Vladimir Palinov's PDA

Started by D33tly, 01-12-2011

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Log #1

Hello, this is Vladimir Palinov, and I am starting this Log for anyone who finds this PDA to know my story. So I guess I should start from the beginning. Not much happened before I was in The E-Z, and it is unimportant. When I was 29 when I went to get into the E-Z. My friend and I heard about the riches that could be taken from The Zone, so we raised some money, bribed some grunts, and got in, easy as that. Once we were in, the Grunts left us, and we were on our own. We got through the first couple of hours alright, we fought off a couple of mutated pigs, and ran into a couple of anomalies. Then we met our first challenge, we found a sewer tunnel and were being chased by some bandit, so we stupidly jumped in.

.\\-Log #1 complete


.\\-Beginning Log #2

Log #2
When we lit an emergency glow stick, we heard the sound of footsteps and a couple of roars, and I instantly wanted to take my chances with the bandits. My friend said I was being a pussy, so we continued onward, guns at the ready. We found some men who were in a gang called the "Monolith", and my friend got hit in the leg, but we wrapped up the wound and continued onward, looking for an exit. We saw an exit ahead, an anomaly blocking our way, so we went down a side passage trying to go around it. We were about halfway through the passage, then we heard a blood curdling roar from up ahead, then a weird tentacle faced creature jumped on top of my friend. I shot on it, but it continued to rip him apart, unfazed. I continued shooting it, and soon it got up from my friend, who looked like he was empty. The creature began to run at me, and I ran. It pounced on me from behind and began to pull me back towards it. I was on top of me, and as it was about to slash it's claw down at my face, it suddenly dropped on top of me. It was dead.

Log Edit:
-The creature that killed my friend was called a bloodsucker.
-The Monolith is not a mere "Gang" it is a massive faction, with enough men to just send them running at us on a suicide mission. They are brainwashed and will come running at you, even if they are injured.

.\\-Log #2 complete