L.K.E.R. being full of "badasses" who are all Ex-KGB, or Spetsnaz (Or ex-spetsnaz) and are all orphans with some big sap-story and are able to pull shit that would be impossible even in the Matrix *cough beating a Bloodsucker in melee with only your fists*cough*cough*.

P.S. Hurray for run-on sentences!
To loot, lulz and SCIENCE!


Quote from: Paintcheck on 03-10-2010
Quote from: Pawx on 03-10-2010

Welcome to the Zone, Kill or be Killed is the game.

* Paintcheck facepalms.

No, just no. Most of the people in the Zone are on the run from something and are desperate, paranoid people. They are not going to want to be starting fights over nothing to prove their penis size because that represents risks they don't have to take for very little profit.

Think about it, if you're alive in a place with no laws and no reliable means of staying safe would make it a point to insult/piss off as many people as you could to prove you're "tough"? If you wanted to die you'd do that. If you were smart you'd keep your head down and stick in groups to find artifacts and try not to start trouble. In short attitudes like "I r badass" are unrealistic and stupid and will lead to you being PK'd if I have anything to say about it.

I agree fully with this guy


You have The Sanctioned, a stalker clan (my clan), they always welcome anyone into their base as long as it isn't a bandit, a merc or some military dude or mono. About bloodsuckers, yeah rookies fight them as if they are matrix capable of killing anything. If you don't find many stalkers then make a stalker clan like I did or join my clan and have fun and protect each other.


Maybe we admins should start pking off "1337-bad-assed" characters for the good of the servers.


Quote from: ㅎㅎLocke on 04-10-2010
Maybe we admins should start pking off "1337-bad-assed" characters for the good of the servers.

Yeah, let's PK people who want to RP the way they want to.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Quote from: Jake on 04-10-2010
Quote from: ㅎㅎLocke on 04-10-2010
Maybe we admins should start pking off "1337-bad-assed" characters for the good of the servers.

Yeah, let's PK people who want to RP the way they want to.

Depends if they can be badasses.
Also, the thing is that some people worked hard for the veteran/expert stalker, and they go "lol I be cooler than you once and your (blah blah blah)" once, and what ? a PK !
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Quote from: ㅎㅎLocke on 04-10-2010
Maybe we admins should start pking off "1337-bad-assed" characters for the good of the servers.

I agree.

I would like to state that certain players have been using internet meme's like mudkipz. And other stupid shit that relates ICly.


Quote from: Paintcheck on 03-10-2010
Quote from: Pawx on 03-10-2010

Welcome to the Zone, Kill or be Killed is the game.

* Paintcheck facepalms.

No, just no. Most of the people in the Zone are on the run from something and are desperate, paranoid people. They are not going to want to be starting fights over nothing to prove their penis size because that represents risks they don't have to take for very little profit.

Think about it, if you're alive in a place with no laws and no reliable means of staying safe would make it a point to insult/piss off as many people as you could to prove you're "tough"? If you wanted to die you'd do that. If you were smart you'd keep your head down and stick in groups to find artifacts and try not to start trouble. In short attitudes like "I r badass" are unrealistic and stupid and will lead to you being PK'd if I have anything to say about it.

Oh yes, Cause you can TOTALLY keep low in a place where Mutants, Radation, and Fucked up people that want to kill you...

If you want to keep low in the Zone, you better have a gun, protection, and a good chance of Survival, or find another place to "Keep Low".


In all honesty, I think this has a lot to do with Fear rp. I rarely see any fear rp when im approaching stalkers while leading a military patrol. I've even seen them do "/me waves". Or back when we were dealing with freedom by the eco bunker stalkers were just walking in and observing us. And because this server lacks so much needed Fear rp, people tend to think there character is bad ass. This leads to idiotic decisions that inevitably get them killed so they complain about it. And in all honesty, it isn't always just the rookies.. It's sometimes even admins who portray there character as bad ass killing machines - and you know who you are.

My post in a nutshell, in my opinion, a lot of issues point back to no Fear RP

<22:23:04> "Puffles": gofuckyourselfaggot
<22:25:12> You were banned for 5 hours from the server by "Cole" (For trolling)
Never in my life have I ever had to endure 9 yearolds calling me a banana picker, and then get banned afterwards for doing nothing wrong.
Promising Young admins.


Quote from: Pawx on 04-10-2010
Quote from: Paintcheck on 03-10-2010
Quote from: Pawx on 03-10-2010

Welcome to the Zone, Kill or be Killed is the game.

* Paintcheck facepalms.

No, just no. Most of the people in the Zone are on the run from something and are desperate, paranoid people. They are not going to want to be starting fights over nothing to prove their penis size because that represents risks they don't have to take for very little profit.

Think about it, if you're alive in a place with no laws and no reliable means of staying safe would make it a point to insult/piss off as many people as you could to prove you're "tough"? If you wanted to die you'd do that. If you were smart you'd keep your head down and stick in groups to find artifacts and try not to start trouble. In short attitudes like "I r badass" are unrealistic and stupid and will lead to you being PK'd if I have anything to say about it.

Oh yes, Cause you can TOTALLY keep low in a place where Mutants, Radation, and Fucked up people that want to kill you...

If you want to keep low in the Zone, you better have a gun, protection, and a good chance of Survival, or find another place to "Keep Low".

Wait so how does pissing off everyone you possibly can increase your possibility of survival? That is the part I do not understand. It seems to me you would want as few enemies as possible since there's nothing stopping anyone from killing you for the slightest grievance. Knowing that most people would try to keep from having to fight more than they have to.


Quote from: Paintcheck on 04-10-2010
Quote from: Pawx on 04-10-2010
Quote from: Paintcheck on 03-10-2010
Quote from: Pawx on 03-10-2010

Welcome to the Zone, Kill or be Killed is the game.

* Paintcheck facepalms.

No, just no. Most of the people in the Zone are on the run from something and are desperate, paranoid people. They are not going to want to be starting fights over nothing to prove their penis size because that represents risks they don't have to take for very little profit.

Think about it, if you're alive in a place with no laws and no reliable means of staying safe would make it a point to insult/piss off as many people as you could to prove you're "tough"? If you wanted to die you'd do that. If you were smart you'd keep your head down and stick in groups to find artifacts and try not to start trouble. In short attitudes like "I r badass" are unrealistic and stupid and will lead to you being PK'd if I have anything to say about it.

Oh yes, Cause you can TOTALLY keep low in a place where Mutants, Radation, and Fucked up people that want to kill you...

If you want to keep low in the Zone, you better have a gun, protection, and a good chance of Survival, or find another place to "Keep Low".

Wait so how does pissing off everyone you possibly can increase your possibility of survival? That is the part I do not understand. It seems to me you would want as few enemies as possible since there's nothing stopping anyone from killing you for the slightest grievance. Knowing that most people would try to keep from having to fight more than they have to.

I didn't say Being a Badass losses your chances, I agree with you on that, I mean The Zone is not a Tea Party, your not going to keep your head down for too long till someone notices you and takes a shot at you, being a Badass or not...


Quote from: Rebel6609 on 04-10-2010
In all honesty, I think this has a lot to do with Fear rp. I rarely see any fear rp when im approaching stalkers while leading a military patrol. I've even seen them do "/me waves". Or back when we were dealing with freedom by the eco bunker stalkers were just walking in and observing us. And because this server lacks so much needed Fear rp, people tend to think there character is bad ass. This leads to idiotic decisions that inevitably get them killed so they complain about it. And in all honesty, it isn't always just the rookies.. It's sometimes even admins who portray there character as bad ass killing machines - and you know who you are.

My post in a nutshell, in my opinion, a lot of issues point back to no Fear RP

FEAR RP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've met so many stalker's that would rather die than give up their gun.



Because they know they will respawn and have that gun with them.


Nobody RP rights people survive impossible gun shot wounds,explosions,broken limbs,attacks,ETC basicly
And people make the Exo a super suit More less this gunning toward Freedom due some their members survived House collapses,Grenades launches to the body and mangling to have mangled arm and still have 1, and lot of other things


Quote from: RG4ORDR on 07-10-2010
Nobody RP rights people survive impossible gun shot wounds,explosions,broken limbs,attacks,ETC basicly
And people make the Exo a super suit More less this gunning toward Freedom due some their members survived House collapses,Grenades launches to the body and mangling to have mangled arm and still have 1, and lot of other things

You do realize nobody cares what you have to say, right...? Also, it's plainly obvious that you're just butthurt because you're an illiterate retard and we got so sick of you even being around that literally nobody got mad when I had a merc cut your head off and played soccer with it. You're an annoying, retarded cunt and you should really just shut the fuck up. Jesus christ.


Quote from: RG4ORDR on 07-10-2010
Nobody RP rights people survive impossible gun shot wounds,explosions,broken limbs,attacks,ETC basicly
And people make the Exo a super suit More less this gunning toward Freedom due some their members survived House collapses,Grenades launches to the body and mangling to have mangled arm and still have 1, and lot of other things

Could you formulate your post again, I just...no...
Just leave.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Quote from: Nargotah on 08-10-2010
Quote from: RG4ORDR on 07-10-2010
Nobody RP rights people survive impossible gun shot wounds,explosions,broken limbs,attacks,ETC basicly
And people make the Exo a super suit More less this gunning toward Freedom due some their members survived House collapses,Grenades launches to the body and mangling to have mangled arm and still have 1, and lot of other things

You do realize nobody cares what you have to say, right...? Also, it's plainly obvious that you're just butthurt because you're an illiterate retard and we got so sick of you even being around that literally nobody got mad when I had a merc cut your head off and played soccer with it. You're an annoying, retarded cunt and you should really just shut the fuck up. Jesus christ.


Quote from: RG4ORDR on 08-10-2010
Quote from: Nargotah on 08-10-2010
Quote from: RG4ORDR on 07-10-2010
Nobody RP rights people survive impossible gun shot wounds,explosions,broken limbs,attacks,ETC basicly
And people make the Exo a super suit More less this gunning toward Freedom due some their members survived House collapses,Grenades launches to the body and mangling to have mangled arm and still have 1, and lot of other things

You do realize nobody cares what you have to say, right...? Also, it's plainly obvious that you're just butthurt because you're an illiterate retard and we got so sick of you even being around that literally nobody got mad when I had a merc cut your head off and played soccer with it. You're an annoying, retarded cunt and you should really just shut the fuck up. Jesus christ.

It seems that one of your defining traits is finding really, really old shit and trying to make it new and hilarious again.


Nahit gunny as hell cause you got really pissed


Quote from: RG4ORDR on 08-10-2010
Nahit gunny as hell cause you got really pissed

Nahit gunny? What teh fuck is this fucking shit?
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Fuck as I know I woke up from a 3 hour nap and the light was off.