Welcome to Hell

Started by INA7HAN, 08-11-2012

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Welcome to Hell
It was Dawn when Kirill woke up and his new life was about to begin. He had been accepted into the 105th Military division in the zone and was eager to start, as he left his house for the last time he turned to see his family bidding him farewell and good luck for the journey ahead.
After a long drive of silence in a truck with other recruits Kirill and the others disembarked to find a Captain "Get kitted up and get onto your designated truck or BMP!" the Captain blared at the recruits. The recruits along with Kirill ran over to the quartermaster by a truck with boxes and weapons by his side, as they reached him the quartermaster gave them all a basic protective suit and respirator each and told them to get them on. He put on the suit and clipped his tactical webbing, knife holster and side arm holster over the suit and proceeded to the quartermaster for his weaponry. He looked at his hands as he was about to receive his weaponry and noticed his hands were shaking, the quartermaster looked at him and handed him his AKM "I'd keep that close if I was you, never leave it at your sight" Kirill simply nodded and gripped the weapon and began to walk off but was interrupted "Oh and good luck, you're going to need it" said the quartermaster quietly.
As Kirill moved to the BMP he was assigned to he couldn't help but look back at the quartermaster with a scared expression on his face, his words didn't ease his nerves and only made them worse. The Lieutenant in charge of the convoy which consisted of a BMP, two trucks and a jeep (his staff car) addressed the troops going into the zone "Some of you have been into the zone before, you've know what it's like and what it can be like, but for you new people these are the gates of hell so welcome to hell!" the Lieutenant shouted. Kirill simply got into the BMP with the other three recruits and few Soldiers and they began their journey into the zone.
The BMP had no windows or any other way of looking outside so Kirill had no idea what to expect when he would step out into the zone for the first time. Hours passed and Kirill was always hearing strange noises, grunts, moans and gunfire in the distance all around them.
Kirill looked at his watch and saw that it was 1:57AM and just as he read the time the convoy stopped, the back doors were flung open and everyone was told to dismount. The sky was black and the moonlight barely penetrated the thick tree branches above them, Kirill turned on is headlight after the others had done so and took his first glimpse upon the hostile and alien landscape. He had never seen anything like it, the land looked so dead yet was so alive he always saw shadows and things moving out of the corner of his eyes but he thought it was his eyes playing up as he was tired.
They were told they were to sleep here tonight and they would continue on in the morning, Kirill got out his sleeping bag and got inside it on the floor leaning against one of the wheels on the BMP. Kirill saw lightning light up the area like in a horror film and the sounds of thunder crash around like explosions, but he soon fell asleep.
The bushes moved in the wind and strange noises could be heard nearby which put the night guards on edge, but nothing could be seen.
Kirill was woken up suddenly by a high pitched scream of peril and pain. He barely got out his sleeping bag before another scream was heard followed by a loud yell of "Open fire!" The area lit up from the flashes of machine gun fire and Kirill could see odd humanoid figures appearing and disappearing everywhere. Before he could open fire on anything he was knocked out by something that ran into him.
As the sun rose in the morning Kirill woke up with a gasp and got to his feet and grabbed his AKM. He looked around and saw bullet casings everywhere and blood, there was a trail of blood going off into some bushes like someone was dragged off. He looked at the blood in a trance for a while and came to his senses when he was abruptly hit on his arm by the Sergeant "Hey Rookie, you ok?" Kirill nodded "Good because you're the only rookie that actually made it"
"What were those things sergeant?" asked Kirill shaken up by the recent event.
"I'm surprised you don't know, they're called bloodsuckers by literally everyone in the zone can you guess what they do?"
"They suck your blood?" said Kirill with a slightly confused look
"Well done Rookie HA! Someone should give you a medal" stated the Sergeant sarcastically.
Kirill walked off and stopped by three bodies covered in blood and with claw marks in various places. "Put them down as KIA would you Corporal?" the Corporal nodded and wrote down the names of the two recruits and the Lance Corporal as KIA and MIA for the other recruit.
Kirill thought to himself for a second "Three dead and one missing and I haven't even been in the zone for a day"
Everyone mounted up again and they began the drive onwards, during the drive Kirill realised that he still hadn't had a good look at the zone during the day and was still curious as to what it looked like. Unfortunately his wish was granted but not in the way he wanted it to be.
The convoy slowed down as they manoeuvred around a rusty old jeep half on the road and the Lieutenant stood up in the jeep with his binoculars to scan the area. They weren't too far away from Kirill's post where he would be staying the Sergeant had told him minutes before they stopped. Ten seconds after the Lieutenant had stood up a gunshot was heard and he collapsed, the driver got up to see to the Lieutenant but was shot dead.
The back of the BMP was thrown open and everyone stormed out the sunlight blinding them as they departed. A few from the BMP were shot instantly after leaving the interior, Kirill could hear the bullets ripping through the flesh and bone of the soldiers and he dived under the truck in front of him. Kirill couldn't move, he had frozen up all he did was hold his AKM close to his chest and stay still as bullets ricocheted off the BMP and trucks. Kirill will always remember the next words that were yelled by the Sergeant before he was shot in the neck "MONOLITH!" Kirill looked to his right and saw people assaulting them, the Corporal dragged Kirill out from under the truck and told him to run left towards the base at which he was to serve at. Kirill did as he was told after getting over the initial shock of being shot at and ran as fast as he's ever ran in his life. The corporal was running with Kirill but soon disappeared, this was the last he saw of anyone from the convoy, and he could still hear the gunfire.
After running for a few minutes Kirill slowed down and looked around to find himself alone in the zone.
(If you don't like this story for whatever reason state so and the reasons why also sorry for the way the paragraphs are, I did this on word and just copy pasted it over to forum)   

SRP: Nicolai 'Thunder' Lagunov - Loner - Alive


I wouldn't mind opinions on the story, did you like it? Hate it? Thought it was average/ok?

SRP: Nicolai 'Thunder' Lagunov - Loner - Alive
