Viktor Isaac's Journal

Started by Redbark, 13-10-2011

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*The pages are written with a pen* (( OOC note. This will be updated daily. Also. This will be updated when something interesting happens. And this is all not made up. ))
Day 1.
Today I went in the zone. I don't want to get into detail how I got in. I alos met this fellow. I was being an idiot nad foudn myself  some sewer. I climbed down slowly and got my pistol out. It would've been dark if there were no lights. A couple minutes later, the man I am talking about appeared. Said there were something called "BloodSuckers" Down there. He got me out and warned me. He lead me to a town. He said it was an outpost for "Freedom". He gave me some starting supplies. Like some intact knife and some clothes. I said thanks and walked off. Hopefully I would meet him again.


You can do it like this if you want but seen as paper in the zone would be quite rareish most people do there diary on their PDA. Look at others PDA diaries and get some ideas on how to set it out etc Headcrab's char Dragon has a good diary go read it maybe for inspiration :)

SRP: Nicolai 'Thunder' Lagunov - Loner - Alive


Quote from: INA7HAN on 14-10-2011
You can do it like this if you want but seen as paper in the zone would be quite rareish most people do there diary on their PDA. Look at others PDA diaries and get some ideas on how to set it out etc Headcrab's char Dragon has a good diary go read it maybe for inspiration :)
I will stick with paper currently. Because he is also new to the zone. Just went there. But I will keep considering.

One of the longest PDA diaries in HGN, and maybe one of the best. So read THIS one for inspiration.
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I haven't wrote in this for a while. Anyways day four. I encountered my first bloodsucker. Some guy went in the well I talked about earlier. Good thing he heard me shouting.  He got out and when I turned behind there was a bloodsucker. We had a fight. The guy didn't shoto he just watched. He ran and said he was getting help for me. I was pushed down a wel land ropped my rifle making it break. Me and the sucker had a fight down there. He got my torso scratched up and made a gash in my head. God the suckers skin is thick. Anyways the guy came down with a friend. He shot it dead. Then, Two bloodsuckers come out from nowhere and kill the friend he came with. I climbed up the ladder fleeing for my life. I stopped and shouted down the well. No sound came back. I ran to town looking for help. No one helped at ALL. Liek ten minutes later asking aroudn for help. I gave up. I knew he has to be dead. I then foudn this "Ivan". Who patched me up. I swear I thought I was dead by blood loss. Anyways. Like an hour later after that. I encounter another blood sucker. I saw him on the rocks. He went behind them. I walked up with my rifle up. Which I fixed. And He was not there. I was walking back to town when he suddenly appeared infront of me. I shot him. Some freedom guy found me and killed it. I gave him some rubles. And thast all that happened today.


Day 6.
Alot happened. First let me get to the fun part. One. A controller attacked today. The freedom town. I loved shooting it down. Two. An arena opend and I made alot of money on it. And three. I was mugged. Thats right. Two fucking bandits. I lost my shotgun and Tabar but not my pistol and the meat I got yesterday for bloodsuckers. It was a quick recovery since Whatever I got was so cheap. I then bought and ak47u. Not the bets but it wil ldo me good. I hopefully will use it in the arena without dying


Day 15?
Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday to me!
Are you ten! Are you twentie! Are you thirty! Are you thirty one! Are you thirty-two! Stop! Hip hip hurray! I'm somehow still alive in this place.